The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1869: The red devil wants revenge

   In good spirits, Zhang Nan happily got into a T80 that had just been unpacked and tested, and ran a lap in the test track attached to the base, and then watched the tank test.

   used the original Soviet "nunchaku" 3BM42 armor-piercing projectile and the 3BM46 integrated tungsten core long-rod armor-piercing projectile, which was only produced in small batches. The power seems to be okay.

The various tank shells that the company moved from Ukraine and Russia are enough to fight a few medium-scale wars. Most of the armor-piercing shells are old-fashioned Soviet versions, not comparable to 3BM42, but much better than the "monkey version". But it cannot be compared with the first-class tank armor-piercing projectiles in the West.

   But definitely enough. Whether tanks are sold or used for personal use, they basically operate in Africa. Where tanks can be used, even the "monkey version" shells exported by the Soviets are enough.

   After watching the tank test, because the boss was here, the logistics department planned to perform another cannon-launching missile for the boss, but it was interrupted by an unexpected situation.

   It was Andre who answered a satellite call. After discussing with Pavel, the two saw the boss ran more than one kilometer to see the effect of the shelling of the armor-piercing projectile, so they first approached Xiang Weirong and Guan Xingquan who were chatting.

Xiang Weirong is talking to Guan Xingquan about the family's children, that is, Guan Boss asked some parenting experience: He became a father some time ago, and Le Yun gave birth to a big fat boy for him. This will still raise children in Yanxian County in China. Tian will come to America to live for a while.

   Boy Pi, after listening to how the monitor educates Jia Nan, Guan Boss feels that he has to study hard.

   He always feels that men in Shanghai are a bit too refined. He always hopes that his son will be like himself in the future, so he doesn't want his son to grow up with his mother-in-law, so he lives in Yanxian when he has children.

   Besides, my mother-in-law is good at everything, just a little bit snobbish. Of course, in front of Guan Xingquan, there was no such performance, and there really was no better son-in-law than him.

   The two big men laughed and talked about the child's problem, and when they noticed Andre approaching, Xiang Weirong said: "Andre, what's the matter?"

   It was written on the face of the red devil, these two did not hide their inner thoughts.

   Andrei nodded slightly and said, "Mr. Xiang, there is a problem, but it has nothing to do with the company. It is our Red Devil who wants to take a short vacation together. For most of us, we are going to Russia for about a week."

   went to Russia, not back to Russia, because they are Soviets, and not all the Red Devil’s hometown is in Russia.

   Xiang Weirong frowned slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

   The Red Devil collectively asks for leave. This will never be due to a small incident, it must be a shocking event!

This is Pavel's result. He said to Xiang Weirong: "It was our captain who called. One of our old teammates died. He was very aggrieved. He died in the hands of terrorists... The collective leave was just us. It is estimated that half of the applicants are enough.

  The captain only hopes that we can take a vacation and rush back to a team to avenge our old teammates and see if we can solve the hostage crisis.

The current Russian army cannot solve this problem. No unit will work. Either the hostages suffered heavy casualties, or the government gave way. In the end, the people who suffered hardship were ordinary people, and there were still a lot of sequelae. So Pavel and I wondered if we could go more. Manpower. "

Yesterday, the Chechen rebel leader Basayev led 150 rebels. He actually set off from Chechnya and sneaked into Bujunovsk in Russia’s Stalosropol Krai, more than 100 kilometers north of Chechnya, by two heavy-duty trucks. City, launched a surprise attack.

   After the Russian army violently counterattacked the city hall building and the Ministry of Internal Affairs building, the terrorists turned to occupy the municipal hospital in Bujunovsk, and all 1,500 patients and medical staff were taken hostage!

   On the same day, the terrorists killed more than 20 Russian pilots, policemen, and veterans who were treated in the hospital. I was really frustrated. An old red devil who had retired due to physical reasons in his early years was in that hospital because he was originally from Bujunovsk.

   After retiring early, he didn't think about staying in the KGB. He returned to his hometown and became an ordinary policeman to pass the time. When the terrorist arrived, it had only been a few days after the hip replacement surgery.

   The uniform was hung in the closet of the ward. No one could move. He was shot and killed by terrorists. The corpse was thrown downstairs from the third-floor ward window by the frenzied terrorists because he was a policeman!

   The mysterious captain of the Red Devil is in Moscow, but he has been in contact with the family of the Red Devil who died before, and a handful of team members who have left the Red Devil before and have not arrived in the United States, but are still alive.

Captain    happened to know that his old subordinate was going to have a hapless hip replacement surgery. Originally, he had to come to a large Moscow hospital for surgery, but the physical movement was not very convenient.

The news about the terrorist attack was exposed. Basayev’s hostage crisis resolution conditions were: recognition of Chechnya’s independence, cessation of hostilities in Chechnya, peace negotiations, and withdrawal of troops from Chechnya. It must be determined by President Yeltsin or Prime Minister Chernomyrd. Elkin came forward to negotiate!

   The cruel Basayev killed all the Russian military and police personnel among the patients found and threatened that the massacre would continue: if the Russian army dared to attack!

This time a terrorist with a strengthened company bypassed the defenses and infiltrated the Russian city. The incident shocked Russia. Deputy Prime Minister Yegorov, Minister of Defense Grachev, Minister of Interior Yelin, Director of the National Security Agency Stepashin and Chief Executive of Stavropol Territory Kuznetsov...

  . A bunch of senior Russian officials resigned immediately!

   The captain of the Red Devil called the old subordinate's house. He knew that the old subordinate happened to be in the hospital at this time. The news was that the man was gone, and the old subordinate's lover and daughter who accompanied him had become hostages.

  After thinking about it again and again, he called Andrei.

   Xiang Weirong and others were in Africa. To be honest, they didn't care about what happened in remote areas of Russia, and they didn't watch international news last night.

As for the company’s intelligence agency, the preliminary information about the time was learned yesterday, but as for the scale of the attack, it was only known today-it was not Moscow, nor Leningrad, and it was not far from Chechnya. There was a small terrorist attack. Not surprising.

Unexpectedly, the scale is not small, but there is not much conflict with the company’s interests, so the notification from the intelligence agency will arrive later, and it will not even be sent to the level of Andre and Guan Xingquan, because it seems to the company. No need at all!

   No matter how powerful the intelligence agency is, it is not a person leading the incident. Before the final result of the incident comes out, few people can see the follow-up impact of the incident.

   The Red Devil is very powerful. Pavel and Andre saw a trace of the big problems that this incident will cause to Russian society if it is not handled properly.

   Their captain also noticed. Xiang Weirong and Guan Xingquan here also came up with one, two, three, four after listening to the introduction.

   The company has a lot of interests in Russia. It is not only the leader of foreign capital in Russia, but the interests have already penetrated into all aspects of Russian society.

   The Chechen lunatics are making trouble in Chechnya or even in the Caucasus, and they have little effect on the company.

   But this time there are 1500 hostages and the terrorists are at least 150, how to deal with it?

  If the Russian government backs down, the consequences will be disastrous!

   Do not back down, attack?

   The Red Devils think that the Russian army in this society can do it, but they absolutely can’t control the death and injury of human beings within an acceptable range!

   Strong attack, according to Ye's style, tank artillery can certainly be shot down, but what about the hostages?

  A company of enemies and a regiment of hostages!

   Ten minutes later, Zhang Nan, who came back from his pocket, frowned and listened to the incident. He didn't immediately make a statement, but instead asked, "What is the Kremlin going to do with Andrei?"

   Just this effort is enough for the company to contact Moscow to find out the situation, and the news given by Andre is terrible.

   "The latest news has not been made public. Two hours ago, the Special Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs made a probing attack, which was of no effect. Thinking of this, the terrorists killed 74 hostages again, that bunch of trash!"

   Andre can't help but scold his mother. This will be Russia in broad daylight, so he will engage in a tentative offensive?

   You thought you were playing a siege game!

   Comrade Colonel just scolded his mother, his emotions were still well controlled, and he added: "Now the Kremlin is in a hurry to go to the hospital. Not only the ‘warrior’ from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the ‘Alpha’ under the Federal Security Agency has also been transferred.

   There are also the Rapid Response Special Police of Moscow City, the Moscow State Police, two infantry regiments and one armored regiment near Bujunovsk. "

In the end, Andrei’s tone was ironic and helpless-Bujunovsk was more than a thousand kilometers away from Moscow, and there was a hostage crisis over there. The police from the Moscow region were sent over. It is probably a combination of helplessness and incompetence. .

   "The day after tomorrow, the troops surrounding the hospital will launch a storm. This is what the Kremlin contact said, if we don't go back." Andrei said at last.

   The Red Devils only recognize themselves as Soviets politically, but personally, most of them are also Russian and national.

   Go back to get revenge and help. The Kremlin will cooperate as soon as possible, not to mention that it will control the **** and traitors of the Russian Federal Security Council and the Ministry of Defense.

   Zhang Nan has a faint memory of the hostage crisis in his impression, which will make it clearer: the first Chechen War seemed to be forced to end because of this incident, but the time seemed to be slightly ahead of schedule.

   Because the attack in memory should be in summer, a group of people wear short sleeves, not winter!

It’s not surprising that the time has changed. The Russian army has fought harder in Chechnya because it’s a bit richer than "the last life", but it would seem that if it is left unchecked, the result of this hostage crisis will be the same: Russian special forces attack. After the failure, the Russian government was forced to stop its military operations against Chechnya, and the Basayev bandits retreated.

The Chechen rebels also tasted the sweetness from this incident and have never been tired of it; after that, there will be a lot of hostage incidents of Kizlyars, Moscow Theater, Beslan...a lot of death and terrorism. Covered Russia for many years.

   After listening to Andre’s words, Zhang Nan rubbed his right temple and said: "In this world, no one has ever dealt with 150 defenders, and there are thousands of hostage terrorists in his hands.

   The Red Devil’s manpower is too few. Even if you all rush over, it is less than one-to-one. The Russian special forces at this meeting cannot effectively cooperate with you.

   Take another 50 people from my reloaded commando, and..."

   Zhang Nan said, and said to Guan Xingquan: "Don't ask me how I knew it, Russian hospitals are all three or four The outer walls are similar to our brick buildings in the 1960s and 1970s.

  Strike, go up a single layer of stairs, when people go up, the hostages in the building are estimated to die at least half, not to mention the explosives piled up in the building.

   Let the light commando also send out several units to go to Russia together, you can arrange it. "

   In Zhang Nan's guard, there are sea, land, and air. Close combat is divided into light and heavy equipment.

   This is what he said about the light commando, not only proficient in all infantry, counter-terrorism, terrorism, and all other methods, but also surpassing mountains, climbing and wading, let alone climbing buildings!

  The methods and techniques they used to go upstairs will make many fire brigades ashamed!

   Speaking of this, Zhang Nan said again: "I have to call the Kremlin, and the credit will be given to them. I said Andre, that wouldn't stop it, right?"

   "Boss, he will cooperate, he dare not provoke us, I am talking about the former Red Devil."

   Andre didn't say anything, only the boss can stop the Red Devil from revenge. But the boss not only does not stop it, but supports it, because he has huge interests in Russia.

  The boss is a capitalist.


Let’s take action. Zhang Nan called the Kremlin. It was simple and clear. After a few words of greeting, he said that some former KGB people, some former Soviet special forces, and some Asian-faced personnel would go there. Bujunovsk.

   Ye's phone answered only nonsense like "welcome veterans back home".

   Specific connections, naturally someone will come forward.


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