The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1493: Tomb Sweeping Day today

There is a great chaos in Istanbul, and the makers of all this chaos have diverted to Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, driving two cars and listening to the radio all the way to Romania.

Everything went well before. The high-speed speedboat hurried on the sea for more than two hours, not to mention the Turks' warships and planes, not even a few fishing boats.

The speedboat arrived in the small coastal tourist town of Tsarevo in southeastern Bulgaria, and Pavel was waiting for them: Although Eastern Europe has undergone drastic changes and the Soviet Union no longer exists, they know Bulgaria too well, and arriving here is like arriving at a grandmother’s house. comfortable.

It's safe.

Come in quietly and leave calmly, that's it.

I didn't stay too much in Bulgaria, I went north smoothly across the Romanian border, and the radio was changed to Romanian National Radio. After listening to it for a while, Andre felt a little awkward!

Pavel, who was sitting in the back seat of the same car, said: "Colonel, things seem to be out of control this time."

Andre had no expression and said, "The bigger the better, the boss should be happy.

By the way, I heard that when the Turk One Strait Bridge was completed 20 years ago, we studied the plan to blow up the bridge.

did not expect…"

There are various pre-plans against NATO, and NATO estimates the same for the Warsaw Pact. They are just pre-plans and are prepared.

Over the past 20 years, the Turkic bridge has been exploded, and the momentum has been so great, but the motherland has long disappeared. The bridge was not exploded for it. It is sad to think about it.

"...It just feels that we have made a very bad start this trip, and future terrorist attacks may develop in an upward-scale manner.

The proportion of attacks solely targeting personnel may decrease, and the proportion of attacks on important urban facilities should increase substantially. "

Pavel heard this and said: "I was already training the team 20 years ago. I remember that in the initial preparation plan, there was a normal trade cargo ship with a few containers filled with explosives and two more. The long standby wireless remote control bomb detonated the personnel into the highland hotel by the strait ahead of time.

As soon as the boat arrives, it sends a signal, bang! It's just a matter of seeing the scenery from afar.

Now it’s more convenient if you want to do this, just make a phone call. "

After listening to Comrade General's words, Andre smiled, and said, "It's good, by coincidence, there is no suspicion between the company and the boss.

In fact, it is more convenient to attack Istanbul with the method prepared at the time. There is no need to play the difficult trick of smashing a cargo ship on a bridge. "

Pavel smiled, "That can only blow up one, it's five kilometers away, and the tsunami can't break it.

Yankees can attract firepower, but putting bombs on ships is also a hassle. There are too many ordinary civilians dead. "

If you want to play then, you have to find a ship that doesn't have its own company arms.

The attack is playing with technology and creativity. As for the explosives of 10,000 to 20,000 tons this time, if they explode...

Good boy, half of Istanbul will be in ruins.

The rumors of the Istanbul market are still being fermented, and there is no need for any new evacuation orders issued by government agencies. People in the same low-altitude area near the strait of the city are evacuating spontaneously, each showing their magical powers to leave the dangerous zone.

Some of them ran farther, some went to find places to live in various hilltops, and some simply left Istanbul to take refuge.

The government came out to refute the rumors, but did not prevent the citizens from fleeing—this is not a pure rumor. How different is 20,000 tons of explosives that may explode at any time and a nuclear bomb?

Except for the absence of nuclear radiation, there is no difference at all. The lethality is huge!

Ankara declared a state of emergency throughout the country, and a large number of troops were transferred to Istanbul to assist the evacuation of personnel. At this time, it is really important to save lives. The scene can be compared with the outbreak of a large-scale war!

The whole country of Turkey was shocked, and the whole world was also alarmed. Even the most indifferent people in the United States began to care about the shipwreck in the Bosphorus.

The American people don’t care what the Straits Bridge was bombed, but bomb ships comparable to atomic bombs are still welcome-as long as they are people, they have a common evil taste. Watching the excitement is not afraid of big things. Standing far away is even more human to gloating over misfortune. nature.

Most people can watch the excitement, and a large number of countries with interests are still busy contacting Turkish diplomatic agencies to get the latest situation.

Most of NATO has also taken action, saying that it will take the initiative to send experts to Istanbul to help Turkey deal with the crisis.

NATO is busy, Russia and Ukraine have come to join in the fun, saying that they can send experts to support it when needed.

As for Georgia, Romania, and Bulgaria, they are all standard Black Sea countries, and they don’t want to be too long to swim freely in the "Black Lake".

However, Russia’s attitude is just a gesture, and now it is overwhelmed, and actually has no energy to join in the excitement.

Just 10 days ago, on March 20, the Russian President Ye’s published a "Letter to Russian Citizens" via radio and television, announcing that a vote of confidence in the president and vice president would be held across the country on April 25. The draft of the new constitution and the draft of the federal parliament election are voted to determine whether the president or the parliament will lead the country, and the president’s "special governance" will be implemented before that.

Seize the power.

Three days later, the Russian Constitutional Court fought back and ruled that Ye’s "Report to Citizens" violated the Basic Law of the Russian Federation;

On the 26th, at the ninth extraordinary meeting held urgently, representatives of the two opposing factions fought fiercely and respectively proposed the removal of President Yip and the dismissal of the Speaker.

However, the voting results of the two parties did not obtain the required majority, and the meeting finally passed the decision to hold a referendum across Russia on April 25.

For Russia, the trouble is yet to come. The political turmoil in Russia will rapidly intensify and ferment. Now few people can think that the outcome of this turmoil is to bombard the White House!

Ye's, ruthless!

It doesn't cost much to shout twice. Of course, at the beginning, there are more slogans and fewer actions. In NATO, the United States has the fastest response. After coordinating with the Turkish government, the US military sent several divers who had received underwater EOD training to Istanbul from bases in Europe.

How many.

There are divers in NATO countries, but the divers who can discharge explosives underwater are rare: they are not usually used, and the training is difficult. There are not many countries in the country, and some are treasures.

While sending out a few "golden knots", Washington also trumpeted in the media that the United States would not leave its allies in crisis regardless of...

Etc., etc.

Two days later, the President of Zipper in Washington was listening to the report of the CIA Director about the sinking of the bomb, which made people have a headache after leaving.

Turks are going crazy, and they have a tendency to anger the development of the United States like mad dogs: Turks already know that more than half of the arms on the sunken ship belonged to the agents of various American intelligence agencies, and they concealed it during customs declaration.

Of course, the United States is not afraid of Turkey's nerves, but it is also a trouble to poke it away, and it is still endless.

The boss of the CIA had just left, and the staff sent a handout folder that had just been sent to the White House to the president. Mr. Zipper was waiting for this information.

The person who sent the information was from the United Forces in the Washington-Dunton branch. Just as Mr. President was looking at the information, the staff in the Oval Office reminded Mr. President: "Mr. Allen's phone number."

As soon as the call was answered, "Hello!"

"William, did the things arrive?"

President Zipper was looking at the information at hand, his brows frowned, and upon hearing this, he said to the phone: "I saw it, thank you!"

"There is nothing to thank. Several underground arms dealers in Ukraine took the initiative to send us the list, clarifying the hope to pass it on from me.

They don’t seem to like to deal with the people below you very much, it’s really..."

"Allen, understand, isn't it about worrying about being a scapegoat, pushing responsibility, killing people and killing others."

President Zipper smiled bitterly, and it is rare to tell the truth that American intelligence agencies should not be too skilled in doing these things.

The list of internal investigations sent by the chiefs and directors below is not as detailed as the one sent by Zhang Nan. Such a list is also a warning from the Ukrainians: I have your handle in my hand, don't think about tearing your face!

To the truth of the president, Zhang Nan "haha" twice, "William, let me analyze the list carefully. I don't think you should let those brave divers go to death.

That's it, I have time to contact. "

To a certain extent, Zhang Nan and President Zipper are allies and friends, as these magical local Ukrainian arms dealers can also guess.

Ukrainians believe that the joint force is real, and the most unreliable is the Yankee. After much deliberation, several parties joined forces and directly added a list of evidences to the joint force representative with the specially left evidence of purchasing arms with the US intelligence agency.

The meaning is clear-you, Yankee, don't want to plant me!

Of course, the original materials are still in the hands of the Ukrainians.

United Forces is very happy to be the intermediary in this matter and hand over these things: make a copy of the list to Washington, as for the evidence, leave it for the time being, so that Washington will not deny it!

Some people know that the more secrets, the shorter their lives. As for Zhang Nan, absolutely. Longevity.

Here Zhang Nan hung up the phone and said naturally: "A bunch of unlucky guys!"

The bad luck is those divers. Today's shipwreck may explode at any time-there are at least one hundred thousand fuzes on board, and there are more detonators that will detonate after a certain amount of impact!

The shipwreck is unstable and the ocean currents are unstable. The explosives inside will explode at any time.

In fact, for the Turks, this trip was lucky. When the bridge collapsed, the cargo ship was not directly blasted. If that happened, millions of people would die in Istanbul!

The explosion can't kill so many people, but the tsunami can!

There are people who are afraid of death, but not afraid of death, or people who force themselves to be fearless and not afraid of death.

The sunken ship will be transformed into an atomic bomb at any time, but there are still divers going into the water to check the situation;

In order to get the best viewing angle, the people of the TV station assumed that the camera was only a few hundred meters away from the bridge. Once it exploded, the shock wave could easily take it into meatloaf!

There are also people who are reluctant to leave their homes and shops for the sake of property, for fear that they will have nothing after they go...

There is no such thing as a large-scale robbery in the city. There are more soldiers on the streets than walking civilians. If you catch a robbery, you will kill it on the spot!

A large number of foreigners are evacuated. Even if the traffic is paralyzed and the Turkish government can’t take care of them for the time being, it’s okay to walk up high on two legs and run more than ten or twenty kilometers away. Only the idiots continue to live in those stars by the strait. In the hotel.

Golden Horn, this angular bay divides the European part of Istanbul in two, and the coast of this area will be dyed golden in the afterglow of the daily sunset.

The beautiful parks and coastal promenades are well organized. Around Fennell and Bharat, there are a large number of Byzantine and Ottoman wooden houses, synagogues, and mosques dotted around them. It is a favorite place for tourists arriving in Istanbul. .

Usually there is a lot of people here, and there are people who speak all kinds of languages. However, there is almost no one in this large area except for soldiers patrolling by car!

There were a lot of seabirds and stray dogs, as usual, but few people were seen.

No way, the altitude of this large area is too low, most of which are below ten meters, or even only two or three meters.

Once there is a tsunami, it can rush all the way to the head!

In the early morning of April 5th, after four days of forcible evacuation almost at all costs and recklessness, Golden Horn became a huge ghost town, and this large area can usually have hundreds of thousands of people!

7 am Istanbul Among the people all over the world who have the conditions and have time to watch TV, a large part of them will take a glance at the whole news to see how the Turks are now.

The poor condition is to watch a few replay shots that have been missed many times. If the conditions are good, for example, people who can see the satellite signal TV of several major media groups in Britain and the United States can also glance at the pictures given by the live signal.

There are always courageous people. For example, on the high ground where André and others once watched the excitement, there are more than a dozen satellite-transmitting video cameras. The logos above come from major media countries.

In New York, tens of thousands of kilometers away, Zhang Nan slept late tonight. Before, he received a temporary visit from an important staff member sent by the a little burnt-out President Zipper.

After talking about things, it was almost 11 o'clock, and when I finished washing, I felt hungry, so I made some supper, and it was 12 midnight when I was ready to go to bed.

After returning to the room, I saw that Jenny and Nicole were watching the midnight news, and the TV camera was facing the almost disappearing No. 2 Bosphorus Bridge.

"Not sleeping yet." Zhang Nan said casually.

"Just finished discussing a few things to say at the meeting tomorrow morning."

Nicole said.

"With yours, bed..."

Zhang Nan hadn't finished speaking, but only heard Jenny burst out: "My God!"

At a glance, her right finger is forward, there is a TV!

Turning around, I saw a huge gray-black smoke with white splashes appearing on the screen on the basically silent TV: the sunken ship exploded!

The three people stayed for two seconds, and Zhang Nan seemed to say something to himself: "What's the date today?"

Nicole understood, but didn't respond through her brain very much: "It's past midnight, on the 5th...what's wrong?"

Zhang Nan returned to his senses and said, "It's nothing, today is Ching Ming Festival."

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