The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1857: The big toy is coming

   Huaxia people, as long as they are given the most basic basic conditions for survival, they can live anywhere on the earth, and they will generally live very well!

  What to do if the foundation is poor?

   The old saying goes well, if you have the conditions, you have to do it if you don’t have the conditions to create conditions!

   Just like when the company first opened a diamond mine in Africa, there were no vegetables in southern Africa. You can make money if you buy them, because many times you can’t buy them at all. Food production on the fertile land is pitifully low.

   Grain can be transported. The company goes to mine, not a farm, but green leaf vegetables cannot always be transported by air.

   The guys who went to Huaxia couldn't bear not eating vegetables all the time. They didn't stop doing it. In mining areas such as Botswana and Zimbabwe, they simply relied on their own efforts and planted themselves. The locals were dumbfounded!

   The guys from the West also raised their hands to absolutely support this, because although the eating habits of the East and the West are different, the Westerners can't stand the reality of the shortage of vegetables in Africa.

   You can't lack vegetables without everything. This is a bigger problem than lack of money: If you can't self-sufficiency in black African vegetables, you don't have to buy them if you have money.

   Even if you can buy it, it is either a single product, or a rare product, and the quantity is too small.

   Later, the company took over the Gambia and successively occupied the actual control rights of large tracts of land in Angola, Namibia, Sudan and other countries. The shortage of vegetables in the group's units became more and more serious.

   Fortunately, China has some of the most diligent farmers in the world. They urgently "selected themselves" and recruited a group to support them. The seeds of various crops brought by China have taken root on the land of Africa.

   Some people say that the Huaxia people go back three generations, and the vast majority of Hua are farmers.

  The actual situation is not allowed to be so. Like those military contractors, most of them were peasants before they became soldiers, and they have been dealing with land since they were a few years old.

   just plant a vegetable, the hand holding the gun has not abandoned the craftsmanship carved in his bones.

   The lack of water supply, the strong summer sun...none of the problems, they were all solved by the Chinese farmers who have dealt with the land for generations with the company's financial resources.

   Black Africa, the land in many places is fertile. Since they were formed, they have not been cultivated. How can they not be fertile?

   You must know that in the Central Plains of China, high-yield crops can be grown on the land that has been cultivated for thousands of years. For the land, Chinese farmers are experts among experts.

   Today, the group not only grows vegetables in Africa, but also grows rice, wheat and corn in Gambia and Botswana.

   For long-term control, an appropriate amount of locally produced grain is also needed.

   Countries with insufficient food production capacity in their own countries, and countries that live on imported food, will never be able to be calm in times of crisis. This is the **** truth that history tells everyone!

   As for vegetables, they are even grown in many mining areas in Australia, and the quantity is not large.

   There are also South America. There are too few types of local vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables. There are already folks from China who have gone to grow them. There are few people in Huaxia, and it is not guilty to engage in a Nanniwan-style mass production movement.

  Of course, it is not planted in Canada. The northwestern region is too cold, and it is not good in summer. It is still an economically developed country. In summer, air transportation is used. In winter, there are high speeds on the ice. It is impossible to grow vegetables in greenhouses on the edge of the mining area.

   Workers laid off, farmers assigned, two major troubles in the mid-1990s, the people in my hometown rely on Zhang Nan this time, it is considered to be a passable, not a big problem.

   Listening to Pavel's introduction here, Comrade General said something that Zhang Nan didn't care about before.

   "According to Mrs. Nicole's idea, the company bought the Leningrad Hotel and Moscow Hotel in Moscow last year. There are many similar real estate properties.

   Those two famous hotels are representative, and the remaining staff of the Ukrainian Hotel will temporarily be added to several other hotels.

  According to the plan, when the Ukrainian restaurant is renovated and reopened, several other old-brand restaurants will also undergo comprehensive maintenance and refurbishment, all in accordance with this process..."

   Okay, Nicole seems to have asked someone to register a hotel group name with the "star" logo. This is to grab business with an established hotel giant like Hilton.

   The Xingchen Sunshine Group is huge enough, and its expansion seems to be endless, at least not yet in sight.

  In all walks of life, as long as it is profitable, the group will occupy a plot of land.

   The housekeeper is happy, but Zhang Nan didn't even bother about it.

   Real estate in world-class big cities is really not afraid of too many. I didn’t see Pudong in China Shanghai. The skyscrapers belonging to the group have already risen from the ground, and there are more than one!

  " The Seven Sisters of Stalin Architecture, two of these will belong to us, which is a bit interesting.

   There is also the Grand Moscow Hotel. I lived there when I went to Moscow for the first time. The reserved rooms were all bugged.

   I went to visit the Red Square, and two of you KGB people followed..."

   Zhang Nan said, feeling a little. I didn't think about it, now the Grand Moscow Hotel has become its own business.

   I wanted to make a joke just now, saying that I won’t have a place to live in Moscow next time.

   I didn't think about it. It's not that there is no place, but there are too many places. I don't know which one to choose.

   In recent years, Russia has experienced economic difficulties. The company used real money to buy a large amount of real estate there. It won’t be long before they will show great value.

   Russians don’t hate themselves, at least not now.

   As for the future...

  Who cares about the future? There are only eternal interests in this world, and no eternal friends.


   Three days later in the morning, Zhang Nan and his family arrived at their airport on Long Island, and one of his big toys arrived.

Zhang Nan bought four identical big toys and the unit price is not expensive, but in order to make these four big toys suitable for him, he must ensure that he does not overplay or risk danger, and that he can play with them. The overall cost is really not small!

   Even the President of the United States directly intervened, and the Mayor of New York also contributed, otherwise this big toy would not come.

   In order to make the big toys work, hundreds of people are directly supported and thousands of people are indirectly supported.

   In order to receive these four big guys, the supporting facilities are used to pull several ships with freighters, such as Long Island, Gambia, Botswana, and the airports in the northern Maldives leased islands...

   The four big toys are too special to be prepared. When Zhang Nan needs them, he probably won’t be able to play with them.

   The weather will be quite cold this time, but the weather in Long Island is good, the sky is clear and there are few clouds.

   Zhang Nan is wearing a thick woolen coat, standing on the tarmac looking forward to it.

  The same goes for the family around me. The baby girl wrapped herself into a bear and looked at the eastern sky like her father.

   Suddenly, there was a very special roar from far away in the sky, and Andre, standing in the crowd, said loudly: "Come!"

   Soon, amid the roar of the huge engine, an aircraft full of ultra-modern air appeared in the eyes of everyone.

   is very noisy. The dynamics and statics of the 747 when it landed are not comparable to it at all, otherwise it would not take so much effort to land on Long Island.

   If one is not handled well, nearby residents will protest!

  It is so special, because it is a newly modified and maintained Tu-144, the pinnacle of the dead Red Empire in civil aviation!



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