On the other side, in the Desire Temple where the DGP competition is held.

Kiroli, the game administrator in white clothes, is looking worriedly at the situation in the evil demon's space through the projection in front of him.

The mysterious man suddenly appeared, defeated the evil demons one by one, and then placed them into his magical black hole space.

And according to the official data provided by DGP, all the data of the man in front of me are? ? ? .

It's not that Takeshi Higashino is as strong as the old devil, it's just that the DGP's testing equipment is too rubbish and cannot detect Takeshi Higashino's strength at all.

At this time, the game instructor Zimli came over and reported to him: "In accordance with your request, upgraded buckles have been issued to Bully and White Bear."

DGP's item that allows ordinary people to transform into Kamen Riders is called the Desire Drive.

A buckle can be placed on the left and right sides of the Desire Drive. By loading different buckles, the knights can obtain different powers.

There are roughly two types of belt buckles, namely basic armed belt buckles and jump armed belt buckles.

Basic armed buckles, also known as small buckles, can only provide Kamen Rider with some basic weapons.

For example, the bow and arrow buckle can provide green bows that fire energy arrows, and the hammer belt buckle can provide pink giant hammers.

But don’t underestimate the small buckle.

Among the few small buckles, there are two sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks, the bow and arrow buckle and the propeller buckle, which are special curses!

Corresponding to the basic armed belt buckle is the jump armed belt buckle, also known as the big belt buckle.

Large buckles can provide Kamen Rider with more powerful attributes and weapons than small buckles, and each large buckle has its own special ability.

For example, the zombie belt buckle in Ba Niu's hand not only has high attack power and thick blood, but the chainsaw zombie destroyer in his hand also releases venom.

Moreover, the zombie belt buckle can also increase the user's life recovery speed, and long-term use can also gain the ability to die.

But... is this why you use one buckle for an entire drama? Bully?

Now, facing Higashino Takeshi on the battlefield, Baniu and Shirokuma both had a big buckle dropped from the air.

The combat power has been qualitatively improved at this point in time.

However, looking at the two knights on the screen, Zimli still asked uneasily: "Do you think Bully and White Bear can really defeat the opponents in front of them?"

"The probability of them defeating the opponent in front of them is basically non-existent, but they can hold this person back for a while." Kiroli sighed and said, "Although there is no way, at this time, only Jihu among the players can solve the problem in front of them. Dilemma.”

As a game administrator, Kiroli pays close attention to Jihu who has participated in the Desire Competition many times and achieved very good results.

And after paying attention, I felt that Jihu was likely to ruin the Desire Contest, so I was always wary of him.

But I didn't expect that I would still need to rely on his power now.

On the battlefield, just as Dongye Wu expected, two boxes with yellow exclamation marks suddenly appeared in front of Ba Niu and Bai Xiong.

The two men's boxes contain the same type of buckle: a propeller buckle.

Every DGP knight has a big buckle that matches him.

This does not mean that the knight cannot use other buckles, it only means that the power will be enhanced when using the large buckle corresponding to himself.

For example, the flexible Polar Fox is very suitable for firearm Magnum buckles, while the hard steel front Bull is a better fit for zombie buckles.

The thruster buckle is an exception. It does not have its own knight, but it is a high-end equipment of DGP.

Because it can adapt to all knights and can increase their strength or speed more than ten times.

Pure data is enough to kill instantly, no need for those messy skills.

After obtaining the thruster buckle, the spider mobile phone equipped with DGP was also updated with new mission information.

"The mission: Protect the city has been changed to the mission: Defeat/repel the mysterious enemy!"

After receiving the message, Ba Niu directly inserted the propeller buckle into the desire drive and said arrogantly: "In that case, I will defeat you and then fulfill my wish to defeat all Kamen Riders!"

But Baniu doesn't know that if he can defeat Higashino Takeshi now, he won't need to make a wish at DGP.

After equipping the thruster buckle, Ba Niu flips the desire drive and activates the super transformation form, transforming into the thruster zombie form.

Let the thruster form control the upper body, so that the punching power increased by the thruster buckle can be better utilized.

When punching Higashino Takeshi, Ba Niu did not forget to twist his propeller buckle, trying to summon the Propulsion Pioneer Motorcycle to help.

Here is a small tip. The propeller form has been used by many people in the show, but only two people have used the propeller vanguard and have their own exclusive motorcycles.

The protagonist Ji Hu and the four riding bulls.

Even Jinghe, who is most "favored" by thrusters, does not have his own locomotive.

Question: What is the name of Kamen Rider Bull's son?

On the other side, Ice Bear was also equipped with a propeller buckle, and he chose to move the propeller to his feet and launched a powerful knight kick!

A punch, a kick, and an ox cart, attacking Higashino Takeshi at the same time!

Higashino Takeshi held his breath and concentrated with a solemn expression, and then...he punched an ordinary punch.

After they obtained the propeller form, they really felt how powerful he was when they faced Higashino Takeshi's punch!

After one punch, the pushing vanguard-ox form that took the most damage was smashed to pieces.

Ba Niu switched his zombie form to his upper body in time, activated his immortality ability, and escaped the disaster.

But the white bear who suffered the least damage was beaten to pieces by Takeshi Higashikata's punch to the core of the knight!

The bow and arrow deduction once again proved its strength!

In the eyes of Jinghe and Niyin in disbelief, Bai Xiong canceled his transformation, collapsed and died.

At this moment, at the top of the stars, Hidetoshi Ukiyo came to the battlefield wearing his own Magnum Thruster form.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo, a man who has been reincarnated continuously since before 2000 and has been participating in DGP.

Although he was criticized for not having played a high-end game in more than two thousand years, he couldn't beat it when he saw a high-level game like Blade of the God of War.

However, Ukiyo Hidetoshi's more than two thousand years of experience has made him a duck to water in the DGP competition.

Even Jinghe of Martial God's Blade chose to believe it!

But with the man named Higashino Takeshi in front of him, Hidetoshi Ukiyo really has no idea how to deal with him now!

Kiroli chose to believe in Jihu, but now Jihu doesn’t believe in himself!

However, Takeshi Higashikata, who was afraid of evil spirits, chose to stop.

After picking up the desire drive of the white bear on the ground, he disappeared with a snap of his fingers.

"Mission: Defeat powerful enemies completed!"

"The God of Shaping Wish has arrived!!!"

Amidst Zimli's congratulations, Ukiyo Hidetoshi knew that he had won again.

But it wasn't the victory he expected.

Looking at the direction in which Higashino Takeshi left, Hidetoshi Ukiyo fell into deep thought.

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