The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 48: The world is so small

   Actually, Zhang Li is not as stingy as Zhang Nan thought. She knows that her boyfriend is such a generous person.

   And she told Zhang Nan that Xiaoxu is her best sister. From Zhang Li's point of view, it is nothing for her boyfriend to send a small gift to her little sister in front of her.

   This child is simple enough.

   But Zhang Nan doesn’t know!

   "Thanks, Brother Nan."

   After Chen Xiaoxu finished speaking, Zhang Li wanted to help her put on the bracelet to try the size.

   is a little tight, but they all come out of the Grand View Garden and are used to wearing bracelets. Pour some water to wet the hands and bracelets, and put them on smoothly, the size is just right.

   Zhang Li's pair is the same, the size is just right.

   Regarding how big a bracelet should be. Zhang Nan only needs to glance at it, and he can't get it wrong.

   slender jade hands and transparent green bracelets complement each other, it is really difficult to tell which hands look better.

  Zhang Nan sat down on the edge of the sofa, clinging to Zhang Li.

   "Don't take it off, it looks pretty."

   "It's a bit cold."

   "It will be warm after a while."

   jade bracelets are cold, but good bracelets will become "warm jade" after a while.

   There is no heating in the living room. This is Hangzhou, but there is no such facility. The air conditioner is there, but it's not turned on.

   At this time, the door inside finally opened, Guan Xingquan walked out, and at a glance saw two very beautiful girls sitting on the three-seater sofa, while Zhang Nan was sitting on the edge of the large sofa in an unimaginative manner.

   "Brother Guan, this is my girlfriend Zhang Li, and this is Chen Xiaoxu, a good friend."

   "This is my brother Guan, Guan Xingquan."

   Guan Xingquan still had that cool expression, "Hello!"

  Because they are in the place where they live, everyone is considered their own, so there is nothing to shake hands.

   "Hello, Brother Guan, I just heard Zhang Nan keep saying that you are amazing."

   Zhang Li is very good at dealing with each other. Chen Xiaoxu said, "Hello, Brother Guan." There was no sound.

   She was really afraid of Guan Xingquan's eyes: such a big man, plus those cold, emotionless eyes, made her feel flustered at the first glance.

   Zhang Li is much better. When she was a literary soldier, she had seen such people many times.

   I'm used to seeing too much.

   Looking at Chen Xiaoxu's expression, Guan Xingquan smiled rare: "Just treat me as Anan's bodyguard guard. That might be better."

   Chen Xiaoxu nodded unconsciously.

   Guan Xingquan sat on the sofa next to him, looked at Zhang Li more, and said, "Are you from the Zhanqi Song and Dance Troupe of the Rongcheng Military Region?"

   Zhang Li said, "Yeah" when he heard it, and then glanced at Zhang Nan.

   "I haven't told Brother Guan about this."

   Zhang Nan spread his hand, he was really surprised!

   "Is it seen in a magazine?"

   The three people are still guessing in their hearts, and Guan Xingquan’s words are even more surprising.

   "The squad leader also met Zhang Li. Not only during the performance, I have watched your performance on stage at least three times."

After thinking about it, he said: "I also carried you back, in 1978. At a border post near Ah San, you were only twelve or thirteen years old at that time? Your two pilots are really useless. If there is a little snow, the car will lie down, but let the squad leader and others help to send you up."

   Now, Zhang Li and Zhang Nan are dumbfounded.

   "Brother Guan's old squad leader is my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law should have been converted into a car soldier. It's on the Sichuan-Tibet line. Brother Guan is also from your military area."

   Zhang Nan explained, which made Zhang Li fall into the memory.

   It was the early summer of 1978. The art troupe received a mission to show condolences at the frontier guard post. As a result, the art troupe had a problem with its car and lay down on the prepared road, which was thirty or forty kilometers away from the post.

   My God also gave you a heavy snowfall. This is really not working well every day. Even if you send someone back to the trunk road to find a Taoist for help, it will be more than 20 kilometers!

   people walked to ask for help. At an altitude of more than 4800 meters, it was terrible to this group of art soldiers!

   If you wait for the post to find that no one is coming, call or search, it is probably late at night.

   Bad luck, someone will come to look for it tomorrow.

   This is normal, there are multiple military stations in the middle, and the art troupe's car is likely to stay at a military station in the middle of the snowy day. It's up to the people at the outpost to guess.

   Fortunately, a group of army transport trucks that gave away people and raised them passed by and saved the hapless gang.

  Frozen, hungry and lack of oxygen on the plateau, the unlucky people are pitiful enough.

   After consideration, the team leader in the transport convoy simply sent the people to the outpost that was not originally planned. And because the flying snow was too big, the Jiefang truck couldn't pass the last section of the road, so the soldiers simply helped the manpower to carry the equipment.

   "Are you that big brother?"

   Zhang Li finally remembered that he was a big brother wearing a military coat and an assault rifle hanging on his chest.

   Because of his young age, the squad leader of the auto squad leader let himself sit in the cab of his car, not freezing in the car cloak.

"You sit next to me, and you talked to the driver who led the team along the way that I didn't understand. The driver gave me a piece of chocolate, saying that he worked at the Nyingchi Bayi Wool Spinning Factory in Shanghai. From a friend."

   Zhang Li has a good memory.

   Bayi Wool Spinning Factory, the masters are basically Shanghainese thousands of kilometers away.

   "The one who gave you the chocolate is my old squad leader, that is, Anan's brother-in-law, who sent us up for training that time." Guan Xingquan smiled, "that time you called me and the squad leader to be uncles."

   Yes, there is such a thing, this world is really small!


   Xiangnan wants to but I dare not for the time being.

   Zhang Li blushed when he heard it, and made a gesture: "I was so tall at that time, so what do I call uncle?"

   "As long as we go to the plateau, the monitor and I will both have beards, so it’s okay to be called uncle.

   Guan Xingquan explained.

   Zhang Nan would have a whim, and after thinking about it, he whispered to Zhang Li, "It's okay for the past few days. How about going to our place for two days?"

   "Go to Yan County?"

   "Yes. You have known my brother-in-law a long time ago. There are such coincidences. Go and play for two days."

   When Zhang Li heard her boyfriend say this, she thought about it in her mind: If the thing that Guan Xingquan said was not the case, she still doesn't want to go to her boyfriend’s hometown to play, but now...

   "I'm going to see the uncle who gave me chocolate back then."

   "Okay, just look at the uncle."

   understand the girl's careful thoughts.

   "Xiao Xu, you are also free these days, go have fun together?"

   "Is this appropriate?"

   "Come with me to see the uncle."

   Zhang Li said very domineeringly, "How boring to be in Hangzhou, and watching others take pictures, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

   "Well, talk to Director Wang tonight."

   Chen Xiaoxu is most afraid to talk about this: "A Dream of Red Mansions" is a dream of his own, a dream in which he is intoxicated and hopes to never wake up.

   Now the dream is about to end. She wants to catch the last bit of the dream's tail, but she wants to escape, otherwise she feels helpless!

   is so contradictory! Many people in the crew have such feelings, including Zhang Li, but Chen Xiaoxu is the most serious Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all here. For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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