The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1871: They are demons and gods!

In the two high-class cabins, apart from Danny, a Russian alternative black buddy, there are more than a dozen Chinese strong men.

In the long economy class at the back, except for the logistics personnel of the operation and a few small red devils, the rest were all faces of China.

Lightly armed commando, the Chinese warrior world is king!

Comfortably, the heavily armed commandos half-lying in business class and first class only thought that they were lucky this time, and they did not dare to look down upon the lightly armed members behind, let alone the red devil who was basically not young.

The three parties regularly conduct joint training. The Red Devil is often a commander and contact person. Each part has its own role and strengths. At least Danny and Sasha admire the ability of the lightly armed team members to pass various obstacles.

The sky is getting dark outside the porthole, and the plane will not land in two hours. Sasha and others already know the specific content of this mission, which can be regarded as the most difficult task in the military since joining the army!

They don't worry about killing people. They got used to it long ago in Afghanistan, and killing terrorists is a piece of cake.

But the main purpose of this trip is to save people, and the situation is more difficult than dealing with that bunch of American crooked necks the year before!

No matter how ruthless the civilians are, they are still lambs, and this time the opponents are extremely brutal terrorists, or full-fledged troops!

The leader of the Chechen bandit was a major general of the Soviet Air Force and a commander of the Estonian Military Region. Most of its main leaders had served in the Soviet army, and the proportion of ordinary members who had been the Soviet army was also very high.

There are only two members of the heavy-loaded assault team. There are fewer Chinese members, and most of the rest are Russians. And the members of these Russian-born units were all former Soviet troops, so don't know too much about your former comrades-in-arms and current opponents.

Once a soldier becomes a gang, regardless of his combat literacy, his fighting will is absolutely overwhelming.

In addition, there are still about 1,400 living hostages in their hands. This time the task is difficult enough, and it is as high as Mount Everest!

Killing about 150 terrorists is trivial, but the difficulty is to protect the safety of the hostages as much as possible. Otherwise, when the terrorists are killed, the building is bombed and more than half of the hostages are killed or injured, then this mission would be a failure.

Sasha personally believes that the light commando at the back of the mission will play a greater role than those of himself!

Clear mind, not arrogant.

Five hours later, in the middle of the night, Sasha and others, wearing special Russian uniforms without any logo, took a few large buses to the city of Budjunovsk, which was full of military police.

The atmosphere is a bit depressing, which is colder than New York. The municipal staff and local military officers who approached a huge parking lot were told in advance not to ask more about anything but to provide good service.

The hospital is to the west of the city, and to the west is farmland. Not far from there is a river about 20 meters wide.

The parking lot is more than 500 meters north of the hospital, separated by two narrow roads and some sparse woods, and between the two roads is a tall warehouse area.

Those warehouses blocked the sight of the terrorists occupying the hospital to the north. The parking lot surrounded by urban auto repair shops, auto parts shops, and driving schools became a very good temporary station for the Russian army.

The armored vehicles were parked a lot. Sasha saw a few soldiers smoking by the side of the vehicle, and walked in and found that they were ordinary armored personnel.

In urban anti-terrorism operations, the opponent is still a terrorist who is surrounded and holds a large number of hostages. Sasha really doesn't know what the current Russian commander is doing with so many armored soldiers!

The armored vehicles just need to guard the intersections, here...


The driving school is on the north side of the parking lot. The driving school auditorium and other facilities were vacated for use by the new support army.

The city hospital has been surrounded like an iron barrel. It is impossible to launch a raid tonight. Plan an operation tomorrow night.

More than one hundred armed men carrying huge backpacks and carrying heavy bags entered the auditorium where most of the benches had been removed, and there were people behind them using carts to transport a large number of neatly stacked sleeping bags.

The team members quickly settled down. It took less than 20 minutes. A Russian colonel who was approached reminded everyone that they could go to the cafeteria of the driving school to have a bite. It was open 24 hours a day.

A group of leaders and captains of this meeting have gone to the south to check the situation, while the commanders who arrived earlier are having a meeting in the temporary operations center in the city center.

For Sasha and others, this would be no task, at least until dawn before approaching the hospital for observation.

Act blindly, that's just silly.

Joseph of the Red Devil has once again become the temporary contact commander of the heavy commando this trip. He has worked happily with Waco twice in Spain, and he often contacts and is familiar with him in this way.

The Red Devils also have 30 people living in this auditorium, leaving a few staff on duty, and others all go to the cafeteria for food.

I am familiar with the feeling that the houses are all remnants of the Soviet era, and there has been no urban construction in these three or four years.

Although they were eating, Sasha and others brought some equipment, just like the other military personnel seen along the way.

This is a war zone for the time being, and the enemy is half a kilometer away!

As soon as I walked into the brightly lit canteen, I saw that some people were already eating. Those people saw a large group of heavily armed people coming in, and they looked over unconsciously.

A very strange team, obviously divided into three teams, one team is tall and mighty, except for not wearing a helmet, armed to the teeth!

These people sitting and eating have sharp eyes, and they immediately noticed the special feature of this big group: everyone who came to eat was wearing a heavy body armor, or a model with a bulletproof board inserted!

This is rare in Russia. Everyone suddenly thought: "Which part of these people are these people?"

Body armor is rare. Most people are carrying rifles. They are actually old-fashioned AKMS, not AK74 series.

In addition, these people still wear pistols, and they use quick-pull holsters, either tied to the side of the thighs or inserted into the body armor on their chests.

It wasn't a Russian pistol that returned the **** thing, it looked like a Glock!

What is even more strange is that these people are wearing Russian uniforms, most of them are also Russian-looking, but there is no identification mark of any unit on the clothes, and a tricolor flag is affixed to the sleeve of the left arm of the combat uniform.

He is accompanied by senior officers (colonel and lieutenant colonel are "senior officers", and the general marshal is "senior officer", which is uniquely called by the Russian army.) and is his own person.

It's not surprising that there is a black man in this group. The Russian army is not without black people, it is only a rare breed. The more than a dozen Asian faces are even less unusual. Some of Russia's Central Asia and the Far East look like this.

But after all the factors were put together, it became bizarre enough!

The big guys are strange enough, the second team is even more weird: the same clothes, no body armor, the same weapons, all Asian faces.

Those brawny guys would also say a few words to each other, and this big gang actually didn't speak much, and even the conversations were whispering softly and could not hear clearly.

What is even more bizarre is that the more these people look, the more they look like East Asians, and their behavior is not the Russian army!

The third batch is even more strange. They are tall, short, fat and thin, wearing military uniforms, but most of their behaviors are not like soldiers.

I speak Russian, but it seems that the youngest are over 30. Many of them are middle-aged, and there are a few in their 50s.

This trip is to deal with the extremely brutal Chechen terrorists, "Why are these old men here?"

Everyone stopped eating, all watching these strange people cooking there.

Military officers accounted for the majority of the individuals who were sitting there, and many younger ones were quietly talking there.


They saw the colonel leading the team get up, reached out to signal everyone to be quiet, and said: "Attention, eat your own meal, everything you see now is not there!

This is an order!

Understand? ! "

The colonel glanced at his team members. After getting the affirmative answer, he left his seat, greeted the team "old man", and walked straight to a middle-aged man.

Stand at attention and salute: "Hello, Instructor Yuri, Alpha Rangers Ivan Ivanovic salutes you!"

After a few minutes, the colonel returned to his seat. A major next to him thought it was too strange, and asked in a low voice: "Captain, who are those people?"

This was the deputy of his team. Knowing that the question was "who are the middle-aged and elderly people", the colonel did not refuse to answer, but whispered to him: "They are demons and gods!"

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