The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1931: The last place of opportunity in the world

The mines, concentrators, and refinery sites looked full of enthusiasm and lively scenes, but as the boss, Zhang Nan knew that what he saw was only the appearance, not all.

   does not ask the actual manager, but asks the technical staff of China to see if there are any shortcomings in the current mine.

   "Just tell the truth, you all know that I don't like idioms. Talking idioms is to let me eat routines, and what happens to the people who try to make me eat routines, we guys from China all know."

   is very straightforward and doesn't like to go around.

   Huaxia people have their own unique language arts, but their standards for viewing defects are very different from those of Westerners. In Africa, China still uses Huaxia’s habit to measure comparison and one’s own standards.

   The big boss wants to listen to the truth, so you'd better not talk nonsense, let alone routines. It is safest to say what you think in your heart.

At this time, the lead engineer Zhang said with a wry smile: "Everything else is good, but the black employees here are a bit lazy. Even those who are willing to do their work are really inefficient. At most, half of our workers in China, or even a few percent. one..."

   Speaking of this, several engineers complained about it. The point is that once there is no supervision, the work efficiency of most black employees immediately drops.

   It is like transporting ore. It could be done in half an hour, but it would not be done in a few hours without supervision.

   Any construction site, any work without supervision, the work efficiency is very low!

  "There is another problem, that is, stealing. The newly recruited group of local blacks almost all steal it at first. In their opinion, being able to steal without being discovered is a skill, and you can brag in front of the township party when you look back.

   Even if we were found out, or we criticized other things for foul play, it was a matter of a while. It didn’t take long for these **** to repent, saying that God forgave him and continued to be lazy and slippery.

  Recommended, really good, it is worthy of installing one by book friends, Android and iPhone support!

   Now it’s a little tighter, and there are a lot fewer things to sort out ore and fuel, but there will still be things like stealing coal, living supplies, and tools.

   I stole even a bucket and a water scoop, and the one in the cafeteria was inadvertently. The monthly consumption of rice and flour could be more than 50%, and the instant noodles had to be locked with a security door..."

   Listen, why is my mine like a den of thieves?

   In fact, this situation is very common in the Black Africa region, it's just a little bit.

   Zaire is very serious. The situation here is a little different from that in Botswana, Zimbabwe, and the Gambia. The tribal system in Botswana is already tight. Up to now, the black people there are very disciplined and self-conscious.

   As for the Gambia, West Africa, elementary school, decades of relatively high-pressure rule has led to good obedience.

   As for Zimbabwe, there are still some sequelae of the farm system decades ago, and it is relatively easy to manage.

   Zaire is not good, the country is big, there are many tribes, and it can be said to be a mess before.

   After listening, Zhang Nan glanced at the nearby gang of white executives and a few black executives.

  Elite blacks have received European and American education, and their way of thinking has already become European and American. They can't look down upon those local laborers of the same color.

   touched the short beard stubble on his chin, and said to these human beings in English: "Lazy get together, and the proliferation of theft of company property. We can bear this loss, but you can't have a good solution?"

   Someone immediately explained, but after hearing a few sentences, Zhang Nan motioned to him not to say anything.

   "What you learn is only a solution to superficial problems. It is useless in Zaire to use the South American, European and American one. You have to learn from Angola's experience.

  Improving efficiency is useless by conscientiousness. The supervision system is strict, and the reward and punishment system needs to adopt Ange's method.

  Also, the Angola's method of dealing with theft is very good, and it has been almost banned in the past one or two years!

   The wicked let the locals do it, we are capitalists, not the charity...

   Specifically, let Angola send two experts to communicate..."

  The engineer has been to Angola before, and when he heard this, his back was a little hairy!

  'S mouth was half open, but in the end he still didn't speak.


   Sometimes it’s too easy to talk. He knows that in Angola, a combination of the original severe punishment and local tribal rules was used, and the wicked were all locals.

   It is not once or twice that a box of instant noodles or a bag of flour cost a few lives, and there is no opportunity for "self-confession" at all.

   Capital, soaked in death and blood!

  The whites command and the blacks execute. Anyway, regardless of the affairs of these Chinese technicians, what can Engineer Zhang say?

   Mr. Zhang is not a good person, he is very disciplined!

   Working honestly will get a good salary and guarantee. If you get out of the way, if you go to the next level, you will not be a problem if you want to kill you.


   The lunch was settled at the Lukuni Mine, and it was decided temporarily that there are a lot of Chinese aid construction personnel here, so there is a Chinese canteen.

   There is no small stove, and Zhang Nan didn't let the management party here specially prepare it, just a big stove in the cafeteria.

   There are spicy tofu, which is rare. I asked, this tofu was made by the chef in the cafeteria. It was a coincidence.

The simplest canteen work meal. I prepared a total of four dishes and one soup at noon today. In addition to tofu, there is also a fried chicken nuggets which is whole meat, eggs fried with cucumber, half meat and half vegetarian, and vegetables are fried cabbage. Egg drop soup.

   asked, the Huaxia technicians who are eating here are ashamed to eat as much as the whole meat dishes, and the vegetables are only half a spoon.

  Because the boss came, there were a lot of Huaxia staff. The kitchen took the time to cook a large pot of rice in a pressure cooker, and then fried some more chicken nuggets and cabbage.

   "Most of the living supplies are like live cattle are imported directly from Botswana, transported by train, and also purchased in small quantities from the local area, but the quality is not as good as Botswana's..."

   asked about the supply situation, and someone introduced it.

  The company has its own farm here, but the supply of vegetables has been in short supply, because Zaire and the neighboring Zambia hardly produce any fruits and vegetables, at least not on a large scale.

   The chicken nuggets taste good. The purchasing staff in charge of the Huaxia Canteen does not look at the frozen imported American frozen chicken. They would rather spend some time to buy live chickens in the city market.

   The Zairians are very poor, lazy, and they don’t have much production skills. Eating meat is an extremely luxurious thing for them. The chickens, ducks, sheep, and pigs raised by the locals are all realized commodities.

   are still free-range breeding. For example, when the lambs are born, they are allowed to wander around and fend for themselves. Just remember the number of lambs you let out, and wait for the sheep to grow up to catch and sell.

   The poultry and livestock raised by this native method are naturally delicious and the price is affordable.

   I didn’t make mutton today, because the technicians from China are tired of eating it—here, cabbage and mutton are the same price, tomatoes and cucumber are 50% higher than mutton, and the price of leeks is twice that of mutton!

  The engineer smiled as he ate: "The company’s farm vegetables are grown in European and American ways. I want people from my hometown to come here to grow vegetables on the contracted land. It is estimated that I will earn more than my engineer..."

   Growing vegetables in Africa can make a fortune. This is not nonsense. Black Africa is the last opportunity in the world.

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