The Toy Merchant Who Started in the Wind Capital

Chapter 258 At this moment, the end is coming!

As the rampaging coin container broke through the magic tower, it hung high in the sky.

Human structures such as cars, bridges, and high-rise buildings, as well as mountains and rivers, have all turned into cellular coins and integrated into the coin container and the seven alchemical formations around it.

After absorbing enough cell coins, the alchemy magic circle representing the power of the seven core coins began to rain down countless appetite monsters from the sky.

Humanity is going to be destroyed and the world is going to end!

At this moment, Hino Eiji, who was deprived of the dinosaur coin, stood up with difficulty.

Although Hino Eiji has never seen this kind of scene, he has had a similar experience.

Although Hino Eiji seems to be a homeless man with no desires and desires, he actually comes from a wealthy family of politicians.

He has always helped others since he was a student and is highly respected by everyone. With the goal of saving all children and changing the world, he travels to war-torn areas with a large amount of donations.

But at the time, Eiji did not expect that his donations would be misused and used as civil war funds, causing the situation in the aiding countries to worsen.

He even saw a little girl die in front of his own eyes.

After that, Hino Eiji completely closed his heart and became a young man with low desires. He left his family and wandered around.

Wait, in Ryuki, Shinji Kido died to save the little girl, and Eiji also became depressed because of the little girl~~~

So, is the little girl in the special photo film some kind of special curse?

But now, the world is about to perish, which has completely aroused Eiji's desire!

However, it seems that he awakened a little late. The "Treasure House of the King" that should have belonged to him has now been absorbed by Higashino Takeshi.

And now he doesn't have his last trump card, the dinosaur coin.

"Eiji, use this!"

Anku threw out the two core coins, thought for a moment, and then threw out the core coin Eagle that was about to burst with his consciousness!

Although the core coins were snatched away by the doctor, he still secretly kept a peacock core coin and a vulture core coin!

Coupled with the core coin that houses his soul, it is enough to support Eiji's transformation into a hawk and an eagle team!

However, when the coin was thrown, Anku's arm attached to Izumi Shingo also collapsed into cell coins on the ground.

Looking at the broken core coin Eagle, Hino Eiji also understood.

I'm afraid Anku's coins will crack after this battle.

Hino Eiji slowly put the three coins of eagle, sparrow, and eagle into the OOO drive!

Scan, charge, transform!

The core coin Eagle that should have been broken is now emitting eternal light!

Hino Eiji turned around to look, and Anku, who was supposed to disappear, appeared next to him.

This is the body of thoughts condensed by Anku’s spirit!

Even if the coin is damaged, Anku still wants to fight with Eiji Hieno until the last moment!

"If this is your choice, Anku, then let's go together!"

After Hino Eiji and Anku looked at each other, they flew towards the huge container of desire together!

Seeing Hino Eiji and the two taking off, Shotaro also took out the memory and said: "aibo, we can't fall behind!"

"Joker!" /trump card! 』

"That's right, Shotaro!" Philip also said, "We can't give up this title of hero who saves the world to them!"

"Cyclone!" /blast!"

At this moment, the wind from Fengdu blows on W again!

Kamen Rider W: Hayate Ace's golden ultimate form appears again!

Six Wings works hard to chase after Hino Eiji!

Dr. Maki looked at the two Kamen Riders in front of him and said disdainfully: "Can you two destroy my final moment?"

"There are not two of us, but four of us!"

w is the two Kamen Riders in one, and Eiji's eagle bird form can also summon Anku's missing body to fight!

"No need to talk nonsense with him, let's deal with him together!"

The six wings behind w took off, with golden wind wrapped around its feet, and kicked towards Dr. Maki.

Eiji also unfolded the peacock light feathers on his back, and sprouted giant vulture claws under his feet, and also hit Dr. Maki!

And Anku also sprayed out flames, trying to melt the doctor's ice!

Facing three life-threatening attacks, Dr. Maki was not afraid. Instead, he over-controlled the cold energy, turned into armor, and faced the life-threatening attacks!

He can die, but nothing happens to the coin container!

The golden wind penetrated Dr. Maki's chest, the vulture's claws tore his shoulders, and Anku's flames melted the ice armor.

But there was no fear in the doctor's eyes, instead they were full of relief!

Even if you tear my body apart! Crush my soul! Cutting me into pieces, cutting me into pieces with thousands of knives, crushing my bones and scattering ashes, nothing can stop me from realizing my wish, nor can I stop the end from coming!


The doctor spread out his hands that were torn apart by Eiji Hino, and said with great enjoyment: "At this moment, the end is coming!"

After absorbing a large number of cell coins, the seven alchemical magic arrays completely merged with the coin containers, turning into a huge black hole and beginning to absorb the fused world!

Eiji said angrily: "Maki, what on earth have you done!"

"The world is about to be destroyed, and this process is irreversible!" Dr. Maki was immersed in the pleasure of the world being destroyed. "You don't need to bother anymore. Why not enjoy the last peace of this world with me!"

The world has fallen into a countdown to destruction, and people everywhere are panicking.

In Lifengdu, looking at the crumbling Lifengdu, Wan Dengxue sighed. The connection between Lifengdu and the real world is still too deep. If the real world is destroyed, Lifengdu will also be destroyed.

Unexpectedly, the person who killed him was not his colleague Gaia Company, but a guy who appeared from nowhere and played with coins!

It really proves the saying: It may not be your peers who kill you, but it may be someone from across the border.

In the river of heaven, people's thoughts are moved.

Faced with the suggestions from his subordinates Leo and Libra to use Virgo's teleportation ability to leave the earth, I hope the chairman said very calmly: "Don't worry, nothing will happen! The world will not be destroyed!"

"Notify the teachers, come to class on time, and you will be fined for being late!"

I hope the chairman's calm attitude will make his subordinates admire him.

Within Gaia Company, if Wakana Sono was not still calmly drinking coffee and looking at the report, Iwase Asami would definitely have chosen to run away.

As an executive, she has the authority to enter and exit the faiz world at any time.

"My eldest lady, the world is really going to be destroyed. Can you urge your family? According to the statistics just sent, many of the company's factories in Europa and America have been destroyed. The Rakshasa Kingdom's The base was even absorbed by this black hole in the sky!"

The case has been solved. Iwase Asami is not afraid of death, but is afraid of damage to the company's assets!

Hearing Iwase Asami's words, Wakana smiled imperceptibly and nodded.

Among the top women in the company, Sonosaki Wakana only has two best friends.

One is his secretary Mina, who is famous and married.

The other one is Iwase Asami, she and Higashino Takeshi were partners from the beginning.

Moreover, Miss Iwase is a very hard-working woman. Compared to Takeshi Higashino, Asami Iwase wants to marry herself to a career.

And every one of the other women in the company has evil intentions towards Takeshi Higashino!

"Relax, my general manager." Wakana gave Iwase Asami a shot of cardiotonic, "Wait a moment, the world has not completely fallen into despair, and only at the last moment is the time for the savior hero to appear!"

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