The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 411: 2 things in life

As the sky darkened, Zhang Nan returned to the room after returning to the manor and took out a few boxes of loose diamonds that he bought in Pretoria at noon.

I picked a 10.9 carat loose pear-shaped diamond with a certificate. It still had a name. It felt good, so I just tucked the flat box into my pocket.

7 o'clock in the evening, the manor restaurant.

The super-large long dining table, in accordance with colonial habits, the host and the host sit at two ends. Zhang Nan sits on the guest of honor, and the black servants are naturally served.

Very hearty dinner, but... Nima, still has curry minced meat, this dish is still the craftsmanship of the hostess, Mrs. Kelly.

For traditional dishes, even if there is a chef at home and VIPs come, this dish will still be cooked by the hostess. This is custom and respect.

Bitten the scalp and ate a spoonful, then set it aside.

In fact, the taste is not bad, but the shadow in my heart is not so easy to eliminate.

When it comes to eating, Zhang Nan’s expression will not hide: If you have to wear a mask to pretend to be something going into your stomach, you will still be alive!

Before rebirth, I knew the boss of a driving school. There was an "old gun" coach in his driving school. The mantra of that guy was very rascal, but Zhang An felt that it made sense, especially for men: people are alive. Just two things to enjoy, one is to poke, and the other is to eat!

There is no need to force it to eat.

As a result, this will look at Zhang Nan's expression of poisoning the traditional dishes at home, and the host and his wife are a bit embarrassed.

Brown had to explain: "Mr. Allen just returned from India not long ago, so..."

Well, South Africans know the terrible Indian food, and even lie down with a South African curry.

There will be many Indians in South Africa, especially in several big cities such as Cape Town. Many people have seen this Indian food.

Charlize Theron is also at the long dining table, just across from Zhang Nan. Just now before the meal, the host introduced it. It turns out that her mother and Mrs. Kelly are good friends.

"Mr. Allen, is this India really that scary?"

I can see that she no longer regards Zhang Nan as a stranger for the time being. It seems that Alyosha really told her the story of Lei Feng, making her believe that there are still people in this world who help others without asking for anything in return.

When it comes to India, it is a bitter and deep hatred!

"There are problems with drinking water in many places. There is no beef or pork, only chicken and a very small amount of goat meat. I am afraid that it is not hygienic. There are not many varieties of vegetables. Almost all dishes are curry. It is terrible!

The premium set meal is often served on a stainless steel plate, with two scones in the middle and 8 metal bowls on the sides. The red and green flowers are all mush. Except for the curry, you can’t see what is in the bowl..."

"Are there any fish?"

Upon hearing the little girl's curiosity, Zhang Nan instantly felt that his stomach was going to turn around, and thought of something very disgusting.

"Marine fish can be eaten near the sea. I will tell you this question after dinner."

At this moment, Mrs. Kelly said: "Charlie."

Upon hearing this, Charlize, wearing black-rimmed glasses, immediately stopped asking. It seemed inappropriate to talk about this topic during dinner.

It turns out that Charlize Theron's nickname is so masculine, and when I entered the restaurant just now, I discovered that the South African diamond sitting honestly also wears glasses. It seems that he is a book lover.

I don’t know if it’s a textbook or a novel.

But this little girl wears big black-rimmed glasses, this image is really a bit ugly.

Eat and eat, talk less gossip.

Fortunately, apart from this curry minced pork, which makes Zhang Nan a headache, other dishes are pretty good. In particular, a large pot of Dutch-style three-legged iron pot stew with a touch of Dutch style, a bit of a Northeast simmering flavor, is if you can add some dark soy sauce.

After the meal, Zhang Nan and the two appraisers went to the master’s study together. It was time to do business, and they had to go to the mine tomorrow.

There was a large plate of rough diamonds on the table, but none of the loose diamonds.

They are all first-class goods. After seeing them, they didn't counter-offer. It was a full 6.5 million U.S. dollars. The price given by Dean Kitt was fair, and these rough diamonds also met Zhang Nan's requirements.

It was another happy cooperation transaction. Zhang Nan directly asked Alyosha and Randy to drag a big flight case, plus a big pocket, cash payment, and the super local tyrant's temperament appeared wild!

In Cape Town, I asked Citibank to send 15 million in cash, and three air boxes were installed, weighing more than 300 kilograms!

Even if Dean Kitt is worth hundreds of millions, this is the first time I have seen a customer paying with a suitcase like this!

Zhang Nan is actually for the sake of clearing the money and goods, clear and convenient. There is no Citibank office nearby, and the nearest one is in Johannesburg, 300 kilometers away.

Do you have to run a few hundred kilometers if you pay for it?


6.5 million cash, almost 70 kilograms!

"Huaxia people love to use cash, and they are well-deserved!"

Dean Kitt was secretly speechless. He was planning to transfer the money to the bank in a few days, but the cash was not bad. I don't count it anymore. If it is counted once, it is estimated that it will not only lose its value, but it will take a while even if the money counter is used.

A full 65 hundred-dollar bills tied with Citibank’s seal, plus Mr. Brown’s fame and credibility, are trustworthy.

The transaction is completed here, so celebrate with a glass of champagne.

As soon as Zhang Nan tasted it, he put down the cup and asked, "Dean, is there a jeweler near here?"

"Cut diamonds?"

"No, I want to set a loose diamond into a finished necklace, a simple style, but I need to pick it up within a week."

This is custom-made. If it is a large drill that needs to be manually fixed, it will take several days even if it is There is a somewhat famous processing factory in the city. The boss is my friend and there are several processing engineers. Good craftsmanship. I can do it for you if you need it, simple style..."

Dean turned his mind, "It will be sent back in about four or five days."

After hearing Dean's words, Zhang Nan took out the box that he had stuffed before the meal from his pocket and handed it to the other party: "Then it will be troublesome."

Dean smiled and took it, "What's the trouble, please help me."

Open it in person and take a look, "Oh, I've seen this diamond, the'Star of Tomorrow.' It is a flawless, E-grade named diamond, which was dug from an alluvial mine in the southwest last year. Good diamond!"

They are all people in the circle, this would be the best. I guess Dean knows who sold it to Zhang Nan.

It means that the diamond is named, so that he will do it for the setting, and everyone will not have a problem: this diamond is worth a lot of money.

Both parties did not mention any processing costs, and there is no need at all. It hurts feelings to say it: Compared with the 6.5 million happily cooperation just now, this processing fee is not worth mentioning.

After leaving the master’s study, Zhang Nan just wanted to go back to the guest room, only to see that someone was still waiting for him.

Charlize Theron was digging his head around the corner, and when he came out, he seemed to have something to say to himself.

But because Alyosha and Brown were there, they were embarrassed to come over.

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