The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1925: Truth is only within range of the cannon

   In the first half of May, the kind people who can enjoy modern media technology in the civilized world all over the world have really seen the reality of the so-called modern civilized society-truth, within the range of the cannon!

   The president and the highest bureaucracy of a country with a population of hundreds of millions were wiped out in the sound of a wave of cruise missile explosions, and the country fell apart in an extreme time.

   The great powers have spent the past ten days in a whisper, and the United Nations has even held meetings every day, consultations and then consultations.

   With this effort, people have developed their own governments on several large islands, and the international territories building on Manhattan Island is still raging endlessly. It seems that it can’t be done for a year or a half.

   Kind-hearted people can't understand a little bit. What about the world order?

  What about international practice?

   What about the UN forces?

   Even if there is no substantial interference, you have to say something, right?


   "Restrained", everyone exercises restraint, the big countries express their concerns, and always pay attention to the latest developments in the situation.

   Kind-hearted people don’t know. It’s a trivial thing to kill a president. The Gambians and Sunshine Stars just dared to be the first to show this kind of situation that the kind-hearted people can’t understand a few years in advance.

   There is no need to reason, just make it a fait accompli.

   Gambia was the first to jump out and recognize that bunch of new countries, and then more than a dozen countries such as Central and Southern Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique, etc. spoke out one after another...

   Zhang Nan, who has been hiding in Botswana’s own territory, appeared on the ground for the first time on the 11th. If he doesn’t get some sun, he feels that he will be lacking calcium!

   In the Manor of the Chieftain, drinking sweet rot white wine produced in his own estate in France, and eating high-quality steaks from the ranch in the territory, I feel that this is life.

   The sun is comfortable, neither hot nor cold. Andre on the side of the long table holds a glass of juice in one hand and a document in the other, reporting the latest news.

   "...Most of the former senior government officers have leaned on our side, and the situation on Java Island will stabilize within a week..."

   Zhang Nan wears a loose round-neck t-shirt on his upper body. You don't need an image in his estate, just feel comfortable.

   A fork gave a small piece of steak soaked in black pepper juice to his mouth, chewed a few bites, and then swallowed it with wine before he said: "A bunch of chopped meats, military and civilian, it took us several hundred million.

   But it's also worry-free. If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, the dollar bomb is more effective than anything, and it will soon be back ten times a hundred times.

   In the next step, don’t worry over there. In a year or two, you should change and withdraw. If you take my money, you should become a rich man. What is it to hold a gun?

   still thinking about rebellion! "

   The same words as bandits, but they make sense.

   Regarding this, Andre smiled and said, "Don't worry, my boss, the brilliant Indians who understand things are smarter than anyone else and know when to give in.

   As for the things that are not clear, I can't help them after this paragraph. "

Xiang Weirong was also at this meeting, wearing a well-woven Panama toqueira straw hat, just read the newly sent documents, and heard what Andre said, and said: "On the Malaysian side, Brunei also responded very quickly. It has sent people to contact us to express their understanding of the new Kalimantan government. They will soon issue a public statement of support."

   said, put the papers on the table, and took a piece of pizza from the table.

   To eat casually today, it is fast food.

Zhang Nan put down his fork and did not have a napkin. He wiped the corner of his mouth with his right thumb and said, "Malaysia is afraid that we will easily engage the north of Kalimantan. Then it will only have half of the territory left, and we really have this strength. .

   Brunei is rich and oily, but weak enough.

   I'm irrational anymore. Seeing that no one cares, it's strange that they don't panic.

   It is time for the resource department of the group to talk to them about oil and gas development. Our hearts are not dark, and I have no interest in those lands.

  Apart from the oil in the sea, there is nothing worthy of our attention in northern Kalimantan.

   By the way, Andre, does Sumatra need our support?"

   "No, boss." Andre also put down the file, "The situation over there is complicated. We didn't intervene much before, but only secretly supported a few forces.

   As we estimated before, Sumatra has been a bit like the situation in China seven or eighty years ago, with warlords fighting each other.

  Especially in the central and western regions, it will not be stable for a few years. "

   "The chaos the better!" Zhang Nan said, seeing an off-road vehicle appearing on the gravel road in the garden.

   There are only a few who can drive the car directly, and they will count them with one hand. Sure enough, the car stopped not far from the long table, and it was Guan Xingquan who got off.

   Boss Guan walked to the long table and pulled a chair to sit down, poured himself a glass of mineral water, and drank half of it in one breath.

   "There was some news from North Africa that the old card who loved to live in tents secretly contacted our person in charge in Morocco, saying that he wanted to buy something for self-defense.

   He guessed that we have suitcases. If we can, we can discuss the joint exploitation rights of some oil fields.

   If this doesn't work, VX and the like are also OK. "

   "Ha! He is smart, not to mention buying with money. The news is also well-known, and it seems that Washington is not a piece of copper and iron walls." Zhang Nan laughed.

   Xiang Weirong squinted at the direction of the sun at this time, and said: "Whether you are smart to get there?

   Ask us to buy with money?

   One billion, or five billion?

   Talking about money with you is boring to find yourself. "

   Brother-in-law just understands himself, no way, we have the most money on earth. Let's not talk about money, talk about money customs, let's talk about friendship.

   Zhang Nan stretched his waist and said: "I promised a few big hooligans, the big killer will not leak out, and no amount of benefit will work.

   We are different now. The card players at the table have changed. The highest level of game rules should be followed.

   North Africa, we can cooperate, friends, but this is a weapon of mass destruction, we can’t break the new rules first.

   Apart from the oil, there is some sand left. It seems to be strong, but in fact, the typical foreign power is in the middle of the dry nest, and the country’s terrain and location are terrible.

   can only be friends, not allies..."

   Old card guy, really useless!

   North Africa is Europe across the Mediterranean Sea. It’s okay for my own company to do a small business there, but European powers will never want a country with weapons of mass destruction in North Africa!

   Otherwise, even if you don't dare to kill yourself, it is certain to add to yourself.

  The important thing is-you can do it yourself!

In my memory, a group of skirmishers relied on pickup trucks, machine guns, and large-caliber machine guns. Their skills and tactics were far inferior to those of their tribal forces in southern Africa. As a result, because of the support bombing by Western countries, they took that guy. He was kicked off the stage, and he died miserably!

   Such a guy, Zhang Nan can't look at him.

   Yesterday, Lao Sa in the Middle East made people come to contact me in a roundabout way, and that Zhang Nan didn't want to pay too much attention to it.

   That country has actually been put on a noose by NATO. With the continuous tightening of the noose, it is only a matter of time before it is finished.

  Iraq is doing it on its own. Various sanctions and no-fly zones are tightened and driven by interests. Washington will definitely launch a war in Iraq in a few years. The end is certain.

   Do not form an alliance with Sao Sa, that is a recent verbal agreement with Washington.

  Also, as soon as Sao Sa fell from power, on the big cake of oil resource development in Iraq, his company could easily lead a big piece of it.

  Sunshine Star is an American company, absolutely.

   I am a brutal capitalist, not an international fighter, let alone the Mohist school more than 2,000 years ago.

   There is also no alliance with the country next to Lao Sa. This is also the prerequisite for Washington to dismember the country of ten thousand islands and the southern African strategy.

   Washington is really a little flustered. There are too many unreasonable people in this world. As long as anyone has a nuclear bomb, no matter whether it is reasonable or not, no one will take you.

   Washington itself is the least reasonable one and understands the rules of the game best. Multiple Zhang Nan at the top card table is almost the same, and the others should be spared.

  Want to come to the poker table uninvited?

   You die!

   South Africa is the best sample.

  Benefits are all compromises of interests. Zhang Nan is neither stupid nor mad. Of course he accepts Washington's terms.

   He is not interested in the big hole in the Middle East.

  Petroleum is not unique to the Middle East;

   If you want oil from the Middle East, wait until NATO kills Lao Sa.

  Furthermore, this benefit and strength are not the only way to grab oil resources. They have already developed in all directions, and oil is only one of them.

   Those old oil-producing countries, don’t take yourself too seriously in front of Zhang Nan, you are not that important, he doesn’t care.


   In the afternoon, there was news from the people of the United Nations that substantive sanctions would be announced tomorrow.

"Sanctions on Gambia? When will the armed intervention and the withdrawal of the armed forces cease? Hahaha..." Zhang Nan laughed after receiving the a fait accompli has been reached, which was originally a few months later. Naturally, the army will withdraw. Why is your army okay? If you have more money, burn it? This fig leaf is really good.

   A hundred years ago Otto Edward Leopold von Bismarck said: "The truth is only within the range of the cannon!"

   After 20 years, people have come to the three new world truths: "The east wind blows, the poplar dances, and the militiamen beat drums." That's true.

   Sure enough, the sanctions came the next day. There were a bunch of restrictions on arms embargoes, import and export, etc. The various kinds of restrictions were quite comprehensive, and it looked like that.

   The representative of the Gambia expressed strong indignation at the UN General Assembly meeting. Watching this righteous remark on TV with a serious expression of indignation, Zhang Nan almost believed his nonsense.

   But when the buddy went to a place where no one was there, he was immediately calm, and he didn't look angry or nervous at all.

  The fleet has to stay in several major ports around the Java Sea for two to three months, and will naturally leave when the situation is completely stable. As for the Air Force, it will leave in a few weeks. To deal with a few dissidents, it is better to let the locals handle it.

   I gave so much money to the senior officers of the original government army, and it's up to them to contribute.



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