The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1889: Good role model and bad role model

A music king of the Soviet era, a superstar of the Russian era, she was born in the era of Stalin, grew up in the era of Khrushchev, and made her debut in the era of Brezhnev.

She can make the saying "Brezhnev lived in the era of Pugacheva" popular among the people. Although there are ordinary Soviets' disdain for the "Medal King", it can also clearly explain Pugacheva. The great influence of the baby!

Not only did the "Medal King" become her "fellow", the map brother awarded her the title of "Soviet People's Actor", and as far as Zhang Nan knows, in the future, the Ye clan will award him the "Government Literary Achievement Award" and the "Second Class" Medal for Service to the Motherland".

Yeh's is a genuine fan of hers, and she publicly recalled the joke of "The Medal King lived in the era of Pugacheva"!

This is not over yet, Ye clan will still say: "It is an honor for me to live in the era of Pugacheva."

As for Lao Pu later, she sent a congratulatory letter on her wedding anniversary. On her 60th birthday, President Xiaomei awarded her the third "Mall of Honor for the Motherland"...

The title of "King of Pop Music" in the Soviet Union and Russia has not been changed for decades. The true godmother of the Russian music industry, it can be said that since Brezhnev, every Soviet and Russian leader All her fans.

Now the Soviet Union is gone, but Pugacheva's influence has not been affected at all, let alone that it has grown bigger and bigger in the past few years!

Zhang Nan knows that this Russian super singer who is a bit fat and will get fatter in the future will continue to be so magical.

At least twenty years later, she is still the king of popular music in Russia, and her status is unshakable!

It is a habit for the Russians present at this meeting to stand up and applaud to show her welcome when they see her on stage. As for Zhang Nan, she also got up, not just because of politeness.

There are many types of celebrities. There are as many celebrities as Hollywood celebrities than the crucian carp, but apart from a few personally talked about, the big Austrian man will make Zhang Nan look more.

The reason is simple. Don't look at the muscles of the guy. In fact, his brain is better. There is also a wife of the Kennedy family who will be regarded as a person in the future.

Pugacheva, the eldest sister...

If you have a political heart like Schwarzenegger, it is not difficult to achieve the achievements of Mr. Governor!

The singing is really good, this one's singing is the more demon the older you are! At this time, the waiters began to deliver the program. Zhang Nan thought that there was no such thing for private parties. It turned out that everything was for confidentiality.

The Pugacheva on the stage got up while singing and naturally made a gesture to invite everyone to sit down, and the people in the hall took their seats again.

Except for music and singing, there was no other sound at the scene. Zhang Nan looked at the program in general, printed in three texts, and found that there were not only a few particularly famous Russian singers who participated in the performance tonight, but also his favorite Russian actor.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov, along with two other actors, will perform an excerpt from "Seventeen Moments of Spring"-the last time I came to Moscow, Zhang Nan talked with the guys here After getting up, he really liked that movie and TV (also "sequential movie") and the main actors in it.

I also talked about the reaction of this person in his native language. At that time, his words were recognized by the accompanying Red Devil staff-for example, when a woman gave birth, she would basically shout something in her native language, which was difficult to control.

Lao Pu only watched the "Seventeen Moments of Spring" before signing up for the KGB, and there are many people in the KGB who have the same experience. This will be the Russian secret service department. It is said that there are many Tikhonov’s. Admirer!

A film and television work, a successful role, and a good role model.

Details, great attention to details, Zhang Nan really likes that movie and TV. It is said that when it was released in the Soviet Union, there were scenes of empty streets, and it was also very influential in China.

This is all for a reason. "Seventeen Moments of Spring" completely relies on sophisticated reasoning and brilliant fighting of intelligence to conquer the audience, and there are very few action scenes.

But the plot feels thrilling and exciting, especially there are almost no logical errors in the plot, the pinnacle of the spy war drama in the world!

And Tikhonov is also acting so well, so good enough that when Brezhnev was watching the film, he shouted to be awarded the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union" as the starring role-it has been so difficult to distinguish between reality and the movie. The extent of the plot!

However, the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union" Tikhonov still does not exist, otherwise it is too dramatic, or somewhat inappropriate. In 1982, he won the same level as the "Hero of the Soviet Union", which is suitable for his achievements. "Socialist Labor Hero" title.

Of course, will it be a scene of childbirth, that part is not Tikhonov, but there is the protagonist reminding the companions and couples to pay attention to the safe part of going to the hospital to have a child, and there are several classic jokes in the movie.

Xiang Weirong also glanced at the program and said to Zhang Nan: ""A Million Roses", I heard it on the radio last time. It was called this. It sounds pretty good."

He doesn't understand Russian, just remembers this melody.

When my brother-in-law said this, Zhang Nan took the sentence: "Fortunately, this time we are here to help the masters, brother-in-law, this song is actually a nightmare for most men!

Like a fake replacement, the young man is not deceived! "

"What?" Xiang Weirong was puzzled.

Zhang Nan smiled and said: "This song was created by Pugacheva herself based on a poem by a Russian poet. It has been popular for more than ten years, and that poem has a true prototype story.

Just this story, whole people!

In the last century, there was a Georgian painter with average family conditions and fell in love with a French actress who visited Georgia. As a result, do you know how he did it?

I sold all the paintings and the only house, bought a million roses, spent a night of work, and used dozens of carriages to pull it to the square under the window of the house where the actress lives, covering the whole square. "

Speaking slightly, he gestured to the "Rose" on the stage and said: "But the painter had no guts. When the city was sensational, the actress also discovered the situation. He actually hid in a nearby alley. The actress's reaction did not dare to go out.

What a pitiful person, that night the actress left Georgia by train, and the artist went bankrupt and had no ambitions for the rest of her life. She was almost impoverished and hung up.

But even so, the painter is still crazy about the French actress who has only seen it a few times, and most of the later paintings also have the image of the actress.

You said, brother-in-law, if my sister or Nicole were here, I guess I would understand the story. Usually we are fine, and we are not short of money, but if some day comes on a whim and gives us some problems, will it be annoying?

We have money like this, if we are short of money...

This painter really made a bad start! "

Xiang Weirong glanced at the stage and nodded slightly to express the same point of view: What a bad example!

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