The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 881: Imperial edict

It's no wonder that Chen Jianghua is excited. He is a researcher. He has been with Nong Bosheng for ten years, and his teacher's habit has been inseparable.

I am actually quite young, and I am already a real academic history expert. When I see a truly important cultural relic, my first thought is to bring it back to China: this piece of gold can no longer be described as “rare” alone. Yes, it can be said to be unique!

If it weren’t for his teacher, Nong Bosheng, he would have almost no chance of recognizing it. If you know the current Huaxia, unless you first look at the engraved text, otherwise someone who knows what it is may not be able to reach both hands. The number!

Here Zhang Nan saw Chen Jianghua so excited, and said: "I said Comrade Jianghua, you must have not learned well. If the director of the farm knew that, you must be criticized!"

Hearing this ridicule, Chen Jianghua reacted without being embarrassed, and said: "You are wrong, you are the only one in the world!"

Zhang Nan "haha" smiled, "The director of the farm has an extraordinary experience, and most people have never seen this stuff.

I heard that two sides were similar in Russia more than a hundred years ago, but few people know whether the two sides are made of gold or silver until now.

Later, a piece of silver was unearthed in the country, but it is a pity that this will be in the hands of the little devil.

You can recognize it, the director of the agricultural curator told you, he seems to have seen it in the Soviet Union.

By the way, are the two sides gold or silver?"

Zhang Nan was also very curious. Before, he didn't know that Nong Bosheng had seen both sides in the Soviet Union.

"Silver, the teacher has seen one of them in the Soviet Union, and the teacher of the other teacher said that it should be silver too, but it seems that it disappeared during the October Revolution.

Unfortunately, the teacher didn't recognize the Basiba script at the time, and didn't know the meaning of the initials on the silver medal. "

The Basiba script is a Mongolian script created by the "Guo Shi" Basiba during the Kublai Khan period of the Yuan Dynasty. Later, with the demise of the Mongolian and Yuan Empire, the Basiba script was gradually abandoned and became a kind of "dead script". It took a hundred years to be gradually interpreted.

This is the gold sacred decree of the Basiba in the Yuan Dynasty, and the only gold sacred gold medal of the Yuan Dynasty has been found in such cultural relics in the world!

If it hadn't been for Chen Jianghua's teacher who had seen similar ones in the Soviet Union, he would have probably talked about and described the appearance of such "sacred cards", otherwise he would not have recognized it!

As for Zhang Nan...

Ten years later, he will find one side in China, so he recognizes it.

I rinsed it with fresh water, and then dried it with a soft towel. Take an electronic scale in the kitchen, it is exactly 350 grams, seven double.

Rounded rectangular flakes, with a round hole at one end, 255 cm long and 8 cm wide. The average thickness is about 1 millimeter, which is obviously beaten by hand, and the thickness is slightly different.

As for fineness, as the old saying goes, "seven greens, eight yellows, nine reds, yellow leucorrhea and gray half-gold", Zhang Nan initially judged that the gold content of this gold medal should be 60 to 70%.

He used a little force in his hand, and felt the elasticity of the gold medal—this action was only possible for Zhang Nan, a fellow from the native of the earth, and Chen Jianghua was a little bit horrified when he looked at it.

"Don't worry, it's quite soft, it should be made of gold and silver alloy, probably without copper."

If copper is added, the elasticity will be much better.

Chen Jianghua is speechless: Even if this Mr. Zhang moves very small, he is not afraid of cracks in this brand!

In case there is a "click", there is really no place to cry!

Zhang Nan doesn't care about this, gold is the same in his own eyes, and it is the same as saying that it is a "sacred decree".

Gold is a trivial meaning, and it is interesting to include words: the six Chinese characters "Zhang Zi No. 88" are engraved on the piercing edge of a circle with an outer diameter of 5 cm and an inner diameter of less than 2 cm that can be understood.

On both sides of the sign, there are also two lines of Bathba text.

Many years ago, Zhang Nan "recognized" a few Basibah scripts. It was because of playing Yuan Dynasty coins. He almost memorized it by rote, but he was blinded after leaving the square hole money!

In a very interesting situation, a "Zhizheng Tongbao" in Basiba can be recognized; write these four on white paper and show him... I'm sorry, I can't recognize it.

As for the Basiba text on this gold medal, I really don't know any of them.

Zhang Nan didn't know him, and Chen Jianghua didn't recognize it either. It is estimated that even if the Nongbo is promoted, there will be nothing wrong. Comrade the curator is a genuine curator of the Southern Museum. During his work and research, many cultural relics in the Inner-Mongolia area have been discovered.

If you don't meet it at work, who will study it? Is it idle and nothing to do?

Can't recognize it, no way.

At this time, Chen Jianghua was saying: "I've read the information. The front of the silver medal that was looted by the little devil is in Chinese, "The Emperor Genghis's Imperial Decree," on the back. The Khitan text on the back, which means "speed, ride horse, or fast horse". ', this gold medal has to be interpreted by someone who can understand Basiba."

"Can you find it?"

Zhang Nan asked.

"It’s not possible abroad, but it’s okay in China. It is said that the Department of Mongolian and Ancient Language and Literature of Inner Mongolia University used Bashba as an elective course for students before and after a special period. People who can read Bashba are no better. Few people know Jinwen."

"That's good."

As he said, Zhang Nan turned to look at the heavy gold medal in his hand, "Actually, I can guess what it means: the emperor's edict is inviolable, and whoever violates it will be put to death!"

Chen Jianghua smiled, "It's direct enough."

He meant guessing.

"Direct, simple, and rude, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty didn't like this. Later Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to like this tune too, he was uneducated, it seems that pirates came once..."

Zhang Nan is an antique historian, not a reliable historian. He didn't think that he would get stuck in his mind, and he didn't know how to say it all at once, embarrassing.

Fortunately, Chen Jianghua broke the siege, "Zhu Yuanzhang likes the vernacular, and the imperial decree follows the vernacular style of the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. There is a record of Japanese pirates infringing on the coast. Local officials asked what to do. Zhu Yuanzhang said with an imperial edict: Let the gods and the emperor say, tell the people, Get the knife ready, these guys are here, let's talk about it if you kill it. Qin this."

Zhang Nan's eyes lit up, "That's it!

Zhu Chongba, domineering! "

"Haha" smiled, I don't know if this is a legend or a historical fact, anyway, it is quite widespread.

The two also discussed the significance of the gold medal appearing on the sunken ship-if there are only porcelain goods on board, including blue and white porcelain, then it can only be considered that this ship has a certain background in the Yuan Dynasty, the Ilkhanate or various small countries in the Middle East cargo ship.

But because of the emergence of this imperial edict gold medal, the historical value of this ship is very different!

There must be envoys or high-ranking officials who can represent the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and the destination is likely to be the Ilkhanate.

But if this is the case, the problem comes again: when Kublai Khan was founded in 1256, when Kublai Khan called the Mongol Khan, the Ili Khanate recognized him as the suzerain until Kublai's death. Its vassal states include the Kartidian dynasty of Afghanistan, the post-Siliao of Kerman, the Roma Sultanate of Turkey and Georgia.

The killing embryo of Kublai Khan died in 1294, much earlier than the production time of the "to the positive type Yuan Qinghua" that is habitually believed. Do not recognize that the Yuan Dynasty is the sovereign state, so why did the gold medal of the Yuan Dynasty go to the Middle East?

When did these blue and white porcelains be fired?

What is the envoy of the Yuan Dynasty going to the Middle East for?

Why not go by land and sea?...

This is a series of questions. The emergence of this gold medal will make experts who study Yuan Dynasty history ecstatic, rack their brains, make up their minds... Oh, it's a bold speculation.

"...Mr. Zhang, this is one of the charms of archaeology, isn't it."

Southerners like to post affirmative particles when speaking.

"Haha... don't guess where to go for archaeology, I hope there are more things with words below. Don't say this, eat first, and you will be in a cabin with Boss Guan at night."

Chen Jianghua has not returned to the "Great Shark" these days. Compared with the shipwreck of the Ming Dynasty, this shipwreck of the Yuan Dynasty is much more attractive.

Anyway, it is salvage, and all the miscellaneous things will be obtained. During the voyage of the cargo ship to the Philippines and the United States, there is time for him to sort out and study.


The kitchen prepares Western food with Chinese cuisine elements. It is not refined, but similar to large pot dishes. It is full, not light, and basic in heavy flavor. In addition to bread, a large rice cooker is used to prepare a large pot of rice. .

Indonesian rice, the quality is not bad.

Without saving phone bills, Chen Jianghua reported his new findings to his teacher: It is a pity that this will not be more than 20 years later, otherwise it is not too convenient to send some videos and photos.

By the way, who doesn't know what those Basiba scripts look like.

It is a good thing to respect the teacher, but it is not a good thing to be discovered by the teacher that he is not good at learning!

Chen Jianghua was trained.

If it's just a leader, then he might be polite, but when Zhang Nan watched him happily after the report, and then was promoted by the Nongbo on the phone, he felt sad for the fellow researcher.

It's lucky to have an erudite, rigorous, and willing teacher, but it will look a bit miserable!

After several minutes, it finally stopped: it was not a curse, it seemed that Nongbosheng was teaching knowledge to his own students, and there was probably a bit of hatred for iron and steel.

I have all heard "...I told you about the Southern Song...How do you divide this imperial decree card...I forgot it?"

Fortunately... my own person, otherwise ashamed..."

It should be here again and again.

Well, probably because the student Chen Jianghua has a bad memory and forgot what the teacher taught him: Fortunately, Zhang Nan is his own. If he is outside, he will be ashamed of the teacher and the Yongcheng Exhibition Hall. .

I didn't expect that Comrade Curator had such a harsh side, and Chen Jianghua's expression of no dissatisfaction, humbly listening to the training, properly a picture of a strict teacher and a good disciple, which is quite harmonious.

Zhang Nan listened for a while and left, and gestured "I'm not here" to Chen Jianghua, and ran to the sun deck to fish.

After a while, Chen Jianghua came.

"What, the director of the farm?"

Zhang Nan handed him a bottle of beer from the ice bucket and asked in passing.

Chen Jianghua smiled bitterly, sat down on a fishing chair next to him, took a big sip, and said, "It's okay, I was criticized.

Mr. Zhang, this imperial edict gold medal is not as important as we thought. The teacher should have mentioned it to me a few years ago, but I forgot it. I gave it to the class just now. "

"what happened?"

The imperial edict gold medal is not important? Zhang Nan wondered, the imperial edict gold medal found by Nei Meng in the last life was blown to the sky!

Chen Jianghua took another sip of beer and said, "That's it..."

It turns out that the Yuan Dynasty inherited the official system of the Jin Dynasty, and according to the level of officials, there were different tokens to wear. For officials in the Yuan Dynasty, this symbol is very important. It is not only a sign of rank, status, and status, but also has various connections with social political, economic, military, and cultural activities.

Many things in life are related to this brand.

The tokens worn by officials in the Yuan Dynasty were also called "sacred talisman tokens", and the golden ones were called "sacred talisman gold medals".

According to the textual research of modern people, these imperial talismans in the Yuan Dynasty generally have the following five functions: First, as a reward for the king or general to the ministers and subordinates, it is similar to the modern "meritorious medal." This type of talisman is generally rectangular, with different grades, different shapes and materials. The highest grade gold talisman must be awarded by the emperor;

Second, it is a symbol of power, equivalent to "sacred decree";

Third, it can be used as a "credential," an official wearing a token, and if he goes to perform his official duties, he will be able to "act like my own relatives and act cheaply";

Fourth, it is a sign of identity and official rank, which has the function of a noble "identity card".

Fifth, it plays the role of a "token" in military emergencies. There is a record in history: "Military emergency dispatched envoys, wearing silver round talisman to the station."

The official government of the Yuan Dynasty also set up the "Talisman to make various tokens, which were issued by the emperor or officials of the Zhongshu Province.

Due to the different levels and functions of the imperial amulet, there are strict differences in its shape, decoration and material. There are several types of shapes such as round and rectangle, and there are gold medals, silver medals and so on in materials.

Is the gold medal awesome?

The imperial minister went to the West?

At this meeting, Chen Jianghua said: "...This imperial edict gold medal, the teacher said that the "New Yuan History" records: Zheng, from the fourth grade, Zheng, from the fifth grade, the gold medal; Zheng, from the sixth grade, Zheng, from the seventh grade. silver medal.

The five-ranks carried by officials above rank five are also included in the Southern Song Dynasty Li Gong's "Mengdan Bilu": The first-class noble minister brought two tigers to face each other, saying the tiger head gold medal, using Chinese characters: the imperial decree of the emperor Genghis, when Just act.

Secondly, the gold medal, saying: God-given Emperor Genghis's imperial disease. Next is the silver medal, with the same text as before.

Mr. Zhang, your gold medal plain noodles, in all likelihood, is something worn by a second-class minister of the Yuan Dynasty, not a thing for a first-class boss. "

After understanding the reason, Zhang Nan had to smile: Oh, documentary, for ordinary people to watch lively. Since it is the only one in the world, as long as there is no problem with the general direction, it doesn’t matter how you play it. The broadcast effect and attraction must be taken into consideration. force.

The court of the Yuan dynasty is really different. What status does other dynasties need to use gold waist badges as "identity proofs"?

The Yuan Dynasty was good, and even a fifth-rank official could use it.

This "sacred edict gold medal" still has so many flower heads. Before interpreting the above words, God knows what it does.

Chen Jianghua still needs to make up the knife: "The teacher said that as long as it is plain noodles, no matter what it is used for, it can only be second-class.

It's the only second-class product in the world. Someday you bring it home, and he will run to you to have a look. "

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