The An-124 is so huge that this voyage takes nearly three hours. It was a bit annoying to enter Charlize Theron, pulling Zhang Nan back and forth in the plane, up and down.

This is the second largest cargo plane in the world. It is not a passenger plane. It is difficult for passengers to see the situation outside the plane. If they don’t adapt, they will soon get upset. Charlie is obviously one of them.

Zhang Nan also hates the situation of being in a closed environment for a long time, and although the noise of the An 124 is not very loud, it seems that it is uncomfortable to take a military transport plane for the second time in his life.

The key is: this is made in the Soviet Union!

The Soviet style, the leather is durable, and the comfort is basic.

It's good to walk, anyway, this plane is so big that it can be played badminton in the cargo hold, so it won't be a hindrance to strolling around.

The cargo compartment is not empty. There are high-end cars fixed on the floor, and there are many high-end western goods packed on the aviation loading and unloading trays. The girl even pulled Zhang Nan into a Porsche 911...

Just want to have a comfortable seat to sit for a while, Charlie is a little curious about the goods in the cabin: As such, these goods do not need to be transported by giant transport aircraft, and it is almost the same if they are transported by sea or rail. That way, the freight is much cheaper.

Zhang Nan told her a very incredible answer-these are all smuggled cars!

"Smuggled cars? Brother, do we need to engage in smuggling?"

Charlize Theron was puzzled.

"I have been in it for two years, and I have smuggled in and out. Ninety-nine percent of the arms and industrial equipment shipped from the place are smuggled goods, and more than 70 percent of the goods shipped in are smuggled.

The country over there is torn apart, everything is chaotic, and smuggling is everywhere.

Like Ukraine, there are quite a few people who are almost destitute now, but there are also many upstarts, materials are scarce, and smuggling has become commonplace.

Those wealthy people began to pursue Western things, and it was obviously not enough to rely solely on formal channels to import things. Smuggling goods is very good.

It’s a pity that this transport plane has been emptied one-way. It can also offset the cost by transporting these things along the way. The airlines can’t rely on me to pay for it. It’s a good operation..."

Zhang Nan took it for granted, "...These luxury cars are all sought-after goods in Ukraine, and there are some things that are not sold here, including many cars as gifts from the company, which are just tools.

Nowadays, in Ukraine, those nouveau riche often have money but can't buy the things they like. Sending a good car of 50,000 US dollars is basically better than giving 100,000 US dollars in cash.

Face, a good car is face. Famous watches, perfumes, and imported high-end chocolate are all face. Anyway, people who can drive these cars get a license plate. It’s easy...

However, taking my 50,000 benefits, I have to earn at least ten times the benefits back.

Your brother, I'm not a good person, but I'm more polite over Da Mao. The camel is bigger than a horse.

I think this Ermao will be a **** who can't afford it in the future. If I have a chance to take advantage of it, I will never be polite..."

This is a gloomy social reality. The company does things over there. There is no shortage of cash, fists, and gifts. This can be profitable.

Charlie is not stupid, she understands as soon as she hears it, and she is not stupid to ask questions like "The Ukrainian government does not care?": The place where the plane landed is a military airport, and the army is involved, and it's a mess!

In general, this is a country that **** quickly.


After visiting the cockpit with the curious Charlie, Zhang Nan confessed to the captain: "When I can see the shipyard, let me know in advance. I want to see the big factory from the sky."

The captain in his 40s said immediately: "Yes, sir."

The An-124 is a cargo plane. There are only 6 small round portholes on both sides of the upper rear cockpit. Four of them are near the front and rear emergency exits. Passengers can hardly see the outside.

More than an hour later, Zhang Nan and Charlie stood behind the front and co-pilots, leaning on the seats of the engineers and navigators on both sides, and looking down the city through the front windshield.

Nikolaev, at the confluence of the South Bug River and Ingur River in southern Ukraine, the city has two airports, the smaller one is for military and civilian purposes, and the larger one is the plane where Zhang Nan is located. The air base where An-124 will arrive is on the east side of the city, which is a large-scale pure military airport.

The plane was about to land there, just enough to pass in circles over the famous Nikolaev shipyard.

Nikolaev Shipyard, also known as the Black Sea Shipyard, is the fifth largest shipyard in the Soviet Union and the only aircraft carrier assembly plant. It has a large scale and covers an area of ​​more than 2 million square meters!

It has a long history. Over the past 100 years since the establishment of the factory, more than 1,000 ships of various types including heavy aircraft carriers have been produced!

Several aircraft carriers of the Soviet era-"Moscow", "Leningrad", "Kiev", "Minsk", "Novorossiysk", "Gorshkov", "Ku The "Znetsov" was all built at this shipyard.

Many people think that the Black Sea Shipyard is on the Black Sea, and many people have always believed that it is on the Crimea Peninsula. Many people even think that it is in Sevastopol. In fact, it is still 70% from the sea. Many kilometers, not in Crimea!

Some people say that one of the reasons why the Soviet Union chose the aircraft carrier assembly base here is that the Soviet Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry and other important positions related to shipbuilding in Moscow have many Mrs. Nicholas in power. They helped in this matter. Very busy.

Building an aircraft carrier is a good way to increase the employment rate and increase the status of the city!

Moreover, in the Soviet era, compared to Leningrad, which had a population of 4 million and was open to foreign tourists, it was easier for the city of Nikolaev, which was not open to foreigners during the Soviet era, to do a good job of confidentiality, let alone this. The climate is warm and it can be navigable throughout the year.

Now that the Soviet Union is gone, Da Mao Russia suddenly found a big problem: they will have no place to build aircraft carriers in the future, this is terrible!

No way, who would have thought that the Soviet Union would disintegrate.

The boss’s factory area, I’ve seen the schematic diagram long before, and this will look down from the air, and Zhang Nan can even find the "Varyag" aircraft carrier moored at the outfitting pier.

Charlie also saw the big guy, and pointed out specifically, Zhang Nan signaled that he saw it too.

After not seeing it for long, the captain reminded: "Sir, please go back to your seats with the young lady. We are about to arrive at the airport."

You, the honorific name of the Russians.

Hear what the captain said. The two immediately returned to the seats in the back cabin and fastened their seat belts. Charlize Theron said: "Ukrainians are so stupid!"

Zhang Nan was taken aback and asked: "What stupid?"

"Nicole said that last year, the Ukrainian was fooled by the Washington government looking for an intermediary, and actually dismantled their only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier under construction, saying it was selling scrap iron at a high price.

It was only discovered that they had been deceived until the dismantling was finished, and they all became the laughing stock of the world.

By the way, you don't know about this?"

Zhang Nan slightly smiled and said, "Nicole reads the news. She would not understand the cross-industry details and the secrets in it, otherwise she would not say that.

Charlie, Ukrainians are not stupid, they just have no choice, no choice but to do that..."

Charlize Theron is talking about the Ulyanovsk aircraft carrier that was dismantled last year, a classic battle in the national strategy game. At least half of the world thinks that Ukraine has been fooled like an idiot.

In that matter, Washington feels so good that it is overwhelming, but is this Ukrainian really stupid?

No, they are not stupid, no matter who it is in that situation, they can only dismantle the aircraft carrier!

The Ulyanovsk aircraft carrier is the most advanced nuclear-powered aircraft carrier built by the Soviet Union. The name of the ship originated from the Soviet city Ulyanovsk in Russia. The name of the city is to commemorate Lenin: Lenin’s real name is V. Ladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.

In 1988, the aircraft carrier started construction at the Nikolaev Shipyard. If completed, it will be the first super aircraft carrier of the Red Navy, the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the Soviet Union, and a national weapon that makes the United States the most nervous enemy country. one.

Some people say that the United States does not need a single soldier, just let the middleman go out and use a small commercial scam to completely solve this problem...

Dog-shit, too much praise for Americans!

In Washington DC, I put gold on my face, and a bunch of experts who hold stinky feet sought after, and they all boasted amazingly!


At the end of the previous year, a representative of a Norwegian shipbuilding company came to Nikolaev and placed an order for the construction of 6 large commercial ships from the Nikolaev Shipyard.

These merchant ships have a large tonnage, and the Nikolaev Shipyard has this construction capability, but they can only be built at the zero ship berth where the "Ulyanovsk" was built.

The order is still very urgent, it is required to start construction immediately, and the deposit under the order is also very generous.

At that time, Ukraine was madly poor, and shipyards that had no state orders and cut off funds were even poorer and mad, and the shipyard workers were almost starving to death!

In order to prevent the shipyard from closing down and the employees have food to eat, this list must not be lost!

The slipway must be free!

But how can the slipway be vacated?

The 30% "Ulyanovsk" is still on the berth, so it can't be pushed directly into the sea, right?

At this time, it didn't even have the ability to float, and when the shipyard didn't know what to do, an American scrap steel recycling company came to the door.

The vice president of the US company personally led the team and said that it would buy high-strength scrap steel at a price of US$450 a ton, which was much higher than the purchase price of international scrap steel at that time.

Is there anything better than a pie in the sky?

Are there any other options?

While waiting to vacate the zero berth, while eager to scrap steel, and charge high prices;

On the one hand, the commission is generous, and on the other hand, the purchase price is very high, and even the deposit is given.

There is no other choice to go up and down the Nikolaev shipyard, after all, survival is the most important thing!

As a result, the shipyard made the only possible choice, to completely cut and disintegrate the only nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the Soviet Navy with a project progress of 30%.

Just when the dismantling work was basically completed but not yet fully completed, the two Western companies changed their minds at the same time: the Norwegian shipyard notified Nikolaev shipyard that due to the impact of the market environment, the original order was cancelled and the liquidated damages were compensated.

The company that bought the old steel in the United States sent a new representative, saying that because it did not understand the scrap steel market in the international market, the price it had previously opened was too high, and it is okay to continue to sell it at a price of US$150 a ton.

Nikolaev Shipyard has no other choice, the aircraft carrier has been disintegrated, and it has to be sold for $150 a ton!

In this way, two leather bag companies and two false contracts, after paying a small amount of liquidated damages, under the personal organization of the shipyard director Makarov, the person who built the aircraft carrier completely gave the aircraft carrier. Demolished!

Wars between countries are being fought every day, but there are some wars you can see, and some wars you can’t see!

Some people say that the United States has completely wiped out the Russians' hope of having a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in decades with only a small commercial method. It is thorough and simple, killing without blood, and resourceful!

"...Charlie, this is Washington bragging and shameless.

In fact, Washington is the big loser in this operation!

Some people say that this commercial scam can be regarded as a scam of the century. In fact, in the eyes of the employees of the shipyard below and their director, Washington is a fool, 250!

Absolutely, nothing wrong.

Nicole also told me about this, but now she will never mention it. Don't talk about it in front of her. Beware that she becomes angry...hehe! "


"Washington is a fool in this matter, then sister Nicole was also deceived in her thinking?

She is the most successful boss and CEO of Wall Street in the past six years. Instead of encountering this, she will definitely operate this way against the aircraft carrier last year.

I will poke the matter away, she doesn't want to mention it anymore, you go to uncover the scars, ha ha, beware of her cutting you! "

The girl's eyes were white, "Brother! What I asked is how stupid Washington is!"

"Because that aircraft carrier can never be built..."

Zhang Nan talked about the theory that the "Varyag aircraft carrier could not be built" that has not happened is a theory, not a story, here is definitely not stupid Charritz-Theron-the progress of the combined project The situation of the low Ulyanovsk immediately understood the reason.

This time the girl said: "Washington is the one who is being taken advantage of, or the fool who posted it on her own!

The hull of that aircraft carrier has not yet been completed. The Soviet Union is gone, and it cannot be rebuilt.

Occupying the slipway is not only waste, but also the most important survival channel of the shipyard. People who look at the shipyard in this way actually wanted to throw it into the Black Sea.

However, it takes effort, energy, expense, and emotional problems to dismantle it. This Washington agent automatically came to the door, and there are deposits and liquidated damages. It is equivalent to paying salaries for dismantling the ship, supporting the shipyard’s people, and paying for it. Helped others to overcome the psychological barrier. "

"By the way, what is Kaizi? The Washington in that matter is.

Some people say that the aircraft carrier finally sold a scrap price. The scrap steel contract required the steel plate to be cut to a small size, at least to the point that it could no longer be used to build warships.

Washington has succeeded. The special aircraft carriers used were expensive just now and the production process was troublesome. However, once the Soviet Union was over, the most important thing was all kinds of metals, like steel, they were piled up and nobody wanted them.

150 dollars a ton is better than finding a place to pile it up.

It is money if you sell it, and it is worthless if you don't sell it.

Sooner or later, I thought that it would be demolished, and people would pay for the shipbreaking and the purchase of scraps, so a fool would not demolish it! "

Okay, Washington is an idiot, but most people don't know it. Probably the old cloth who has left the White House will be complacent about it, but he doesn't know that he is an out-and-out idiot!

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