The Track of Dawn In the World of Marvel

Chapter 692: 59 The End of the Lone Traveler's Bitter Journey

  Chapter 692 59. The End of the Lone Traveler's Journey

  When Mason said that Team K was disbanded, the entire box fell silent.

   There was no cheering or screaming, as if the captain had announced bad news instead of good news.

   Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they all knew that this day was coming, they didn't expect Mason to announce the news neatly during the carnival after the war.

   There is even a feeling of impatience, and even relief at last.

   Hey, isn't it right?

  You can’t disband just by saying it’s disbanded, you have to let everyone get used to it first.

"I disagree!"

   It wasn’t the old team members who reacted most intensely, but Damian, today’s little lunatic dressed up to attend, wearing a handsome and wicked black suit, and brushed his hair with hairspray to look like an adult.

  He put the juice in his hand heavily on the table, got up and choked to Mason:

"The mission and work of Team K is not yet complete! We killed Mephisto, but that was just the collapse of the Stars Club, old A and his Council of Hope are still there, and those **** are still in the dark place Whispers are going to bury us!

  They are not dead yet, the culprit who caused all this bad situation is still at large, the rescue is over but the reckoning and revenge have just begun!

  How can we, as hunters, give up halfway?

   That's not just your goal!

  Mason, that belongs to us too, the K team belongs to everyone, even though you are the captain, you can’t do anything like this.”

   "Old A is dead."

  Mason revealed the answer seeing the little lunatic getting more and more excited.

  He looked at the astonished Damian and then at the others, and said gently:

   "I got first-hand information that old A shot himself in the despair we brought him, and he was overwhelmed by fear, just like every enemy of Batman was defeated by himself.

  The last enemy of Team K is dead, and our combat mission is over.

  Actually, I wanted to wait a few more days to announce this news, but when I saw everyone enjoying their own life, I suddenly realized that there is no need to delay this kind of thing.

   Our last battle is over.

  We will no longer be just rebellious members of the Constellation, we will be free again, and like all the people out there who are reveling, we have thrown off the shackles and have the freedom to choose our future.

  As the captain, I should no longer interfere with your choices about your respective lives for any reason. "


   "Opponent" Damian's biggest reason disappeared, making him speechless for a while, but soon, the little lunatic thought of another point of view. He waved his hand and said:

   "Although old A is dead, God Lord Dum is still there, isn't he? That **** is also the doomsday executioner with blood on his hands, and he is also the evil enemy that Team K must eradicate.

  So we still have a reason to continue fighting, and the K team also has a reason to continue to exist!


   That's right, that's it! This fighting organization must continue to exist! "

   "Well, I think what you want to say should be 'excuse', that thing and reason are two completely different concepts."

  Mason glanced at him, took a sip of the champagne in his hand, and said slowly:

"Damian, like you, not everyone has to have a clear enemy to know how to arrange their lives when they wake up tomorrow morning. I can understand your sense of belonging to the K team as a little fighting madman. In fact , I'm flattered that you reacted so violently.

   But the truth is, we've fought too many battles.

  Besides you who enjoy the battle, other people are already eager to get a rest and adjust their own life rhythm in order to return to normal life.

  It wouldn’t be a heroic act to drag your comrades to continue fighting just because of your desire? "

  The captain looked at the others, and he received approval one after another. In the end, he raised the wine glass in his hand to Damian and said softly:

   "Battle, war, killing, death, these things are never pleasant, they are just means to achieve goals and cannot be regarded as the purpose of action.

  I know that there is an uncompromising warrior standing in your heart, but maybe you should also stop properly, let go of the handle and use your own hands to hold on to something more important to your life.

  The strength without enough willpower is just the water moon mirror flower. You and everyone should understand this truth better along the way.

  Of course, only my K team disbanded. "

  Mason put down his wine glass, shrugged, winked at the little lunatic and said:

   "Remember the life plan you told me before? I won't stop you from completing your little idea, just like you can't stop me from disbanding the ace team I personally formed.

   Or are you, a proud fellow, really planning to inherit an organization that doesn't belong to you? Shouldn't you be looking for new partners yourself?

   So, deal? "

   "Huh, you're just tricking me."

  Damian rolled his eyes, and obviously agreed, but he still folded his arms and curled his mouth and said:

   "But you have taken away all the fun, what kind of great achievements can I make in a peaceful and boring era? Should I stay in Gotham and continue to fight wits and courage with those scum and criminals?

  I have spread my wings and soared into the sky, but you let me return to the form of a chicken and crawl on the ground. "

   "Smelly child."

  The second barrel next to him put down his wine glass unhappily, and scolded:

   "I think you deserve a beating! Have you forgotten what your grandfather taught you? If you can't accept mediocrity, you are also not qualified to enjoy greatness!"

   "I'm not afraid of you anymore, Jason, stop threatening me with your fists!"

  Damian roared at Ertong like a fighting cock.

As a result, in the next second, Little Raven and Little Morgan next to each other took one hand and forced them back onto the sofa, but they still stared provocatively at Ertong opposite, apparently wanting to fight to cheer everyone up .

  However, in this episode, Damian did express the thoughts of some members of the K team. As the little lunatic said, not everyone is willing to return to a peaceful or even mediocre life after a wonderful experience.

  Mason keenly detected this emotion, he said:

  "Old Norman is discussing with the managers of other worlds to establish the prototype of the future order. Except for the few worlds that we fought side by side against the impact, the world that will merge after the next impact is still a mystery to us.

   Disputes will continue, it is not a matter of our will.

  The arrival of peace still needs a lot of steadfast people to work hard for it, so if you are interested, you can go to the old Norman to sign up.

  He wants to form a 'peacekeeping force' that can operate across the world, and name it the 'son of the future'.

  He promised me this wouldn't be the next Stellaris or Conqueror, but frankly, I don't have much faith in the old Goblin's integrity in that regard"

   "Ha, got it!"

   Damian, who was still looking unhappy just now, suddenly understood.

  The little lunatic became excited again, and even turned his head and winked at Xiao Qiao, as if planning to lure his best "sandbag" to go with him.

  The truth is, as Mason said, Damian is not angry at the disbandment of the K team.

  He just wanted to find a new target, a new enemy.

   Gee, what a brat who has lost his focus in life. He doesn't seem to realize that the really important things are by his side, but considering that he is only thirteen years old this year, he can't be too harsh.

   After finishing his business, Mason sat among the team members and skillfully participated in their conversations, making the atmosphere relaxed again.

  Especially after Harry drank a bottle of wine and jumped onto the table to grab the steel pipe that tortured the blue beetle, the atmosphere in the whole box suddenly became hot and joyful.

The perception of professional gymnasts dancing is naturally not comparable to that of non-professionals, especially when the drunk Harley jumped from the air and jumped onto Mason's shoulders with a super difficult move, which immediately attracted a group of people screamed.

  Little cutie is also very happy today, her Mr. K finally no longer needs to devote energy to other boring things.

  Mason finally belongs to her alone.

   "How are you? Are you okay?"

After the public kiss scene came to an end, the captain hugged his drunken cutie and started talking nonsense, and turned to look at Zod next to him. , this son of Krypton also maintains a quite calm and introverted posture.

  He just sat in his seat, smiling and watching other people enjoying relaxation, and for him, witnessing such happiness seemed to be a kind of relaxation.

   Facing Mason's inquiry, Zod curled his lips and said in a low voice:

  "The wrist bone is broken, the spine is contused, and the left eye is still a little blind, and my head is buzzing. I dare not stand up now because I am afraid that I will spit it out.

  I finally know why Clark has to disappear for a period of time after each outbreak. The uncertainty of this 'ideal' power is indeed a bit scary for the oppression of the body.

  If I could smash the body of the death **** with one punch like Clark, the oppression imposed on my body by that force alone would be enough to kill me.

   That would make me the first Kryptonian ever to kill himself.

  Perhaps this can also be regarded as a new breakthrough in trick suicide. "

   "You know that's not what I'm asking you."

  Mason shaped a little pure water and drank it for Harry, who was moaning in his arms, to make her sober and not unbutton her here, and said to Zod:

   "I'm asking about the feeling after learning the secret of Kryptonian power, the feeling of omnipotence."


  Zod recalled his feelings on the battlefield, and he turned back to Mason and said:

   "Actually, it's not as powerful as I thought.

  But it is indeed a novel experience to put the strength of strength on the will. The quality of the body will no longer limit my destructive power. It is like unlocking a lock so that my future can expand infinitely.

   But I have made my vow after all.

  From now on, my life will revolve around this center of gravity. I am not as great as Clark to protect the beauty of everything. This is destined to never reach his height.


  He paused, turned his head to look at Kara who was drinking a glass of cocktail with Quinn, and showed a self-evident smile on that calm and thin face.

  Bizarro next to him came over, with a weird smile on his zombie-like gray face, raised his thumbs in both hands, and whispered to Mason:

   "Weak chicken Zod and ugly Kara hide in the ward and kiss."

   "Hey, that can't be said!"

  Zod picked up the wine glass and stuffed it into Bizarro's hand, and grabbed an apple to plug his mouth, but when he turned around, the captain was gone, and the drunk Harley was also taken away.

   Just like the classic scene when Batman disappears, people are always chatting and then disappearing.

   But Zod was used to it.

  He shrugged and got himself a drink.

  But the captain didn’t really intend to disappear suddenly, it’s just that Harley’s drinking too much alcohol made her stomach upset, and now Mason was waiting outside the women’s toilet, listening to his little cutie tumbling inside.

  He sighed, and casually took out a handful of herbs from his luggage. Amidst bursts of red light flickering, a bottle of potion for stomach discomfort and hangover was made.

  However, when Mason had just finished making the potion, he looked around and suddenly saw a familiar figure walking up the stairs from the outside to the rooftop.

  That guy's temperament is incompatible with this carnival bar, just like the joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected. On this night when everyone has enough reasons to be happy, he still chooses to be alone.

  Brother A came to the rooftop of the bar in the dark.

  He stands here looking ahead.

  Because the afterlife bar was placed in a distorted space, he couldn't see the full night view of Gotham City, but the less brilliant lights are not a bad thing.

   At least it will not cover the twinkling stars above your head.

   Mercer opened his sleeve and glanced at his left arm.

  The disappearance of the devil tattoo means that he has become a truly free man, but just as the little lunatic is unwilling to accept the disbandment of Team K, this release is not a joy and enjoyment for everyone.

  For a unique life whose life has long passed away and whose future is changing without reason, it is not an easy task to find the focus of life again in an uncertain life.

   "If you go any further, I'm afraid you will fall. Under the circumstances like tonight, you will definitely cause trouble."

  Mason’s voice came from behind and didn’t make Brother A turn his head. He kept his cool attitude and put his hands in his pockets, saying in his signature indifferent voice:

   "There is so much happiness waiting for you, there is no need to come here and talk to me, a dull person, it will make you feel bad.

not worth it. "

   "If you're just chatting, then you really aren't a good partner."

  Mason supported Harley, who was hangovered and still a little dizzy, in his arms, snorted, and said:

   "But if it's a farewell, it's a different matter. You have made up your mind to finish your last job, right? At this dawn when all people are free, you will also generously give yourself freedom.

  Although that means you will die forever. "

   "Alex Mercer is long dead."

  Brother A didn’t answer yes or no, he looked down at his hands and said softly:

  "He was already dead when he was hit by that bullet, and I was just a monster born from that body, and I was given a heavy responsibility that should not have been borne by me.

  I also avoided that ending, and tried to find the meaning of my existence.

   But then I discovered that the meaning of my existence is this!

   I must die.

   A world can only be reborn.

  In a chaotic era, a fragile world and civilization cannot resist the ensuing malice, so I must carry my world all the way to the right moment.

  I think it's a good time now. "

  He looked back at Mason and said:

  "Although the future seed you planted has not yet reached the moment of flowering and fruiting, it has become fertile soil. If I plant this seed of life, the most beautiful flowers will bloom tomorrow.

  Are you going to stop me this time? Mason. "

  Harry became more sober, and when she saw Brother A, she realized that this **** was going to say something serious to Little Sweetheart, which dissatisfied Harry who had already planned to do something to Little Sweetheart after the reception.

  But she also knew about Brother A's life and his mission, which should not be desecrated by anyone with a conscience.

Then he obediently kissed Mason on the cheek, whispered a few words in his ear, and then slapped Mason's **** hard like a female hooligan, then went back whistling and shaking Continue to enjoy the happiness she likes in the box.

   Only Mason is left here to accompany Brother A through the final journey of this uncertain life.

   "No, I'm not going to do that."

  Mason stepped forward and stood with brother A, watching the night scenery in front of him. It was dawn but also the darkest hour of the day.

He said:

  "Everyone who knows your story is shocked by how decisive and sacrificing you are in saving your world at the last moment, but few people pay attention to your feelings that bear all this.

   But I guess that must be exhausting.

   Carrying the hope of a world, drifting in a chaotic era or something, you can't even decide your own death freely, you are already very tired, right? "

   "Extraordinarily tired."

  Brother A was finally moved.

  He sighed, and for the first time, a change of expression that belonged to life appeared on that indifferent face.

  He closed his eyes, covered his heart, and said:

  “Every minute I ask myself do I still have to go on? Every time I respond with silence, like a marionette who has to get it done.

  There has never been any freedom at all, and a virus conglomerate like me should not have intelligence and humanity.

  The more I know, the more I suffer.

  It was wisdom that cursed me, and left me at a loss in the gap between the individual and the group.


   That was a gift that would never be possible for me, and I don't want to go on with it.

   It's time to end. "

   "Have you found the place yet?"

  Mason asked, Brother A nodded and said:

"I made an agreement with Ms. Cassandra. The entire northern hemisphere of their world has been razed to the ground and returned to the wild. My people will temporarily live there, and set off to find a new one after the next shock fusion. Landing point."

"What are you waiting for?"

  The captain patted Brother A on the shoulder and said:

   "Let's go, I will accompany you through this last journey."

  (end of this chapter)

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