The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1873: Let's change clothes

The colonel was not stupid, he immediately reacted, and the man in front of him looked like an ordinary retired old man, he was actually the captain of the Red Devil!

The initial assessment took nearly half a month. Ivan Ivanovic was eliminated in the last batch. As for who was admitted...

have no idea.

Although he was unqualified, he was already very good, so Yuri, who was responsible for the assessment but was asked to call him the instructor, told him: "The final decision is in the hands of our captain, and his judgment has never been biased.

Don't be discouraged if you fail this time, you will become an excellent commander of the action team! "

The captain of the Red Devil said that Alpha was a weak underbelly, and Colonel Ivanovic could not even think of rebuttal, so he just stayed.

The temporary meeting continued, Guan Xingquan and Andre were both present, and there were also several team captains from the heavy and lightly armed commandos.

Sasha Androvich was one of them. After determining the initial assault plan, he took the initiative to speak: "This heavy assault team is basically fighting in an indoor environment. If possible, we need to change the rifle. The latest AK -104.

In addition, we need a batch of ordinary PS bombs produced after 1989. The previous PS bombs cannot deal with the body armor of terrorists. The tungsten alloy armor-piercing bombs we brought have too strong penetrating power and are easy to accidentally injure the hostages. "

The original unit of the heavy assault team member that Sasha is in is basically inferior to Alpha, but the training for the past few years has not been in vain.

In addition, there is a specialization in the art industry, the Alpha team is versatile, and the pure indoor assault ability is really inferior to Sasha's team.

The task difficulty level reaches the **** level, and the preparation work can achieve perfection, then it will never be done, and the details that can be considered must be prepared to the extreme!

This is Russia. The German-made HKG3KA4 telescopic short-barrel carbine automatic rifle, which is not easy for the commandos to use NATO bombs, brought the AK47M to be 50 millimeters longer than the AK-104 of the same caliber that was put into production in small batches last year. The latter company has a small amount of purchases, and the team members are very comfortable with it.

But this gun is not available in New York, because the United States has not included the AK-104 on the import and sale list, and security contractors cannot bring this weapon into the United States.

In fact, even if the US Tobacco, Alcohol, Firearms, and Explosives Administration approved it, it would be useless, because Russia would simply ban the export of that new type of rifle.

Priority is given to special forces such as Alpha, signal flags, and GRU, as well as the Kremlin's guards. The joint forces can get them. That is a strong relationship.

As for the ammunition that Sasha mentioned, the penetration power of the Finnish-made M43 tungsten alloy armor-piercing projectile that the Heavy Commando has always liked to use is too strong!

This will already know how the wall structure of the hospital building is. With the kind of freak-level armor-piercing bullets, while killing several terrorists in Room A, the hostages in Room B next door may be destroyed by the warheads passing through the wall.

The logistics personnel also brought a lot of ordinary steel-core bullets produced by China, but those Soviet-made body armors with titanium alloy bullet-proof panels were not guaranteed to penetrate 100% at close range.

Compared with the ordinary bullets produced by China, all the ordinary M43PS bullets produced in Russia before 1989 have a worse penetration than the ordinary steel-core bullets of China. The warhead’s back armor is either a mild steel core or lead-filled.

Xiang Weirong was sitting next to the captain of the Red Devil. He once said the problem of insufficient penetration of the Soviet green shell projectile, and now he has the best answer.

The core material is different.

The batch produced after 1989 was just right. The bullet core was made of high-carbon steel. It was shot at close range indoors. The problem of penetrating the Soviet body armor is not big, and it will not cause excessive penetration.

As for the AK74S is too long, the AK74U is too short. The 5.45 caliber AK105 rifle has not been introduced by the company, and the heavy commando has not tried it. This caliber rifle is not considered for this trip.

The pistol doesn't need to be changed. It saves people while killing people. There is no FN57 with excessive penetrating power.

The Glock 18 has good reliability, and it is loaded with the .P type air-pointed ammunition designed and produced by the group's subordinate ammunition company.

It meets the requirements of US law, but it is currently not sold, and is purely for personal use.

The money for selling this type of bullet is not worth the bad reputation: the bullet is too vicious, it is nicknamed the rest bullet by the guys of United Forces!

If the torso of an unprotected person is hit by a shot...

The 8 triangular blades at the tail of the hollow-point bullet are opened under kinetic energy and resistance, and organs within the size of several fists of the target body will be destroyed and smashed, and they will be killed by a proper shot!

The cavity is large, on the contrary, low-level body armor can block this alternative hollow-point bullet, and loading spare weapons can ignore this shortcoming.

There are guns and guns, and bullets and bullets. The guns do not need to be provided by Russia. Two hours later, a batch of AK-105 will arrive from Gambia, all of which have been calibrated and maintained.

The ammunition is simple, there are heavy soldiers, if there are too many, you can pull dozens of boxes right away.

At the time of the Afghan War, the Soviet army was equipped with at least three series of body armor on a large scale. According to the results of previous video surveillance and observation, at least one-third of the terrorists wore body armor, and the equipment ratio was higher than that of Afghanistan The ordinary Soviet infantry in the war was a bit higher!

There are a large number of hostages, and one cannot use hand grenades. Fortunately, whether it is a joint force or Alpha, there are enough shock bombs.

But shock bombs are not available everywhere. Obstetrics and pediatric wards are not good. Shock bombs will kill those babies and cause irreversible damage to children.

Alpha used a 5.45mm AK-105 this time. Colonel Ivanovic listened quietly and decided to change the ammunition when he returned.

Ordinary bombs were replaced with armor-piercing bombs. Their new mission was on the first floor. According to previous investigations, the hostages were basically concentrated on the second and third floors, and the scope of the first floor was smaller.

Sasha finished talking about his own equipment and focused his attention on Colonel Alpha Ivanovich, and said: "Colonel, take the liberty to ask, did you bring a black assault suit on this trip?"

Ivan Ivanovich said: "Take we will replace it tomorrow."

Everyone in this meeting is wearing Russian uniforms, regardless of the logos on those clothes, regardless of whether they are from the Soviet era or the Russian era, they all look the same.

After arriving at the place today, Sasha discovered that all his military personnel were in similar combat uniforms.

The army, this is normal.

The problem is that the Chechen terrorists who occupy the hospital are also wearing combat uniforms left over from the Soviet era. They have the same clothes, the same guns, and even the same looks.

Once a strong attack occurs, it is not a big problem when you first enter the hospital building, but in the second half of the battle, how to distinguish between enemy and friend?

Communication cannot guarantee 100% of the precise location of other personnel in the building at any time. It will be the moment of birth and death in a few tenths of a second, so there is no time to take a closer look.

Change clothes at all.

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