The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1884: Money is the courage of people

After the battle started, the entire city, which was already tense, stayed up all night, and the hearts of the citizens were twitching!

It didn't stop here either, there were a lot of things, and it wasn't until the next morning that the preliminary battle summary came out.

There were no casualties, including the snipers, and the Alpha Rangers who participated in the indoor assault sacrificed one person, wounded two seriously and five slightly, almost all of them were bombed by grenades.

In terms of joint forces, the lightly armed commandos sacrificed two people, wounding five people seriously and 12 people lightly.

The Red Devil wounded one person seriously and three lightly, and no one sacrificed.

No one was killed or seriously injured in the heavy assault team, with 17 people slightly injured.

Reloading, that's so awesome!

In this regard, the Kremlin directly stated that the Russian government will be responsible for the loss of the joint force. Of course, it will not commend and thank friends with integrity, otherwise the joint force will turn its face!

Obviously, this anti-terrorism rescue operation was won by Russia itself.

The Kremlin will lose face if it is openly involved in joint forces, a typical international routine that is better known than seen by others.

In terms of hostages, after the final statistics, in addition to the previous victims, a total of 1422 people.

Fifty-seven people were killed or injured during the operation, of which 7 were killed and the rest were safe.

There are too many constraints on our side. If it were not for the efforts of the lightly armed commandos, the number of hostage deaths is estimated to be multiplied by ten times, more than twenty times!

As for the Chechen terrorists, a total of 152 people from Basayev were killed, 147 were killed and 5 were captured alive. However, two of the prisoners were seriously injured and were dying. I don't know if they will be saved.

One who knows how to look at this casualty ratio can imagine how fierce the battle is, and can also see how sharp the offensive side is!

The Chechen rebels were all veterans who had fought in the street fighting in Grozny. 152 people only captured 5 alive, and two of them were still severely wounded and arrested. The fighting will is extremely tenacious!

In such a difficult situation, the assault troops can still come up with such a result, which can shock the world.

When the partial blockade was lifted at 10 am the next morning and local citizens were able to approach the hospital, most of the joint forces, except for the wounded who needed temporary on-site medical treatment, were evacuated in batches, and the remains of their sacrificed companions were taken away. .

In the indoor anti-terrorism battle, the opponent is actually an elite unit that is good at street fighting, and zero casualties are impossible.

Everyone is an armed contractor and a private army of the boss. It is not the first time that there have been casualties in wars in Africa over the years.

Without so much sadness, eating this bowl of rice and choosing this career will either retire one day or die in a foreign land, everyone knows.

Xiang Weirong and Guan Xingquan did not leave immediately, and went to a specially separated surgical ward at noon that day to visit their wounded who were temporarily hospitalized.

Minor injuries are fine, but for the time being, it is best not to fly because of the wound, so stay here for a few days for treatment.

Those who were seriously injured, also named Brothers who had their legs broken by machine gun bullets, were disabled. Others who had been raised for up to six months and a year were able to become contractors again.

If they still want to do that.

The guy with the broken leg was called Wang Kai, he was only 25 years old. He was originally an armed policeman. He had never fought before as a contractor, so he didn't even have a girlfriend.

Lightly armed commandos, the left leg is half below the knee, and the machine gun bullet is not like in the movie and TV series, it only has a hole when it hits it.

He suffered three rounds on his left calf, and the lower part was ripped off by a bullet at the time.

When the battle was over, his amputated leg was completely out of the possibility of reconnection: grenade flew around in the battle, and the amputated limb was blown up by a grenade at close range, and it was nothing.

The operation was performed at the latest, and the anesthesia effect had passed for a long time. The severed limb was hurting. The company boss came to visit.

The young man was very optimistic. Hearing two comforting words from Xiang Weirong, he endured the pain and said: "It's okay, Mr. Xiang, I am not a landmine. I am missing half of it, and there are two and a half.

The money company package for treatment, rehabilitation and prosthetics, the compensation is enough for me to go back to buy a house and marry a wife, and eat for decades.

Besides, my injury is actually quite profitable. As long as we live a day, the company will pay a monthly disability subsidy.

Even if it's not a lot, it's a long-term flow. It's a lifetime, and the American standard is more than the domestic pension.

We can start to get it at 25, it's worth it!

I said Mr. Xiang, the person in the next ward, I heard that he was still complaining, saying that his intestines were missing by five centimeters. I don’t know if the company will be disabled in the future. It’s not as good as me. "

Xiang Weirong didn't know how to answer the call at once. He thought about it, and said, "As long as there are missing parts on his body and injuries that will affect his future life, the company will basically be considered disabled.

You are right, there are two and a half, men are afraid of anything, if you have money in your pocket, you will be bold!

Well, if you still have the heart to stay in the company, go to the logistics and work for a few more years.

If you want to go back..."

When the young man's eyes lit up, he didn't even care about the pain, he said anxiously: "Mr. Xiang, I will work for a few years and become a warehouse clerk. Can a company like me still want it?

Xiang Weirong smiled and said, "Why don't you, install a prosthesis later, and you don't need to use a wheelchair.

Besides, even if you are in a wheelchair, the company has so many industries, just like you said being a warehouse clerk, it’s not enough to look at the communication room.

Not to mention these jobs, go to industries in Australia and Southeast Asia, retrain and train, and become a small security person in charge.

Not everyone in the company has to go to Africa to fight and kill. In your case, except that the job of a commando is really inappropriate, you can be an armed **** of a bank affiliated to a group, and don't be a 100-meter athlete. "

Today is the 90s, not the one-legged stick-leg captain of the great nautical era, and the prosthetic technique is already very good.

After Wang Kai's body is mutilated and equipped with high-end prostheses, the daily activities of walking are almost the same as ordinary people.

Now the guy is I won’t be able to earn a high salary in the future. It’s okay to get a clerical salary from the company. It’s better than going back to idle or looking for a new job.

In fact, if he chooses to return to China, the company will arrange for the boss to work in the domestic industry nearby, if he wants to.

Now in the 1990s, the tide of layoffs is sweeping, and domestic jobs are not easy to find, so Wang Kai's eyes are bright when he hears that he can stay in the company.

The moon in foreign countries is not as round as that in China, but this will really make a lot of money abroad, and he still wants to save more money before going back.

United Force has always treated its employees generously, with strict selection of candidates, good remuneration and better welfare guarantees.

Money is the courage of people, and all the worries are solved. Never let blood and tears occur, so that employees will have a sense of belonging.

Of course, money can do this kind of protection, and the company is really not short of money!

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