Back then, together with Guan Xingquan to buy Hetian jade in Xinjiang was considered a long-term investment, although that investment seems to be saving thousands of tons of traditional Chinese treasures for future generations. After twenty years, Hetian jade resources are almost exhausted. This kind of jade is in the warehouse, especially the last treasure of Hetian jade seed.

Zhang Nan knew that in a few years, the riverbed of the Yulong River would be turned upside down, and the seed material would be extinct!

As for the arrangement of the return trip to southern Xinjiang, it was not only for satisfying my gluttonous desire for cultural relics and treasures, but also an exploratory process of life experience.

It is exploration, driving through southern Xinjiang, Vietnam Haiqing province, wasteland, neighboring door, desert, all the roads are off the beaten track, how many people from Jiangnan will take such a long way in their lives?

Very rarely!

China is very big, and the long stretch of road from southern Xinjiang to Haiqing and Gansu province can be described as the corner of the corner. It is enough to run once in a lifetime, and once is a rare experience.

Recalling that the two tutors who had been together with Guan Xingquan for many days in the Gobi Desert, eating sand, digging sand, picking sand, the corpse saw numbness, and did not take a bath for many days, everyone and the office were at odds with each other. That fire!

It’s about the time. The little devil went to Xijiang to engage in joint archaeology in the past few years. It seems that he has gone there more than once. I don’t know when I will find the wicked gasoline pit and the mischievous "mummy." Cucumber", how would the people of the joint archaeological team react.

It's interesting to think about it, absolutely wicked!

I think about the baby I got that time. I haven’t seen it for some days, so I left the old house and went to the street breakfast shop to eat a bowl of noodles with eggs, tofu skin, shredded pork, Kaiyang, and small pickles. Several bodyguards on duty returned to the mountain top manor together.

Did not take a car, walked up the mountain, digesting food. You don't have to walk too fast, it will be there in half an hour.

First go to the suspended villa to get something, and then go to the entrance of the underground ammunition depot. The person on duty who received the notification fetched the key to open the door.

The ammunition depot is still that ammunition depot. Two years ago, the ventilation system and blast doors were improved and upgraded. The goods from the 1960s and 1970s were replaced with products of the world's "advanced level" in the 1990s.

The newly installed steel vault door can only be opened with two keys and two sets of passwords. A single person on duty cannot enter at all, which is restricted.

Opening the door, Zhang Nan took a look at the few behind him and said, "Aleosa, Lin Ming, and Joseph, you come in with me."

The others stay at the entrance.

Few Red Devils came this time, and most of them were given leave. Joseph was very old and said he hadn't been anywhere in his life, but he had never been to China, so he came with him.

The ammunition depot is an underground world. Ever since he was a tutor in his previous life, Zhang Nan has begun to hate entering such a space by himself. It's not claustrophobic, it's just a little awkward, and it's okay if you have two more people.

Along the passage, Joseph looked curiously at some crates placed on both sides, and a large rock resting on the corner.

Some boxes are open, and they are filled with "pebbles" as big as a human head and as small as a fist, and some reflect the warm light under the light.

He knew that these seemingly inconspicuous stones were a kind of magical Chinese gems, and the furnishings in the manor that were superbly crafted and moist as mutton were carved from these stones.

Not only the finished product, but some huge landscape stones in the garden of the manor are such stones. Joseph Curiously asked Alyosha and others about the magic of these stones.

Hearing what other bodyguards said, I know that the furnishings in the manor are just a scrap, and the boss has specially built a fully enclosed warehouse for these precious jade, there are at least thousands of tons!

As a Soviet citizen, Joseph still had a hard time understanding the Chinese people's preference for these jade stones. This kind of preference seems to exceed the preference of outsiders for diamonds.

None of the four people spoke. After walking in the net for a while, Alyosha opened the sealed door of Warehouse No. 6 with the key, and then turned on the explosion-proof light.

Here the temperature and humidity are constant, and densely packed layers of sturdy shelves are densely packed with large or small dry and sealed boxes. The warehouses store precious things.

Jingui, you can't see wind, humidity, light things, such as calligraphy, painting, clothing, etc., including those Qing dynasty crowns brought back from abroad.

Walking to the innermost side, following the boss's attention, Joseph saw a large, seemingly heavy sealed box lying quietly on the second shelf.

Zhang Nan took a pair of masks and a pair of gloves from a shelf on one side, and the three of them hurriedly followed suit, and each took a set of them.

There are these protective equipment in the storeroom, lest you have to go outside to fetch them if you forget them someday. All are pure natural cotton products, without any chemical elements.

Joseph is a little curious: What is the boss going to do today?

They were all cultivated in the old house in their hometown, but they came to the villa and went straight to the underground ammunition treasure house. It was a bit strange here.

Even Alyosha and Lin Ming find it weird: the two of them generally know that there are many important cultural relics in this warehouse, what are the bronze heavy artifacts of the Western Qin Dynasty, and the cultural relics that swept Shanghai and and what There are so many treasures that Shao has brought back from abroad, but I really don’t remember that the boss has seen this box at the innermost side of this warehouse.

The box with a lock is still the kind of lock with complex structure, password and excellent anti-theft performance: the box is customized in the United States, weighing more than 100 kilograms, and it is unlikely that one person will move it away.

There are only two keys, one is hidden in the hanging villa, and only Zhang Nan, Xiang Weirong, Zhang Hui and Guan Xingquan know the place.

The other one is on Long Island, USA. If you don’t have these two keys, you would have to use gas cutting to open this box. Even the cutting machine is not very useful.

The self-destructing device in the ammunition warehouse has been dismantled. By this time, Zhang Nan no longer needs to worry about threatening himself with a few unidentified cultural relics in the country.

Seeing the boss preparing to open the box, the other three consciously diverted their eyes.

Calibration password, my daughter’s birthday in the lunar calendar plus the Gregorian calendar in the previous life, use the key to unlock it.

Unpacking the box, there are compartments inside, Zhang Nan opened it, revealing the piece of brocade that An Ran was lying in.

"Five stars out of the East and benefit China-the country", the font is clear and the color is as new.

Over the years, this box has only been opened four or five times in order to minimize damage to it.

When Joseph on the side saw the contents here, but could not recognize the words above: "China-Guo", he did.

"Joseph, don't you know these Chinese characters?"

Zhang Nan noticed the strangeness of the Red Devil and asked.

"Stars, exporters, parties and China-country acquaintances."

"This is a piece of Chinese brocade from 2000 years ago. The sentence above is "Five stars out of the East and benefit China-the country", is it interesting?"

What's interesting, Joseph's eyes lit up: This one is so interesting!

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