The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1927: Make others unthinkable

The latest website: "How did she die?" Xiang Weirong asked more.

"It is said to be asthma. His little French boyfriend was not around when the attack occurred. It was unfortunate. But even if he is around, it won't work. That guy is just a scumbag."

After talking about what he knew, Xiang Weirong added: "It's not good to meet people."

The Chinese people who came over from the 1980s always have some unclear feelings towards her, which can be said to be a special memory of the era, and "billions of applause" is not just to talk about it casually.

"It's a hit. She has a successful career in her life, but this person's life is unlucky. The first two boyfriends who talked about marriage were very good, but one seemed to be terminally ill.

The second one was even more unlucky. He rushed to meet her, but ended up in a plane crash. There seemed to be no reliable man behind him. "

After listening to this, Andre, who didn't understand Teresa Teng, said: "It's sad enough!"

"Don't talk about it, when will all of our people in Chechnya be evacuated?" As a de facto ally, two thousand armed men wearing Russian uniforms were left in Transcaucasus to help the Russian army suppress the bandits.

"We will basically be evacuated at the end of the month. It doesn't make much sense to stay." Andrei said, "The illegal Chechen armed forces are basically eliminated, and the few who fled into Georgia will basically have no turn to have a headache.

The group intelligence agency has also successfully developed several idlers inside the illegal armed forces, and one of them is still on the side of the remaining high-level core.

Evacuate in batches. Some of the personnel who left the earliest a few days ago will go to Kalimantan and Java after a short vacation. Those two places will need them in a short time."

Almost all of the contractors who cooperated with the Russian army in Chechnya were experts in counter-guerrilla warfare. As for the instigation of rebellion mentioned by Andrei, that was one of the KGB's strengths back then.

It is very necessary to develop the deployment of insiders, and it will save a lot of heart in the future. This arrangement is not to help Russia completely solve the problem of illegal Chechnya, but for the group itself-if the remaining militants have plans and actions that are unfavorable to the sun and the stars, they can know and respond in advance.

Infiltrating into the enemy and possible enemies, even allies have such arrangements, and the group is very familiar with this kind of work.

Here Andrei said, "Also, the Kremlin previously expressed regret that your boss could not participate in the 50th anniversary celebration of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and invites you to visit Russia again at the right time."

Zhang Nan took a sip of green tea and looked up: "It's a pity, Red Square parade! But I was really not suitable to be in Moscow a few days ago. I will call Brother Maps later."

At this time, Thomas, who was in New York, made a call. There were a lot of things. One of the news groups was pretty good, but the good news itself was a bit cruel!

Two days ago in the Kiboo refugee camp in southwestern Rwanda, armed soldiers of the Patriotic Front, mainly Tutsi of Rwanda, shot and killed in the Kiboo refugee camp in southwestern Rwanda on the grounds that their weapons were seized. More than a dozen Hutu refugees.


Those two or three hundred thousand people died in vain last year?

Many of the Hutu butchers are hiding in refugee camps.

The death of a dozen is not a problem, but later that day, a group of Hutu refugees attempted to break out of the cordon around the refugee camp, but was shot by armed soldiers of the Patriotic Front, killing hundreds more. .

This is not over yet. Early this morning, the soldiers of the Patriotic Front who were able to rise up directly used mortars and small-caliber anti-aircraft guns and large-caliber machine guns mounted on pickups to bombard the refugee camps. By this time, it is estimated that at least five or six thousand were killed. !

Good guy, doing this would be a massacre, and the shelling did not stop until the nearby Blue Helmets heard the news.

In Rwanda, Zhang Nan is the angel who stopped genocide and the savior of the Tutsi tribe. He has great influence. Thomas felt that he needed to tell his boss about this news.

But after listening to Zhang Nan, he just said: "Very good, the United Nations just has the goal of shifting firepower. Is there anything else, Thomas?"

About Rwanda, no more.

With the bang of the robe, the tragedy in the Quibo Refugee Camp shocked the world. It was widely condemned by the international community and reported by various media.

The UN Security Council, UN Secretary General Gali, OAU Secretary General Salim and others have condemned the killing of unarmed civilians.

A gang of "big men" demanded an immediate stop to the atrocities and called for an investigation into the case.

"Last year, I was a tortoise, blind and deaf. This year is good. I am more active than anyone else in condemnation. I don't want to think about how many butchers of last year are hiding among those refugees!"

The speaker was Guan Xingquan. He was in Kigali last year and saw what slaughter and genocide were, and saw how crazy the beasts were after they lost their humanity.

At the same time, the Rwandans learned how terrible it is for Mr. Guan, the world's first space tourist and the United Forces, to start a fire!

The sentence "your commission, I'm Guan Xingquan!" After various versions of interpretation, Guan Boss is now in the bottom of the African continent like a god. In some backward areas of Rwanda, he really worships him as a god. Both.

If Guan Xingquan has time to arrive in Kigali again, 100% will be worshipped by the Tutsi people!

Nowadays, a large number of orphans left behind by the massacre who have been brought to Botswana are well taken care of. Rwanda cannot afford to support them, and the United Nations, which is always slow to shoot, cannot take care of them. Sunshine Star Group is always willing to come.

In fact, at least half of the children may still have relatives and friends alive, but Rwanda was so messy last year, how can we reunite them and how can we find them?

There is nothing the United Nations can do, let alone its own company.

Life in Botswana is guaranteed and you can go to school. In the eyes of the children, Mr. Allen is a god, and Yuchen and Princess Lili who said "Save the children" are their angels, and Mr. Guan is the messenger of God.

When he grows up, he (she) will voluntarily dedicate everything to God, angels and angels!

You can't do without a chance!

Fanatic beliefs, beliefs generated between life and death in the Holocaust, spread widely among more than 20,000 Rwandan orphans through the transmission of peers, and it is impossible to prevent them.

In order to pay for all this goal, as long as a little guidance, the older children are actively studying hard, and there is no need for too much supervision by educators.

As the Red Devils said: "Most of them may not be high-level talents because they are not smart enough to be good agents, experts, or university professors.

But at least everyone has the opportunity to become the best fighter, deadman, and defender in the hands of the boss, because they are loyal enough!

When those children grow up, every one of them will be a fanatic of the boss, or a fanatic who has received enough education, systematic training and training, and calms down when his mind should be calm, and explodes when he needs to explode.

At this time Andre asked again: "The President of Rwanda publicly announced support for our actions in the Java Sea three days ago. Should we speak up this time?"

"It is necessary to condemn that, and Kigali will understand. Tell Gambia and Gaborone, don't be too active, just follow the trend."

"It was originally one nation, and the colonists were forced to divide it into two. Last year, the Hutu killed the Tutsi. This year, it turned upside down. It is endless." Xiang Weirong shook his head and sighed casually.

"Don't worry about them, Rwanda is amazing. They will knead one piece again and forget about the hatred. It will take a few years." Zhang Nan smiled.

"Then this country is of little use." Xiang Weirong said.

"Absolutely, if you kill both sides like this, you can forget the hatred, and there will be ghosts!" Zhang Nan agreed, and the group of boss Guan and Andre also agreed.

The country is useless, just multiple useless allies;

Adults are useless, and that piece of land doesn't have much resources, but the large number of children raised by themselves will be a force for themselves and the group in a few years or more than a decade.

Always be prepared for the power to voluntarily dedicate yourself!

Several people were talking gossip, Guan Xingquan looked at the table below, got up and said, "I have to go first."

He was going to the southeastern part of Zaire, and he should have done it a long time ago because of the delay in operations in Southeast Asia. The company has a terrifying amount of resource interests in Zaire. He will first go to the super mining areas in the southeast to inspect on behalf of the boss, and then go to Kinshasa and the President of Zaire to talk about the next step of development (distribution of benefits). , Share the spoils) plan.

Boss Guan not only knows how to go up, but he was thinking about smuggling. This is a good way to talk about resource development agreements with leaders of various countries.

The reputation is big enough, and even cruel enough, as long as the group think tank gives a bottom line, there is nothing he can't talk about.

Looking at the direction of the sun, Zhang Nan also got up and said, "Wait a minute, I will go too."

"What are you going to join in the fun?" Xiang Weirong said.

Zhang Nan smiled and said: "The whole world thought I was here, but I didn't. Who would have thought that I would go to the southeast of Zaire. Don't worry, if I don't go to Kinshasa, I will be scattered on my own turf. Relax."

Zaire is very large, exceeding 2.34 million square kilometers. In the entire south-central region that is handed over with Angola, Zambia, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and other countries, more than one million square kilometers of land is the company’s sphere of influence. The company's site.

There is no problem at all when I visit there suddenly, and there is no need to worry about safety.

Everyone feels that unexpected actions are also Then just leave.

There is no need to make a big voice and act quietly. In addition to the safety manpower, he brought two waiters, a cook, and a housekeeper, and the clothes were all changed to the outfits of the contractor.

Instead of flying on his own special planes, Guan Xingquan was planning to take an An-22. This plane had to send dozens of tons of weapons, ammunition and equipment to the mining area. Without much fanfare, a group of people just got on the plane quietly. The 29-seater cabin between the cargo hold and the main cargo hold is fully seated.

The boss is traveling, this is obviously not enough manpower, what should I do?

Another An 22 was temporarily dispatched to transport the boss's personal guard and a bunch of inconspicuous equipment that was needed. The reaction speed was quite fast.

Even the tower didn't know where the Xinpai would fly, they didn't get notified, for reasons of confidentiality.

Safety, everything is for safety.

(End of this chapter)

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