The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 113: This little cat is so cute

The night is deep, and a screaming cry is the main melody in a different space city. Whether undead creatures or **** creatures living here, they like night more. Littleville's hand-made periscope poked his head out, and everything not far away was clearly visible under the night vision ability. The tall clock tower was the tallest building in the area, and a slender dark figure jumped between the eyes to the top of the clock tower. . Well, that's right, it just jumped to the top of the seven-story bell tower, which is more than 30 meters high.

This kind of jumping ability is really non-human, although the one who jumped up was not a human but a kitten. That’s right, it was a kitten without an adult, a young dark-night civet, with a small body less than one length. Mi, a pair of faint big eyes, dark and smooth hair, small ears and a fluffy tail are particularly cute, but its sharp claws will make ordinary people retreat. A ghost flew out lightly, wandering from below the middle building layer by layer, wandering aimlessly.

"Meow~" With a somewhat immature roar, the ghost suddenly stopped, and a petite black figure suddenly jumped out. The little mouth opened and took a light breath. The ghost did not make any sound. A ray of light was swallowed by it. The little dark night civet turned lightly and landed on the fifth-story window sill, just matching the periscope lens that was close at hand.

   "Meow~" The little dark night civet tilted her cute head and moved her eyes together, seeming to want to figure out what this suddenly appeared. This area is its territory. Since its mother drove it out of the house, it has to wander around here a few times every night and hunt some ghosts that get lost and run here. It is not strong enough to go hunting in the ghost gathering area alone. , Can only wait for the rabbit to devour some scattered and weak ghosts.

   This little cat is so cute! I didn't feel any chaotic and dark fluctuations, and some were pure instincts. Although this kitten was very skilled at hunting, it was essentially a naive kitten. Little Ville turned the periscope lens unconsciously, and the kitten also turned with the rotation of the lens, and gently stretched out his paw to fiddle with the periscope, but I didn’t know if he was afraid of destroying this new toy, it put away The paw movement is very gentle.

There was only Ville in the bell tower. The red-robed man ran to investigate the enemy's situation in the main hall, while the silver-haired beauty went to catch the dark night civet. First, I was going to leave Ville to defend himself. After all, this action is likely to cause ghosts and grievances. The big riot, the bell tower is not too far from the main hall, it will definitely be affected, and the second is to use the dark night civet to disturb the ghost order in the main hall. You said why the silver-haired beauties should be dispatched instead of the red-robed men. Hehe, the close combat ability of the dark night civet is very strong. Vampires may not be able to take advantage, but the song of the soul singer can restrain them.

The passage from the periscope to the outside is not strictly sealed. If you want to get a right passage in such a short period of time, Ville can’t do it yet. After all, he is just an apprentice knight plus a first-level wizard apprentice. , Can't exert their extraordinary power at all. After moving the obstacle a little, Ville slowly pushed a small fish out. The dark night civet seemed to smell an unusual smell, and the cute little head tilted his eyes to the crack that just appeared. There seemed to be something inside. A strange creature.

   Sniff, sniff, sniff! There is a very strange feeling, it seems to be delicious. For the dark night civet, in addition to breast milk and ghosts, it has eaten very few other things. This strangely shaped thing that has not been seen gives it the first feeling. It can be eaten. When the finger-long dried fish was put under its feet, the little civet also saw Little Weir through the gap. In its pitiful memory, except for the same race, rival hellhound, food dark night ghost, demonized rat, other skeletons and zombies are just background boards, which are neither eatable nor fun, and ignore them.

   But the new weird creature in front of me gave myself a weird feeling that I really wanted to get close to. How can I say it, like a relative of my own, trustworthy and want to get close. On the other side, Little Weier, who showed a small half of his face in the crack, took another small dried fish in his hand and chewed slowly in his mouth. The little civet tilted his head and looked at this strange creature that appeared very happy, and lowered his head to hold the dried fish on the balcony in his mouth. After his tongue was stained with the smell of dried fish, he actually had a very strong desire to eat. The little civet swallowed the dried fish in one bite, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"Meow~, meow." The little civet uttered a long and two short calls. Weier could feel what it was saying inexplicably. Another dried fish was pushed out by him, and the little civet ate it all at once. It's faster, and there is no hesitation at all, so this person, one cat, one feeding and the other eating, is very happy.

After all, the dried small fish is made of dried fish, or made from sea fish. With some seasonings, the little civet seemed to feel thirsty after eating more than a dozen of them, and it uttered a cry. Ville filled a small cup seventy full. Water, stretched out his arm and put the water glass on the balcony floor. The little civet bowed his head and drank water. The small tongue licked and licked it. It looked very cute. Ville took the opportunity to scratch its chin and let it make a comfortable cry. Sure enough, he has the talent to train animals, and the gods bestow him with the ability. When my memory recovered, I completely returned to the body. Do you want to accept it and give it a try?

   Forget it, I'm afraid I'm really not its opponent, if the level difference is too much, the possibility of failure is too great, and once you fail, you are very likely to lose your life. While thinking about it, a ghost without much consciousness drifted over. The little civet suddenly raised its head alertly, lowered its body as much as possible, and crawled forward a few steps, waiting until the ghost came from here. As it drifted past, the little civet shot out like a sharp arrow, and quickly rushed towards the ghost. It's just that this time the ghost seemed to be more alert, feeling the danger, and dodged to avoid the pounce of the little civet.

"Meow~" With a shocking roar, the ghost's figure seems a little unstable, but still maintains a considerable speed to run away. The little civet seems to be unwilling to give up this lone prey. She is flexible. Quickly chased the past, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

   Sure enough, I still can't be too confident, even the underage civet can't deal with it by himself. Without taking back the water cup, Ville put five or six small fishes on the balcony one after another. This blocked the cracks and continued to observe the outside situation with a periscope. The powerful monsters seemed to have their own territory, and this clock tower was engaged. The bad thing is the territory of this little civet. At least Vil didn't see other dark night civets rushing to eat, and there was even no sign of hellhounds, zombie generals, skeleton knights and resentful spirits coming over, which means that it is relatively safe here.

Soon the man in the red robe came back. He wandered around the hall on the first floor with his invisibility and didn’t find what he wanted. The idol of Lamod was broken, inside the hall on the first floor. There are actually two skeletons of the Flame Hellhound, and there are countless dense ghosts, and the strongest wraith even has second-order strength. After a lot of effort, he still found the entrance to the underground. Behind the broken idol, a huge stone door had cracks, and the cold air from inside could feel a strong depression.

There are not only evil eyes but also gargoyles in the underground secret room, and one or two resentful spirits will appear from time to time. The man in red robe has to leave after wandering on the underground floor for a while. The strong inside is too Many, he can't play alone.

   The silver-haired beauty appeared with three unconscious dark night civets. All adult civets have at least the first-order strength. This is due to the lack of magic power and the decline in strength. Seeing Xiaoweier's slightly disappointed expression, the silver-haired beauty smiled slightly, and pulled out a small furry black ball from behind, which was a newly born dark night civet.

"Little guy, this time you have made a lot of money. You must know that the dark night civet cub is not something that everyone can meet. Although it has no strength, it has a natural suppression of ghosts. Normal ghosts hear its cry. I don't dare to approach it casually." Considering Ville's combat effectiveness, the silver-haired beauty Segores chose to give him a kitten instead of an adult night civet. The number of dark night civets is actually not many. Without sufficient food and magic power, their number is gradually decreasing. The ability to catch three adults and one cub is the result of her hard work tonight.

   "Thank you, I like this gift very much."

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