The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1485: Run for your life!

More than a minute after Joseph got on the Volkswagen car that Valentin responded to, the duty officer of the bridge security monitoring office discovered that a large truck had broken down on the bridge.

The traffic flow from west to east on the bridge is congested, and the queue is getting longer and longer, so call the field staff and ask them to send two people to see what is going on and see if the car can be repaired quickly and if it is necessary. Send out large trailers as soon as possible.

There are only two bridges on the strait plus a ferry. Congestion on any bridge is an important situation, and it must be resolved as quickly as possible.

The driver of the truck that would break down should use the phone hung on the tower bridge to contact the rescue, but it is normal if there is no call in the past two or three minutes.

Cars break down on the bridge almost every year, and there are more traffic accidents. Not making a call is a bit abnormal. There are emergency calls at intervals on the bridge, but there are always some drivers thinking about solving the problem by themselves, which delays the rescue time.

Bridge managers would scold their mothers every time they encountered similar situations, but they had no alternative: towing is the fastest solution, but the above stipulated that the towing should be charged, and it was not cheap. As a result, when Xiaoban’s accident happened, the driver always wanted to try himself first. Solve the problem.

The bridge is very long. It is inconvenient for the staff on duty in the west to go backwards, and they can only be checked by people from the east.


The jaw-dropping thing happened!

At the end of the timing, the current activates more than a dozen electric detonators distributed in the car box and detonates at the same time!

Large detonators, these home-made ammonium nitrate explosives are relatively blunt, so you have to use the big guy: the explosive is detonated by the detonator, and a chemical reaction is formed instantly!

The gas expands, and nearly 20 tons of fertilizer mixed with explosives and incarnation explosives becomes a huge amount of gas and high heat in a very short time, expanding at a speed of more than 4000 meters per second.

The six-axle truck almost became a molecular state in an instant. The huge shock wave blew a large number of vehicles in line on the left, and the people in the nearby vehicles were directly evaporated under the dual effects of high temperature and high pressure!

The equivalent of T-NT of more than 15 tons expands in a three-dimensional manner, and the spacious bridge deck is exploded and blown away in a much shorter time than a blink of an eye. The hanging steel cable breaks and collapses like a spring.

On the right side of the truck, the horrible shock wave peeled off the outer concrete of the bridge tower within one thousandth of a second. The huge overpressure and high temperature continued to move forward. The steel bars in the bridge tower were then forced and bent. Concrete is like half of flour being blown off and turned into powder.

After a tenth of a second, the cars within a hundred meters before and after the original location of the truck were either crushed into scrap discs, or flew out half of the paper.

With the passage of time, all personnel in the vehicle two to three hundred meters away were also killed, and it would be only half a second before the detonator detonated!

The slabs of the bridge were pierced, and the upwardly swollen gunpowder was higher than the top of the tower bridge: in three seconds, Andre and the others, one kilometer away, heard a loud noise like thunder bursting in their ears. At the same time, the face felt the impact of the airflow.

At this time, the smaller half of the bridge was surrounded by gunpowder smoke, so I don't know what happened to the bridge tower.

"Get off and take a look!"

Andre gave an order, and now even Alexander, who was driving, opened the door to watch the excitement: it was all exploded over there, and it was abnormal to not watch the excitement.

Sure enough, several exclamations were heard nearby!

Wait, wait...


The gunpowder has not dissipated, and the top of the tower bridge can be seen. The section on the north side seems to be a bit slanted to the southeast. The section of the bridge tower structure at the point of explosion did not withstand the close explosion of 30 tons of explosives, although it was not completely penetrated. But it can no longer withstand the huge traction brought by its own weight, steel cables, and the bridge deck itself!

The pylons tilted to the southeast at a slow, visible speed. The two upper beams of the gate-shaped structure were subjected to strong torsion, and the concrete and the internal steel structure were distorted. When the limit was reached, the concrete was broken.

Just like dominoes, the speed of concrete breaking is getting faster and faster, the internal steel mesh is broken and deformed, and the destruction is unstoppable!

Usually, the huge main steel cable pulls the terrifying weight of the bridge deck to maintain the balance of power.

Now the balance is broken. There are not many steel cables pulled out of the claws on the east side, but the main bridge deck over a thousand meters long is sagging in the middle: they lose the traction support point, the tower bridge falls to the southeast side, and the west side keeps going. A vertical steel cable was broken out by the huge traction and anchored cable!

On the highway where people appeared within a few tens of meters away from Andre and the others, they shouted their gods and looked at the direction of the No. 2 Bridge with all eyes.

For the people of Istanbul, this is not only shock but panic, everyone can see that the bridge is about to collapse!

Andre’s side is a bit far away from the bridge. I can see that the bridge is going to be finished, but I can’t see the situation of the bridge head: the bridge tower is built on the land by the strait, and there are a lot of buildings within two to three hundred meters on both sides of the bridge tower and the west. Buildings, cars on the road get together.

On the side of the strait, there was still a small hillside, and the explosion was launched in a group of air waves. Not to mention the glass windows of the buildings within two to three hundred meters, even the walls were destroyed by the shock wave a lot!

Many buildings on both sides of the bridge have been blown up. For them, the explosion is the top of Mount Tai, which is directly flattened and blown away!

There were also casualties on the sea near the coast of A small fishing boat was fishing less than 50 meters from the shore, and this boat was gone!

The entire Istanbul was awakened by the huge explosion. Needless to say, those who were within the radius of the bomb’s destruction were tragic.

The people who found the explosion in the distance were either stunned or hysterical. They only heard the sound of the explosion, but those who could not see the explosion were all running around asking about the situation. The sound of the telephone alarm almost paralyzed the police reception center of the Istanbul Police Department.

Not only were people on the shore panicked, but there were also people in the strait in hysterics!

A large cargo ship with a full load and displacement of at least 50,000 tons is about to cross the sea under the bridge. The bow has passed, but at least most of the hull is on the north side of the bridge projection.

Every time a ship crosses the Bosphorus Strait, it is a major event. Everyone on board is on high alert. The situation here is too complicated. Not only is the sea chaotic and changeable, but there are also small boats coming out of the side at any time.

Especially when two large ships meet, complex ocean currents occasionally make it difficult for the ship to maneuver, or even lose control and crash into the shore. It’s not enough if you don’t be vigilant.

The captain, chief mate, and others were all upstairs. Not only would they be scared by the explosion, they would see the huge bridge deck hanging down with those steel cables, and the car above it would smash down like a toy!

The bridge deck was crooked, and the captain, who was nearly fifty years old, did not stay in a daze for long and judged that the bridge would definitely not be able to hold it.

At this time, he didn't think much, and shouted loudly in the cockpit: "Abandon the ship, abandon the ship!

Everyone, run, run, run! "

The captain's face was pale. He had already seen that his ship couldn't cross the bridge, and couldn't control where the cargo ship would go out of control. It was important for the forty people on board to escape!

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