The front of the main building of the hospital is a large open area, and on the opposite side is a long row of storage areas. The depth of the open space between the two buildings reaches 300 to 350 meters.

That lunatic Basayev is in a set nine out of ten, but how to send him to hell?

There is more than one way.

At night, the temperature will drop below the freezing point. The "Joint Force" trip is equipped with a large infrared observer. At this distance, even if the room where Basayev is located has curtains, the distribution of people in the room can be found here. .

Similar equipment is also available in the Russian military. It is urgently deployed and has more than one set of equipment. Before the assault is launched, try to grasp the situation of the personnel in each room of the hospital.

By then, as long as there are people in the hospital, the first wave of attacks will kill those gangsters!

What weapon do you use?

The sniper fire-focused shooting was the first to be ruled out, and the kill rate cannot be guaranteed to be 100%.

Bazooka, cloud bomb?

The depth is too large, the personnel cannot approach the front face, the distance is poor, and it is impossible to guarantee a certain hit;

The launch distance of the flank is close, but the angle is too small to be used at all.

Anti-tank missile?

No, the accuracy and range are OK, but the thing is equipped with a shaped energy-piercing warhead, which can be used to fight tanks. It can deal with human targets in buildings. Metal jets also cannot guarantee 100% damage. It depends on luck.

Xiang Weirong proposed to use two large-caliber machine guns to focus the fire and use explosive bombs with great lethality to ensure that the people in the target room are immortal or disabled!

It doesn't matter whether you die on the spot, a unified command that can destroy terrorists for a short time is success.

When discussing this matter, the Russian military commander was happy and confidently answered: "We have the most suitable weapons. The Russian military technology has been advancing continuously in recent years.

The latest third-generation heavy-duty anti-tank missile has a fuel-air warhead model, which is just right to deal with this situation! "


Guan Xingquan directly opposed!

"9M113E? Can't be used. The low-energy laser beam is invisible to the naked eye, but the aiming point is not the wall, but the window. It is not safe at night.

Not to mention that terrorists may have low-light night vision goggles. Once a laser beam is discovered, Basayev will 100% evacuate.

Even without that, we cannot determine the number of particles in the air in the office. After the laser is refracted by the glass, it will be troublesome if it is discovered by Basayev and others! "

9M113E, the third-generation heavy-duty anti-tank missile of the Russian army, was just finalized last year, and there was not much production. NATO gave it the code name AT14.

It is a good player to fight tanks and fortifications, but this trip is really inappropriate.

In the extreme time before the missile is launched, the indicator laser will be fired?

It's easy to cause confusion and can't be foolproof!

Comrade General’s opinion was not praised, but the new equipment that he believed to be a bull-breaking was casually guessed, and he did not even give him a chance to sell it.

No way, no time to cooperate with Comrade General to sell off, this will make everyone busy!

Advanced technology is not necessarily the most suitable. In the end, it was decided to use Xiang Weirong's suggestion to use large-caliber machine guns and explosive shells for intensive shooting.

This matter is not sloppy. The large-caliber machine guns equipped by the Russian army in the city are all HCB "cliff", which is the NSV-12.7 large-caliber machine gun familiar to the Western world.

But that guy is not absolutely reliable. Comrade Misha proposed a "three-safety" approach: After the large-caliber machine gun fires, let at least two general-purpose machine guns fire at the same time, all with armor-piercing bullets.

At a distance of more than 300 meters, every four rounds on the chain are old-fashioned, but the effective B32 armor-piercing incendiary bomb is separated by a tracer armor-piercing bomb, which can properly penetrate the outer wall of the building, let alone the bullet that flies in through the window. Can easily penetrate the body armor that the target is likely to wear.

The third line of insurance is even Send two best БМП-1 infantry fighting vehicles to ambush the two wings of the warehouse. Once the battle starts, they can each launch a 73mm rocket within ten seconds. The extended-range projectile shot into the two windows.

No tank artillery is needed, that thing is too destructive, this time it is not demolished.

There is no need for БМП-2, the machine guns above are fierce, but the two offices need a final word: before the cannons fire, the machine guns should almost get the target, the cannons are only the third insurance.

The 73mm rocket extended-range grenade is not accurate, but at a distance of more than 300 meters, it is still accurate.

In fact, it is to blame for the **** tentative attack yesterday, otherwise the infantry fighting vehicles can be parked in front of the main hospital building.

Just because the first shot was made, the terrorists requested that no armored vehicles appear in the field of view, otherwise it would be so troublesome to use them, so they could just use the 30mm cannon above the БМП-2 to make a violent bombardment.

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