Guan Xingquan decided to participate in this matter because his hands were itchy, and he swayed around to look at the terrain as soon as he got to the place.

This is not bad, because the camp was built into two legs by the way to guard against beasts, and the camp was built into two legs without permission. As long as Anan stays in the camp and two people by his side, this safety will not be a problem.

The hillside where the camp is located is very interesting. To the south, there are huge boulders that look like smooth cliffs, plus an outer wall of houses built along the boulders. Not to mention lions, it is probably even a problem for leopards to climb up. Not to mention that there is a circle of thick thorns artificially planted secretly at the bottom of the slope.

Although the front of the camp is sloped, the gravel road leading to the camp has no “natural obstacles”, and it is separated from the outside space by a gate: the entire circle is not used with ordinary walls, but with more than A natural thorn wall with a thickness of 10 meters and a height of three to four meters!

These thorns are not fragile twigs, many of the main stems have thick human thighs.

This kind of protection, if you want to use a machete to open a passage that people can pass through, it will take no faster than blasting a wall with explosives.

I asked a black buddy who was a porter about these thorns, and said that they were transplanted specially: they were dug up large and small, and then densely seeded, and finally fertilizer was applied.

The thorns that adapt to poor soils are so made that they are not burned to death by chemical fertilizers, and soon grow almost impermeable. After the past few years, let alone lions and elephants, it is estimated that you may be entangled in a tank!

The one is hollow and transparent, welded with solid stainless steel, and the gate posts on both sides are surrounded by thorns.

The camp is condescending to look down at the road and the gate, and look at it at a glance: unless you drive a self-exposing truck or armored car to hit the gate, you will be hit by a hornet's nest if you don't get close!

As for burning the thorn belt with fire?

You have to use a flamethrower, or you won't be able to pour gasoline, it's green.

Guan Xingquan also talked with Lin Mingxian about how he should deal with such a periphery.

"If you don't have heavy equipment, it's best to use an engineer's blasting tube, one long in a company, and just stab it in the woods."

Lin Ming's method is very simple, but now it's not a war, where can the poachers look for the blaster?

Not to mention poachers, many African countries don’t have explosive devices that can be connected section by section. This is not in Wang Cheng’s time. It is only used by large countries in minesweeping.

The Huaxia Army has practical experience in using blasting canisters: the border line with the Vietnamese monkeys is densely covered with minefields, and it is most useful to use this thing to quickly open the channel.

Since there is no problem with the security of the camp, Guan Xingquan is really itchy himself. It's been a long time since he did something serious with his gun, so do it!


At this time, the sound of car horns came from outside the window, which was deliberately made from a long distance.

When I went to the balcony, I saw that it was a three-row jeep with no roof. The few people behind were sitting high and looking far away.

There were 3 vehicles in total, and when I drove in, I saw that they were all white people, all with long guns, and there were 18 people.

"It is Paul's cousin Martin Eisen who is here."

It was Dean who was talking, and looking in the direction of his fingers, the leader of the first car was a strong man in his 50s: when the man got off the car, Zhang Nan estimated that he could be about the same size as Alyosha.

Dutch, the height of the horse is well-deserved!

Charlize Theron, who lives next door, also walked out again after hearing the sound, took a look at the murderous group of people below, and quickly asked what was the matter.

"It's okay, Charlie."

Upon hearing Dean's words, the little girl said, "Uncle Dean, I am not a kid."

What about a liar?

Besides, Zhang Nan may not understand the Afrikaans spoken by those people below, but Charlize Theron can understand it.

Dean was a little helpless, so he had to say: "There are poachers near the hunting grounds. You have to stay in the camp and don't run around. We are going to the hunting grounds to find those unruly **** these two days."

"You all go?"

The little girl was a little unhappy. She knew that looking for a poacher was absolutely nothing to do with her.

Zhang Nan smiled bitterly there, "It's not us, it's them."

Pointing at Guan Xingquan and Dean, "You and I have to stay here."

Hearing that Uncle Allen also had to stay in the camp, the little girl's face immediately turned cloudy and clear: "Okay, okay, but unfortunately I didn't bring my little pistol."

"Do you still have a pistol?"

Charlize Theron said: "Of course there is, the most handsome, Walter PPK for 007."

"I gave her a 12-year-old gift last year. Children should have their own guns when they are 12 years old."

After listening to Dean's words, Zhang Nan was a bit speechless.

This Boer's concept is a bit far away from the Huaxia people.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Charlie, come with me, and I have something for you."

Speaking, he walked into the room, opened his suitcase that was too late to organize, and took out a belt with a holster and a magazine bag from it.

Handed it to the little girl who followed up, "007 is outdated. This is Glock 17. Your hand should be able to adapt. I'll teach you how to use it later, so as not to get into trouble."

This time the little girl didn't bring a gun. Zhang Nan decided to send her the pistol she used frequently: Since she is not a deserter, everyone in the camp must be armed.

With Charlie's height, this hand is not too small, and Glock with a double-row bullet magazine should be fine.

As for myself, I have a spear, and the training before going to Germany was not in vain. The marksmanship was okay. As for the pistols, their bodyguards all carry spare guns.


Now that it's decided, let's do it!

Three minutes later, all Zhang Nan’s bodyguards brought the equipment they needed to the "Communal Hall" on the first floor. At this time, the "reinforcement" from the gold mine also came: a man named Hans brought 12 people. Come.

The people in the gold mine are equipped more neatly than those brought by Martin Eisen: the "hunters" are basically carrying revolving rear-pull shotguns with scopes, while the people in the mine are all FALs. Standard equipment for the African Mine Conservation Team.

Guan Xingquan wanted to take Zhang Nan's shotgun and 30 rounds of ammunition as a spare weapon for his precise shooting, leaving Zhang Nan's enjoyment with the big monster that could kill the elephant with a single shot.

At this time, Zhang Nan adjusted Alyosha's Glock 18 shoulder straps, and put them directly on the outside of his jacket, which was very versatile.

As for the big guy, he used his powerful Smith Wisson: He has practiced this time to use the revolver to catch up with the shooting speed of the super cowboy.

As for the recoil, it's okay, Alyosha is a power madman.

From now on, even the little girl puts the belt with the holster on her waist, and her long legs can make men think about it.

"Charlie, go back and change clothes. This is not a movie."

Hearing what Zhang Nan said, the little girl really nodded and went back. Dean, who was going to get Guan Xingquan and the others to fetch equipment, was a little strange: Charlie didn't listen to her words just now, and she didn't think that this little girl would become honest with Mr. Allen.

A total of 8 people, Guan Xingquan, Alyosha, Paul, Karimi, Chamili, Clementine, Randy, and Linman will participate in this search. Because there are cars as mobile tools, everyone will bring two. Spear.

Moreover, Karimi and Xiamili, the youngest of the eight, are both 1.85 meters tall and bring weapons and basic equipment. This weight is trivial.

Alyosha gave Paul the FAL he had brought, so that the two Americans would maintain a rapid fire cover between 300 meters and 500 meters for the entire team.

As for Randy, he has a Thunderstorm 700 on his back, which is also the most common long-range hunting rifle in South Africa. He also carries a full-throated 7-round manual shotgun in his hand.

With such a big size, he was actually a fire assaulter when he was a seal. The shotgun is said to be able to play superbly: plus there are ten rare military arrow-shaped rounds in the ammunition, it is very reliable within seven or eighty meters.

Without the M16 and the XM4 used in the test, Randy's outfit also works well against those poachers.

As for the five former Huaxia soldiers, they now have their favorite weapon: not a 56-stroke, but a lighter, dark red plastic magazine AKM.

Two of them also carry flat folding bayonets. Because of this, Guan Xingquan took a long glance and thought that the guns originally placed in the glass cabinet on the side of the hall were Soviet goods: China’s 56-stroke guns are characteristic three-sided. Bayonet, and the front sight is a guard ring instead of the wings of other countries' AK series.

But when I got it, I found that there was still a problem. The mark on the gun was not in Russian.

"The things of Cubans, the souvenirs Paul's friends brought back from Angola ~ ~ can be used without problems."

After hearing Dean's words, it turned out to be a trophy, bloody! Guan Xingquan selected one each and went outside to test the gun.

If you are not your favorite gun, you have to try it first.

There were a lot of people in the hall, almost everyone was chatting, in English and Afrikaans, and it was a mess: there was a message from the walkie-talkie just now that the owner, Paul Kruger, will be back in more than ten minutes.

It is strange that those "hunters" who only brought single-shot long guns did not have the idea of ​​using Soviet weapons. There were three AKMs, more than ten magazines, and 500 rounds of ammunition in a box.

The Russian language is the green shell bullet that Guan Xingquan and the others usually don't like.

In the Angola melee, Cuba was able to provide people and efforts, and the Soviet Union provided inexhaustible weapons and ammunition behind it.

There was a sound of "Ping Pong Pong" outside, and Zhang Nan also simply picked an AKM that looked good in color, opened the ammunition box and began to press bullets into the magazine, skillfully.

Lin Ming and Li Panfeng didn't sit there anymore: they had also picked up an assault rifle before, and they went to test the gun earlier than anyone else.

Everyone wore a Soviet-style single-soldier carrier, the kind of four canvas magazine pockets on the chest, but the two in the middle had 30 rounds of magazines inserted.

Zhang Nan pressed the bullet into the magazine and asked Lin Ming: "Why are there two empty?"

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