Nicole seems to like money very much, but Zhang Nan knows that her housekeeper actually enjoys the fun of making money!

If she doesn't make money to make money, she is just a super cowgirl who has left her low-level tastes for the purpose of making money.

Full of confidence and pride, Nicole said again: "By the way, one thing is more interesting. There will be idiots who are eating a lot of Nikkei 225 index contracts. Interest rate futures contracts are also playing their lives. I really don’t know. What does your mind think."

"Who?" Zhang Nan asked.

"The Bank of Barings in England, their branch in Lijiapo subscribed for US$7 billion in Japanese stock index futures last year, and also used short-selling to buy about US$20 billion in short-term interest rate bonds in the Japanese futures market.

Now I continue to eat the Nikkei index contract, it is estimated that it is difficult to get off the bus, and I will have to finish playing soon! "

Zhang Nan knew what Nicole was saying, and she didn't ask why she knew the operations of other people's banks so well.

The financial market is no worse than military warfare!

I understand it, and to put it plainly: Someone is responding to the reaction of the Japanese financial market in the opposite way from Sunshine and Star, and his own company is arguing and hitting a rabbit.

Originally, I only wanted to avoid losses according to the normal operation method, and earn some by the way. As a result, there was still a silly rabbit hitting the muzzle.

The Bank of Bahrain is familiar, but before Zhang Nan thinks about it, I heard Nicole say: "The total assets of the Bank of Bahrain are less than one billion pounds. Now it is operated like this. It will be finished in less than two months.

When he goes bankrupt, the financial system of the entire western world will have a ripple effect, and it will be a small opportunity to make money..."

"Then you have to know when it will declare bankruptcy."

Nicole laughed and said, "The people at the British Central Bank will tell us in advance."

Well, the housekeeper is happy.

There was an 11-hour time difference between New York and Japan. Before Zhang Nan was about to go to rest, he received a call from Andre.

"The British had already sent a fax to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan three hours ago to send rescue teams, but the Japanese have not yet agreed.

Many countries have also delivered the same news. The Japanese government is dragging it. At present, they do not want the outside world to participate in the rescue.

The current situation in Japan is very complicated, and their own rescuers cannot enter the disaster area, including the military. "

Speaking of this, Andre on the other end paused, and quickly said: "Excuse me, boss, I made a mistake.

Japan has no army in name, but their Self-Defense Forces are still standing still.

According to the previous plan, our Star Rescue Team also passed the news to the Japanese government an hour ago, but also received no response.

The company has notified some rescuers in Chile and the United States to prepare. Once they receive a response from the Japanese, the assembly and departure can be completed within three hours.

But now the personnel are not assembled, and it is estimated that in all likelihood, we don't need to be dispatched. It would be a waste of ourselves to be too active.

Moreover, not only did the outside support not get a response, but the US troops stationed in Japan were also similar.

According to the information provided by people in the US Navy, the Seventh Fleet in Yokosuka has proposed to the Japanese government that it can send warships to the Kobe waters to help transport the wounded by helicopters.

However, the Japanese government has rejected political inconvenience and serious damage to terminal facilities..."

The U.S. Army stationed in Japan, the little devil's overlord, but the little devil wants to hug his thigh again, and he can't wait for him to get out!

Andre is a superb spy leader, coupled with the group's strong influence and the group's own high-efficiency organization in both military and public sentiments, let him be responsible for the intelligence work in response to the Japanese earthquake.

The earthquake occurred only a few hours ago. According to the statistics of Japanese news agencies, the earthquake has caused thousands of deaths and more injuries. But that **** Self-Defense Force is still standing still?

Is it not an army?

Everyone on earth knows that it's bullshit, even the Indians don't believe it!

But no matter how **** it is, it is actually well-trained, not to mention that many of their equipment is very suitable for earthquake rescue.

The simplest points: almost all self-defense team members are young and strong, as well as those helicopters, ships, medical equipment and professional medical personnel...

Zhang Nan thought this was a bit funny. The Self-Defense Force's reaction speed was much slower than that of American soldiers.

Speaking of his doubts, Andre on the other end of the phone explained: "Boss, there are a lot of militants in the little devil, but on the surface there are many government officials who pursue pacifism.

These guys have always been very disgusted with the army, regardless of the magnitude of the earthquake, whether they have to seek help from the Self-Defense Forces, it is estimated that this matter can only be explained after a few days of fighting.

Also, the boss, the little devil’s Self-Defense Force Act stipulates that the Self-Defense Force must participate in local disaster relief work. The local governor, that is, the local governor, must first request the Self-Defense Force to send troops in writing. Telephone and fax methods are all invalid.

If the request is not delivered, the Self-Defense Forces will not be able to participate, even if Tokyo is shaken into Tokyo Bay, at least they are legally required to do so. "

Hearing this, Zhang Nan seemed a little bit listening to the fairy tale!

Good guys, don't care how big the natural disaster is, you have to request a written request from the local chief.

Write slowly. If you don’t learn well, you won’t be successful, if you write well, you won’t be able to send it...

"What if the governor has been smashed to death?" Such an interesting thought popped out of his mind, "Even if he is not dead, what if his arm is broken?

Even if the arm is not broken and the head is not broken, it will take time to write things, and a major earthquake will cause traffic jams. Even if the written documents are completed, how can they be sent?"

In other words, even if the Self-Defense Forces of the little devil have stations and manpower in the Kobe and Osaka areas, they are at best engaged in production and self-help in the camps.

Go out to save people and fight fires?

Break the law!

Without the strong support of military organizations, ordinary Japanese civilians in Kobe have to rely on themselves. They really have to ask for their own blessings.

But is actually the best, the self-defense force of the little devil should be locked!

With a gun, the only thing the devils think about is to kill and rob!

Since the devil didn't respond, the guys on the company's side were sleeping peacefully, it was almost midnight.

Even the few members of the original "united forces" in Japan are doing their own affairs steadily. It is not the United States and does not participate in chaos.

There is no time to join in, all have their own responsibilities, and there is no such effort.

Besides, "united forces" can be used freely in the United States, and civil forces can go up where there is danger.

In Japan, there is only one helicopter of its own, and it must be reported in advance for each use.

A large number of helicopters of the Self-Defense Force are still in a stable state, and the "united forces" are in a hurry.

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