The Track of Dawn In the World of Marvel

Chapter 702: 69 The old leader has no children so his legacy can be

  Chapter 702 69. The old leader has no children, so it should be no problem for his inheritance to be inherited by reliable subordinates, right?

  When you first arrive in a strange world, you have no map, you have to avoid the pursuit of a powerful organization, and you need to find a new grave of an old person as quickly as possible. This sounds like a hell-difficult task.

   But it is not difficult for a master pioneer like Mason.

  Collecting information is the basic skill of their profession, and as long as the means of information collection are high enough, it will be a matter of minutes to find a high-ranking dead person in the whole world.


  The back door lock of the low-level management agency in the small city near the landing coast was easily opened. Mason took back the dwarf saber in his hand for unlocking, pushed the door open and walked in, then turned back and whistled.

Harley and Quinn, who were looking out for him, immediately changed positions. The cuties who had changed into ordinary people's clothes wandered the streets with their dogs, guarding the evacuated area for Mr. K who was about to conduct a sneak peek. The road, and the invisibility cloak that hasn't been seen for a long time is draped on his body, making Mason already in hiding when he slipped into this management agency.

  Speaking of invisibility cloaks.

   This is the equipment that was obtained for the first time in an adventure, but its practicality is still not inferior even in this late stage.

Especially after the inscriber and enchanter applied new enchantments and inscriptions to the cloak, which greatly weakened the unstable effect of active stealth breaking and strengthened its breath blocking and magic defense, Mason can wear the cloak around again .

  He quietly walked into the municipal administration of this small city, which is obviously the grassroots ruling node of the council in this world.

  Sneak in and see a large council logo printed on the wall, and the staff in formal attire are not much different from the daily work of official structures in other worlds.

   But it may be because the situation is unstable that there are still guards in important areas here, but it is completely unrealistic to expect these fighters who have only been strengthened at the beginning to block the captain.

  He slipped into the communication room here very easily, added some ingredients to the coffee of the duty officer to make the latter fall asleep quickly, and then used his fingerprints and permissions to enter the office network of the council.

In just a few tens of seconds, he got information including the address of the official headquarters of the council, contact information, the organizational structure of the world, and the standing defense force, etc., but these are not enough, he still needs to continue to go deeper. dig.

  The next step is to hack into the council's database to find more information.

  Although he is not a hacker himself, with Barbara's words and deeds by his side, Mason has a certain technical reserve in this area, and this kind of trivial matter does not need him to do it himself.

  The captain pulled out a data cable from the watch to connect to the main network node. When the data transfer module was activated, he said:

   "Mobius, do me a favor."

   "The invasion has begun, please wait a moment."

  The electronic sound of the mechanical chair is maintained at a whisper level, and as the light on the watch beats, the progress of the intrusion and the important files that have been decrypted are projected on the data terminal in front of you.

  But soon, the mechanical chair gave a warning:

   "The council's important databases are all equipped with security protocols. Judging from the data signals, they should be connected to the Skynet hub. Under the principles of covert operations, it is not possible to mine too much information through such a low-privilege node, otherwise it will alarm the inspection program."

   "As expected."

  Mason nodded and said:

   "Then don't dig the database, connect to the network channel of the arbitration tribunal in the main network and look for the monitoring program.

  Based on what I know about Fury, he will definitely monitor the senior members of the council secretly, and I don't think he will hand over this data to his artificial intelligence for preservation.

   This is the way spies act. People who can't be trusted and want to control the overall situation will always have persecution paranoia. "

  Under Mason's instruction, Mobius immediately changed the retrieval mode, and after waiting for thirty seconds, it replied:

"Found it! A collection program hidden in the information channel of the main network. As you expected, this data network is directly connected to the arbitration court. It is listed separately and does not accept the data protection of Skynet, but the information has been deleted. A lot, and the last time it was enabled was seven days ago."

   "Copy data."

  Mason glanced at the time and said:

   "Take it back and analyze it slowly. By the way, help me and the cuties to register an official identity that will not be suspected on the main network, book a private jet, and fly directly to the city where the council headquarters is located in 20 minutes."

"Please wait."

  Mobius buzzed, and ten seconds later it responded:

"Your special plane is already waiting at the local airport. Your Excellency Marlene Frost, the special envoy of the governor from Garden World No. XUT-78, you will take your two Mrs. Frost to the council headquarters to attend the world regular meeting tomorrow, and stay at the The office is located in the envoy's residence three blocks from the headquarters."

   "Thank you, Assistant Special Envoy."

  Mason replied politely, unplugged the data cable and cleaned up all traces of himself, and did not pat the communication room staff who was lying on the table snoring and fishing before leaving.

   Twenty-five minutes later, on the private aircraft that took off, Mason, who was sitting by the window, had already begun to analyze the surveillance data he had obtained.

  As he expected, the **** old A has been monitoring the high level of the council, but the captain doesn't care about those too personal information.

  He just called up the action trajectories of these high-level personnel in the past few days, and at the same time outlined them on the electronic map at hand. It only took him a few minutes to find the information he needed.

   "Early this morning, two-thirds of all the people under surveillance appeared at the same location at the same time, and this is a cemetery outside the city.

   So, it should be a memorial service for important people.

  The final destination of old A is here!

  Three feet of loess bury all ambitions, and cold tombstones commemorate the honor and disgrace of a lifetime, alas, may the mother earth forgive your folly. "

Mason projected the map in front of his eyes and zoomed in, clicked on the place where the tree roots meet, and set the destination like a navigation. The Mobius chair sitting under his buttocks was planning for Mason very professionally Find the best route.

   "Are you really going there, sweetheart."

  Halley, who was behind Mason and helping the little cutie squeeze her back, said with some concern:

  "I suspect those bad guys must have all kinds of methods in there, maybe there is a trap, and evil **** Doom is waiting for you to fall into his trap.

  I can guess that a person with a sense of ritual like you will not miss the worship of old A. "

   "If they have the spare time to prepare a trap for outsiders who don't know when they will appear, then I can only say that these guys are too idle."

   Mason curled his lips, picked up the tea that Quinn had made, and said:

   "In this situation, all their energy and resources should be used for self-help, that is, the Doomsday Star Project, every minute and every second is very important to them.

   We'll be fine, trust me.

   And confirming that Old A is really dead means a lot to me and the rest of the Quint Society, Mobius, any news on Doom's search? "

  He took a sip of tea, asked a question, and the mechanical chair replied:

   "No, except for some gossips that don't need to be paid attention to in this world's network, no valuable information related to God Lord Dum has been retrieved.

  Their network here is managed by the Skynet center, and there is obvious information filtering.

   Not just Doom, there's very little high-level info on the Council of Hope, but this unit found other info that the first riders might be interested in, like this one. "

  The Mobius chair projected some extracted information briefings in front of Mason and Halle's eyes, all of which were communications messages pulled from the council's internal network.

   After a few glances, Mason sat up straight, staring at the information bulletin scrolling in front of him, rubbed his chin and said:

"There are also 'rebels' here? And they started to be active on a large scale half a month ago. That time point was the end of the fourth shock. It seems that our integration plan not only inspired those fringe world rebel directors Yes, the news of victory also destabilized the core area of ​​this organization.

   Tsk, to be able to do so much work under the noses of the arbitration tribunal, it seems that the rebels here have some skills.

   But it may also be because after the fourth shock ended, all the attention of old A was attracted to me, so these secretly brewing resistance activities were not suppressed immediately.

   This is a good thing.

   Mark it, Mobius.

   List them as a backup plan, maybe we can get some intelligence help from them. By the way, where are my brothers now? "

  He asked a question, and the next moment the projection in front of his eyes switched to the world map mode, and nine red dots were marked out, which almost made Mason spit out the tea in his mouth.

   Good guy!

   It took less than an hour to separate, and the collectors who ran the farthest all wandered to East Africa? How fast are your legs? Is this the displacement speed obtained from daily medicinal mining?

  It's really scary.

   "It seems that Little Sweetheart really doesn't intend to cause destructive events in this world. Halle and I have specially brought a lot of large explosives."

  Quinn walked to Mason's side, she took out an alloy shovel from her luggage, leaned on it in her hand, said with her hands on her hips:

   "So the next step is to dig a grave?"

   "Be gentle, that's called tomb robbery!"

  Harry corrected solemnly:

"This is the first time we have done this kind of work. As the pioneers of the Stars Club, the basic operation of tomb raiding and treasure hunting can only be carried out after the Stars Club is disbanded. Ah, we are really unqualified pioneers. "

   "Remember to act lightly later."

  Mason glanced at his two cuties, and said:

   "Although old A is a bastard, after all, death is the most important thing."


  The sharp shovel head of the shovel broke through the newly buried soil and hit the coffin. Quinn, who was wielding the shovel, blinked, and turned his head to whistle to Mason who was standing in front of the tombstone with his head bowed in mourning.

   At this time, the night was shrouded, eight hours after they entered the world.

  Although it is possible to come earlier, such things as tomb robbery still have to be done at night to be authentic.

  Halley will also take the dog to run around at night in a very professional pretend to cover the actions of Quinn and Mason, but this cute little thinking is really different from ordinary people. Your disguise is a bit too bad, right?

  Who do you see walking the dog to the cemetery?

Mason jumped off the grave dug by Quinn, reached out and put the two small devices into the crucified coffin, and a second after the micro-hydraulic was activated, the ebony coffin was pushed open, revealing the One of the old A.

  His corpse was obviously restrained.

  The head that was completely lifted by the bullet was also sewn back, wearing a formal uniform of the council, and the iconic eye patch was also worn on the face, as if he had fallen asleep.

   I don't know who gave him the restrained body, and put a bouquet of flowers in the guy's staggered hands.

  The pistol he used to commit suicide was also placed in the box, and it was fixed at the corpse's hand.

   "The loess doesn't bury people, not to mention that you died in your hometown in the end. You were much happier than many people. You can rest in peace."

  Mason said something, and used the extraction device to take some biological samples from the corpse, and then took out a little blood and put it into different alchemy containers for static analysis.

   A few minutes later, the result was Nick Fury.

   Its various biological information characteristics are exactly the same as the samples Mason secretly collected when he first met Old A at the Afterlife Bar.

   Moreover, there is no trace of any thoughts being extracted in the remaining tissues of his brain, so it can be determined that he did not hide into the data or virtual space through thinking coding.

   He really died.

  This result made Mason heave a sigh of relief, and a big stone in his heart fell quietly. He took a last look at old A and said softly:

   "Thank you for your help to us. Although it was only out of interest considerations, it would not be possible to reach the end without your protection of the K team in the early stage.

   There's nothing between us, motherfucker. "

   Such a farewell made Mason feel like he had accomplished something necessary, and could finally focus all his energy on the next thing.

  But when he was about to jump onto the grave, the hat on his head suddenly revealed a blurry human face, reminding him:

   "He has something on him!"


  Mason turned around in surprise, and heard the old hat whisper:

  "All the buttons of his suit are enchanted, which seems to be a system for defending against attacks, but in fact there should be another important use.

  Collect them all, Mason, and try to combine them. "

The captain took off the buttons on Ferry's suit according to the prompts, and closed the coffin again. While Quinn was humming and humming to restore the cemetery and cover it with soil again, Mason stood in front of the tombstone and finished enchanting the shiny buttons in his hand. peel off.

  After the weak magic power dissipated, these metal objects changed shape quickly, like building blocks reassembled. A few minutes later, a combined key appeared in Mason's hands.

  He let the key float in the palm of his hand, rubbed his chin and said:

   "So he left some things and didn't intend to let others know, which is really strange. It's not surprising that this deep-minded guy has such an arrangement, but the question is who does he want to leave these things to?"

   "It seems that he is sure that someone will come to 'open the coffin for an autopsy' after his death."

   Hat whispered:

   "Among all the people related to him, who has the spare time to open the coffin of an old black at the risk of being discovered in an absolute covert operation?

  That's up to you, Mason. "


  The captain curled his lips, stretched out his hand to hold the metal key, and said:

   "Well, it's left to me, so a new problem comes, we got the key, where should we use it? A door or a treasure chest."

   "Here's the key to the locker, honey."

  Harry ran over leading the dog. After staring at the key for several seconds, the little cutie tilted her head and said to Mason firmly:

  "It's the kind of locker in the old-fashioned station, I can be sure of this, Mr. J used to have a lot of such keys, used to hide some contraband.

  Even in Gotham, that kind of place is the safest place, no one will pay special attention to the lockers in the station that no one will touch once in decades.

   Look, it still has a label on it.

  No. 2501.

  Didn’t the Mobius chair find out the information before?

  The council's "City of Hope" was built on the former site of New York City, right? So I guess it's in an abandoned train station or subway station? "

   "You are so smart."

  Mason leaned down and gnawed **** the little cutie's face, and the latter proudly puffed up his chest to show that he was very smart.

  The three people and three dogs who just did something bad left the cemetery under the darkness of night. After an hour, they returned to the special envoy's mansion where they were staying, and Mason took out the things he got from the locker.

  A small bag.

  There is only one thing inside, an old and torn diary.

   Mason frowned and picked it up, looking at the crooked handwriting on the cover of the diary. Behind him, Quinn read out the meaning of this line:

   "Rorschach's diary? What is this?"

  (end of this chapter)

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