The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1540: I have no money to buy

   In the recent international military product market, the price of a "primary gold star" without a supporting certificate is only around US$1,500. As for the "secondary gold star", it is almost absent.

   The title of "Hero of the Soviet Union" can be awarded many times. For example, Zhukov was awarded this honor four times, and Kozhdub and Pokreshkin were awarded three times.

   As for Brezhnev, he is a shameless man!

   If it is a full set of "Heroes of the Soviet Union Gold Medal" with a certificate, the price will be at least ten times that of the person who won the highest honor. Otherwise, you can only check the special file.

  Unfortunately, the archives about the "Heroes of the Soviet Union" directory and medal numbers are not public information, and ordinary people can't find it.

The one without a certificate is only 1,500 US dollars. In Zhang Nan’s opinion, the price is really low. You must know that the "First Class Nakhimov Medal" on the market is worth almost 10,000 US dollars, and the "First Class Ushakov Medal" is sold. Fifty thousand dollars is not uncommon, and even the "First Class Kutuzov Medal" can be sold for around fifteen thousand.

  Sometimes it is really difficult to understand the brain circuits of Western collectors. Perhaps they think that the shape and structure of the gold star medal are too simple, and the consistent values ​​and vulgar and exaggerated aesthetics have become deliberately disgusting five stars.

   probably because of these, it seems to be similar to the price of a cabbage for a mirror drawn by Napoleon's court painter and signed by Napoleon himself.

   Values ​​and ideas determine everything, a bunch of capitalist barbarians!

   Zhang Nan bought this gold star medal, and his nephew paid for the Lenin medal and two red flag medals, but he didn't want the red star medal. He had bought one when he came with an ant with his parents the other day.

   intends to change stalls. After separating from outsiders, Alexander at the back leaned forward and whispered in Zhang Nan's ear: "Boss, it's ok to make up the whole set for at most two or three days.

   But those people can never get the victory medal. If the boss really wants it, there are ways, and the price is very high. In short, they can think of something.

   is that the risk and benefit are better than the boss, you judge by yourself, and there is no guarantee of success. "

   Hearing this, Zhang Nan was not in a hurry to stroll around, and asked Charlie to take her nephew around first, and then asked: "What's the matter?"

   Alexander and Andre looked embarrassed. The two knew that the boss had ignored it, or even did not know an important issue at all!

   In the end, Andre asked in a low voice: "Boss, don't you know?"

   Yes, looking at this situation, Zhang Nan felt that something must have gone wrong, and it seemed that he might have done something stupid!

   When I asked, Andre whispered that Mr. Allen, the super cultural relics and art collector, was really a pure layman just now.

   The layman among the laymen, made a big joke!

Zhang Nan felt a bit shameless. Fortunately, the stall owner just now didn’t understand what Zhang Nan said to Alexander in a quick tone to buy medals. Alexander was not stupid enough to ask all the big market managers who were responsible for collecting medals. The degree of direct notification.

   Otherwise, in order to hide the ugliness of the boss, the company is very likely, and it can only make the world of the stall owner disappear.

   Because even if the merchants here are so powerful, they cannot get a real "Victory Medal" for Zhang Nan.

   is absolutely impossible, and it is impossible to do it at the risk of losing your head!

   That is the "Victory Medal", a "Victory Medal" that money can't buy!

  What medal in the world represents the highest honor?

  Countries have their own national conditions and explanations, but if you rank the medal based on the preciousness of the material and the influence of the world, the Soviet Union’s "Victory Medal" will rank first in the world in nine out of ten!

  The victory medal weighs 78 grams and its foundation is made of platinum. The entire medal has a diameter of 72 mm. It is a typical large medal.

The surface of the medal is inlaid with about 150 diamonds with a total weight of 16 carats. The five corners are inlaid with natural rubies weighing five carats each. The center of the medal is decorated with a blue oval franc with a diameter of 31 mm. The base is sterling silver.

   During World War II, there were 17 people who won the Medal of Victory, and 3 of them were awarded the Medal of Victory twice. These three were Zhukov, Vasilievsky and Stalin.

   The Soviet Union stipulates that after the death of the winner of the Medal of Victory, the medal will be returned to the country and kept by the state. This is a rule set when the medal is established.

   As for the later "Medal King" Brezhnev, the victory medal he awarded himself in 1978 as a big joke was taken back by the Soviet government in 1989, which is tantamount to deprivation of honor, not to mention it!

In addition to the natives of the Soviet Union, there are five foreigners who received the "Medal of Victory". They are Eisenhower of the United States, Montgomery of the United Kingdom, Tito, commander-in-chief of the People’s Army of Yugoslavia, and Marshal Zimelsky of Poland. Mihai I, King of Romania, got in.

Mikhail I, this guy who won the Medal of Victory felt like a ridiculous Stalinist joke. The reason given by the Soviet government at the time was: "He resolutely broke with Hitt (harmony), and Germany’s defeat is not yet obvious. Cooperate with the Allied Forces."

In fact, as long as it is not 250, everyone can tell that Mikhail I first took refuge in Germany as a puppet in World War II, and turned back when the Axis defeat was set. Not to mention justice, he was just a little German with a mustache. Followers, servants.

   And the Medal of Victory won by Mihai I was sold a long time ago: two years after the end of World War II, this guy was ousted by the Romanian government and moved to the United States and Switzerland.

  The king who stepped down became a pauper. For money, he actually sold the Victory Medal to the Rockefeller Consortium!

Just now Alexander told Zhang Nan: “All the victory medals awarded to Soviet generals and Polish marshal Marshal Zimmersky are now kept in the vault of the National Diamond Foundation in the Na Na, boss, Na Na is more difficult than bombing the Kremlin, and we won't do it either.

   Eisenhower’s Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kansas. There are ways to do this, and it’s relatively simple;

   Tito’s was originally exhibited in a museum in Belgrade, but now it’s hard to say, you need to check to know that Yugoslavia is too messy now.

   The Montgomery one is in the Imperial War Museum in London. It is not difficult to get it out, and it is basically undefended.

   The Rockefeller Consortium’s hand is more troublesome. The point is that it’s hard to tell who holds it. But boss, it’s also the only medal of victory that you can get through legitimate means.

   Even if they get the others, they can only be secretly collected by themselves, and they are not visible.


   Zhang Nan knocked on his head helplessly, and said, "Don't worry, there are more people in Rockefeller's family than mice. There are everywhere in the world, and there is no goal to find anyone. Basically, those people are not short of money.

   But after I go back, I can still ask someone to ask. If it's in the hands of a prodigal, it won't be difficult.

   Forget the others, it's not worth taking a risk for a collection.

   This risk is enough to steal the British Museum. "



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