The smoke produced by the smoke bomb was an explosive eruption, and one was thrown away. Not to mention the thick smoke in the aisle, it was poured into the wards through the gap between the old-fashioned wooden door and the door frame.

It is not as unpleasant as tear gas, but some people in the ward have coughed, and the mother and family members had to open the windows and ask for help.

But no one cares about them, and they really don't care about it for the time being.

This time, many hostages in the wards of the hospital building had jumped off the building at the risk of falling and escaped. This was not the case when Guan Xingquan and others were in this section.

Can't jump, a group of parturients, how to jump!

Family members can jump off the building without jumping. Could it be that they ran away, leaving the mother and the baby behind?

This piece of detained medical staff is in the southernmost office. They cannot jump. That section has been cleared by the lightly armed commandos, and the white coats are still obediently hiding.

At this moment, the Russian army serving as an auxiliary task has also entered the first floor. The task of these people is simple, which is to organize the hostages to evacuate as quickly as possible.

They can't rely on the assault mission, the evacuees are still competent, and...

They speak Russian.

The heavy-loaded commandos that will be pushed forward by terrorists' frenzied shooting have no time to organize the evacuation. The guys who are lightly loaded are basically language barriers and can only operate in this way.

The fighting was fierce, and the Chechens guarding the passage used all their firepower. Assault rifles, machine guns, and grenades greeted the passage.

It doesn't matter whether you can hit or not. Chechens have a clear mind, and understand that once the killer in the aisle is brought close, they will be completely over here.

The fighting was fierce, so intense that no terrorists deliberately killed the hostages.

No that time!

If you take care of the hostages, the pressure on the Russian commandos will be less, and it will be easier for the Chechens to die!

Between killing the opponent and killing the hostages, the terrorists can only choose to fight the commando first.

The smoke will not excessively interfere with the infrared night vision device to distinguish human targets, but the guns are invisible.

Yuri continued forward with his shield, and the first few people also started to shoot with suppression, throwing two flash bombs by the way.

The aisle was riddled with holes, and Guan Xingquan felt that he had been hit by something on his helmet and body armor.

It is not a direct hit by the bullet, the tactical cover is very good, the bullet will not turn.

It should be ricochet and shrapnel.

Going up hard and emptied the magazine, Guan Xingquan didn't have time to replace it with a new one.

As soon as the rifle was lost, his right hand instantly pulled out the loaded pistol in the holster with his right hand, jumped and glided forward for more than one meter, and fired continuously with one hand into the door!

At this time, the assault team had approached the door of the room where the terrorists were hiding. Guan Xingquan made an unconventional tactical action. At the corner of the door was a guy holding a machine gun and groping for the bullet chain. There were two people holding assault rifles squatting. On the ground, the eyes of the three of them are all white!

Fast and accurate, "Bao 呯 呯..." fired six shots in a row, and the firing speed was as fast as a fully automatic shot. The heads and chests of the three targets each received one shot.

The second floor is quiet.

The rest bullet, because the eyes can't see it, I plan to reload the machine gun. This is really a body armor. The first eight-petal hollow-pointed bullet accurately hit his chest. Just after penetrating the outermost canvas of the body armor, it was blocked by a strong titanium alloy insert, leaving only a very shallow bullet mark on the surface of the plate.

The impact was not too great, the spirit and muscles were in a state of tension during the battle, and the guy who was shot didn't even feel that he was hit.

In fact, it was too late to feel. The second bullet hit the front door and hit a point slightly lower between the eyes.

As soon as the high-speed bullet breaks through the skin and touches the bones, it begins to deform. The bullet advances and becomes like an eight-petal blade. Not only the cranial cavity is instantly churned, but the entire face is exploded.

The cavity was so big that it didn't make sense, most of the back of the head was shattered, and the head exploded like a balloon!

The two death images at the back are even worse. The heart and lungs are stirred like broken meat by the deformed bullets, and they are not visible from the outside. The human muscle layer is much tougher than the back of the skull, and the broken bullets cannot penetrate.

As for the head part, only one-third of the part above the eyes of a guy was left. When Guan Xingquan was a little bit crooked when he took a quick aim, the bullet hit the vicinity of his person, where there was a big hole in his fist!

Of course, Guan Xingquan, who was wearing a night vision device, couldn't see the situation clearly at present, it was just a bright yellow light reaction, and there were splashes of human tissues in the room.

No one else inside, Guan Xingquan shouted: "Safe!"

On the south side of the hospital building, the two lower floors have been cleaned up. As for the third floor, the lightly armed commandos climbing up from the outer wall also used bulletproof shields, killing the last two terrorists in this part of the building.

The shield was fished up with a rope, and there was a plan before, and the one who was prepared was worried that it would be suppressed by the firepower of terrorist lunatics.

Guan Xingquan’s team temporarily took a one-minute break, and the Sasha team came up, and they hardly encountered decent resistance on the first floor.

Only two terrorists armed with assault rifles shot out of a room, and they were shot dead by Sasha's two short points in the first place.

They don't need to clean the other parts of the first floor, and further north is the location of the inpatient hall, and they have already met with the friendly army who has rushed in from there.

Sasha's team continued to head north, and Guan Xingquan and others entered a ward to check their own losses: just now, the opponents shot at least 300 rounds of bullets and threw a dozen grenades.

Just now everyone was tense and didn't feel it. After the others got on top, several felt something wrong with them.

There are still pregnant women and their family members in the ward. Yuri has told them that these people are Russian special forces. Let them stay calm, and someone will take them to evacuate soon.

I didn't have time to pay attention to the many thank-you words from the hostages rescued. There was no electricity in the room, and several red devils turned on the bright flashlights to check each other.

Yuri's shield was hit by bullets in more than 20 places, and there were still a few warheads stuck on it. The grenade shrapnel left more marks, and two of them were even penetrated by machine gun bullets!

The forearm of his left arm holding the shield was a little painful. Upon checking, it turned out that one of the deformed warheads that penetrated the bulletproof shield passed from here, tearing apart the combat uniform and the inner three-layer sleeve, leaving it on the forearm. A long blood hole, fortunately, is not particularly deep.

Bundled with gauze, this is not a wound, at most it is a scratch.

After that, both warheads ran into the body armor. At this time, the warheads had lost much strength and left some marks on the cloth.

A small grenade shrapnel was inserted on Andre's left waist. The man picked up his clothes and saw the small shrapnel stuck on his skin. As soon as I touched it, I knew it hadn't penetrated the abdominal cavity, so I pulled it off and put on a military bandage.

Disinfection, debridement, suture?

This will not have that effort.

Guan Xingquan's helmet and goggles had traces of small shrapnel and broken bricks. The hapless Vasily behind him was hit by a ricochet in his thigh. Once he relaxed, he became lame.

The bullet is still stuck in the thigh!

As for being hit by splashed broken bricks and cement and smashing out a few pieces of black green, this is not a problem.

Guan Xingquan and Pavel immediately let Vasily sit down, cut his trousers with a knife, a hole in his leg, a little bleeding.

"I can't die, I can't touch the big blood vessels, I'm still between the two big muscles, and I will be alive and kicking in a few days. Now stay honestly, don't move, wait for someone to carry you down on a stretcher!"

Pavel has a wealth of experience. The bullet **** can be seen from the wound, and the position is not terrible. After the cure, it is estimated that even a sequelae will not be left, but he has to wait for the military doctor to deal with it.

To catch the bullet, it has to be debrided and sutured, which is probably painful for a while.

Vasily did not try to behave and planned to sit on the floor. At this time, the hostages came up to help and asked him to sit on the hospital bed, but Vasily refused.

Others, including Andre, have no big problems, so move on and leave Vasily with such a hapless guy and wait for follow-up rescue.

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