The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1929: Resource plunder

Latest website: The world’s delicacies of mountains and seas, all kinds of rare specialties, and dark dishes. Zhang Nan is a kind of insect.

Don’t eat reptiles like mice, crocodile and other reptiles that are too fishy. People who look like humans will definitely stay away, so I never thought of going to taste the taste of monkeys in my hometown. .

With the monkey name, the Hericium is almost the same.

Zhang Nan lost his appetite at this time, and Mr. Xiang in the restaurant also made a speech, so everyone would have to be hungry and fill up with some bread at most.

The boss is evil, all the utensils in the resort have to be replaced-there is a delicious and juicy steak on the plate, and then I thought that maybe just a few days ago, the plate was filled with gorilla breast muscles, or Can you eat a monkey forearm?

Even if there are heavy-tasting and non-taboo guys who don't care, the boss is not allowed to have such heavy-tasting guys around!

For nothing else, just think of it and feel sick!

The manager was taken away. He should be grateful for his hospitable and dedicated work attitude. This time the boss’s waiter team didn’t come to many people, so he didn’t take over the kitchen completely, but just did supervision.

If the boss ate a few pieces of gorilla meat without knowing it, and was later discovered, then the manager might be buried in a nearby mine!

I won’t eat this, Xiang Weirong got up and called a trembling local black waiter, and said, "Take me to the back kitchen."

Lin Ming, Alyosha and others who were not on duty also got up together, obviously also somewhat curious: What exactly are these Zairians hiding behind?

Guan Xingquan and Andre had seen them in other places in Zaire before. In fact, the southeast is not bad, and the north is exaggerated, but they also got up and headed towards the back kitchen together.

Work in the kitchen has been suspended. Xiang Weirong and his party came in to take a look and found that there is not much jungle meat. In addition to the gorilla meat that can't be used, there is some antelope meat and a mandrill in the refrigerator!

The whole belly was peeled, but the red and blue face should not be too conspicuous.

"The first time I saw Mandrill was the Xijiao Park in Shanghai more than ten years ago. I never thought that the monkey face could grow like this before. Isn't this something local?"

Xiang Weirong looked at the mandrill that had been frozen hard and looked a little bit dead, and asked casually.

"It should be sent from the border area between the northeast and Congo. Only that small area of ​​Zaire produces mandrills." Lie continued.

"All the utensils in the whole back kitchen are terrible. Replace them all tonight." Xiang Weirong said, ordering a few refrigerators and freezers, "all these are also replaced."

Combine beef and mutton with jungle meat and store it together. Change!

There is no better hotel nearby, and no hotel does not provide bush meat, there is no need to change places.

Since there is no need to change the place, change the hardware.

In a word from the leader, the people below ran and broke their legs and couldn't change overnight. They had to move after the boss temporarily left the hotel tomorrow morning. They had to be confidential and safe. Some people didn't have to sleep tonight.

The next morning, accompanied by a group of people, Zhang Nan went to the copper mine three kilometers away to take a look.

Guan Xingquan was not together. Today he will meet with the minister of Zaire’s Ministry of Mines, who flew over from Kinshasa.

The sorrow of Africa, the Zairian government has completely lost its century-old control over the southeastern region. The mining resources rely on the Sunshine Star Group’s consistent good reputation. As a legal government, Kinshasa can still enjoy the development contract. 5% of Ming's overall net profit!

The other 95%, Sunshine Star Group, has nothing to do with Zaire.

Not to mention this kind of profit distribution. In Africa, this proportion of natural resource development profit distribution is already very reasonable. Almost every giant multinational group does this, and it is darker than the sun and stars everywhere.

Every year, mining in Zaire will bring an astonishing amount of profits to the group!

The non-ferrous metal mineral resources here are too rich.

Like the giant copper mine that Zhang Nan looked at today, the diameter of a single pit is more than 500 meters, and there are three pits that are similar to this mine, and there are more than a dozen nearby mines that are larger than this mine!

A large number of giant machinery is constantly operating in the mining area. Zhang Nan picked up a piece of reddish ore from the ground, which felt much heavier than ordinary stones.

He said to the brother-in-law on the side: "The energy and initial funds we spent on this front are really worth it. The quality of these ore is an order of magnitude higher than that of South America, and it is higher than that of Mongolia!"

The pit is only open in the location with the best color of the ore, and this area, any place, according to China's standards, is actually the top-quality copper-rich mine.

From Lubumbashi in Zaire to Zambia, it stretches more than 500 kilometers south-west, all on a super copper-cobalt deposit belt.

The direction of this vein is like a moonlight treasure box inserted obliquely into the ground. The Zaire side is regarded as the head of the treasure box. Most of the deposits are on the surface, and open pit mines can be mined at will.

Any place to dig down is mine, because the entire rock slab is good copper ore, with different tastes.

On the Zambian side, there are many mineral veins deep underground. In some areas, mining is higher than that of Zaire, but there are also many open-pit mines, all of which are also owned by Sunshine Star Group, and the taste is also very high.

Zhang Nan's ore, copper and cobalt, add up to a taste of more than 30%!

This taste is incredible. Like the mine in front of me, the taste of the ore is almost 25% or more, and many can even reach 35% or more. The ore can be smelted directly on the stove.

After copper smelting, the copper content in the tailings **** still exceeds 2%. According to Zhang Nan, it is estimated that it can be smelted again in a few decades.

Why not squeeze it dry all at once?

Cost, deep inland, the infrastructure was weak before, and the lowest cost fire method was used.

This will improve the process for the copper in the tailings, which is not economical!

In China, the average metal content of copper mines is less than 1%. Large-scale copper mines with grades greater than 1% account for less than 15%. Even copper mines with a grade of 0.5% are regarded as treasures.

As for cobalt, the taste of the ore here is basically above 5%, and it is also incredibly rich!

The resources are rich but the people are too poor, and the capitalists are not good people.

I just listened to the operating cost report, and the proportion of wages paid to local workers is less than one-fifth of the profit.

This is higher than the income of local people who engaged in mining and copper smelting before the development of Sunshine Star.

The transportation is inconvenient and the distance to the sea is far away. If it weren't for the huge investment in infrastructure construction before, Lubumbashi, a large city, would have long been unable to operate external railways.

The foundation of roads connecting with other big cities in the past was also very bad. Coupled with climate reasons, it can last up to 7 months a year. For the mining industry, its carrying capacity is almost negligible. The most reliable external transportation channel is actually airplanes.

Mineral resources cannot be transported at a lower cost. Copper was not worth much before, let alone cobalt, which cannot be extracted from the local industrial base.

The restoration of the two heavy-duty railways to the outside world is the result of the group's real money, not the Zairian government.

(End of this chapter)

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