The Toy Merchant Who Started in the Wind Capital

Chapter 240 Why are you always thinking about your airplane head?

Higashino Takeshi wasn't ready to rub his belt yet.

Then I received a call from my dear eldest disciple, Natsume Mika.

It wasn't a big deal, it was just that she made a mistake that Ryusei had made: beating Gentaro Kisaragi to death.

But fortunately, Gentaro was not completely fucked like a shooting star, and he was still able to breathe.

I am calling Master now because I want Master to revive me and save Gentaro's life!

With the upgrade of Aurora Curtain, Takeshi Higashino now has a lot of space anchor points in his hands.

So Natsume Mika also has one on her body, ensuring that Takeshi Higashi can save her immediately when something happens to her.

Higashino Take followed the space anchor point and came directly to where Natsume Shika was.

Among the five people present, except for Gentaro Kisaragi, who was lying on the ground and was wearing black clothes, with his breath coming in but not coming out, the others were all wearing Tiangao's classic blue and white school uniforms.

His stupid apprentice Natsume Mika had a bit of regret and self-blame in his eyes.

There were also Jojima Yuuki and the singer Kengo who glared at her, as well as a boy in the corner holding a Star Disciple switch, looking frustrated but also a little angry.

Faced with the sudden appearance of Higashino Takeshi, both Jojima Yuki and singer Kengo were on alert.

However, Higashino Takeshi ignored them and instead looked at his trouble-making disciple.

After confirming that Natsume Mika was not injured and had no major mental problems.

Higashino Takeshi gave her a thumbs up!

Master gives you thumbs up! As expected of the apprentice of the evil villain Takeshi Higashino!

As a master, Takeshi Higashino beats the main and auxiliary riders on a daily basis, and even suffered defeat at the hands of W at the beginning.

But his apprentice killed a main rider when he was just starting out! He easily accomplished what the master could not do.

Famous teachers make great disciples!

After teasing his idiot, Higashino Takeshi looked at Gentaro Kisaragi on the ground.

It was just massive bleeding, spinal displacement, half of the stomach was shattered, and the liver and gallbladder were torn apart.

The heart is still beating and the soul has not left the body. The problem is not big and there is help!

However, Taro Kisaragi's airplane hair style could not be maintained at this time.

His whole hair was let down and he became a handsome boy again.

so! Why are you always thinking about that crappy nose of yours!

However, Gentaro Kisaragi can still be saved now. If Takeshi Higashikata delays for a while, he will be completely out of control.

Then a stained glass pattern appeared on Higashino Takeshi's face, and two huge teeth of light were inserted directly into Gentaro Kisaragi's body.

Seeing this situation, Shirojima Yuki quickly asked: "What are you doing!"

Jojima Yuuki is the younger brother of Gentaro Kisaragi, and the two have a close relationship.

The fact that Gentaro was beaten like this by Natsume Mika has already made Jojima Yuuki very wary of Natsume Mika.

And now, Takeshi Higashikata, a magical stranger, appears and wants to stab Kogatsuki Gentaro with two big glowing teeth. Of course, Jojima Yuuki won't allow it.

However, there was no need for Higashino Takeshi to explain. Natsume Mika explained directly: "My master is saving him!"

"That's true!" Kengo, the singer on the side, added, "Gentaro's body is recovering."

Although singer Kengo and Kisaragi Gentaro knew each other for a short time, the other party even stole his transformer.

But it's rare that singer Xianwu doesn't dislike this guy.

And as the Fang of Light injected life force, Taro Kozuki's heart began to beat, and his wounds began to recover!

During the repair process, Taro Kisaragi's plane nose was actually coming together again, and his appearance was resealed!

Only death can change your hairstyle, right?

However, the physical trauma has been repaired, but the mental trauma is not so easy to repair.

Takeshi Higashino estimated that Taro Kisaragi would have to sleep in bed for two days to recover.

After curing Gentaro Kisaragi, Takeshi Higashino took back the Fang of Light, clapped his hands and asked, "Tell me, what's going on."

Mr. Higashino is going to court for trial.

"It's not Natsume-san's fault, he doesn't distinguish between black and white, so he protects weirdos!" Yuki Shirojima, a family member of the plaintiff, said.

Natsume Mika immediately retorted: "It's obviously you who are shielding the bad guys and condoning bullying!"

One woman = 500 ducks.

Takeshi Higashino doesn't want to find the answer among the quacks of 1,000 ducks.

So he shook his head, pointed at the singer Xianwu and said, "You tell me, otherwise I will get a headache from listening to the two of them arguing."

The singer Xianwu is indeed a top student, and he narrated what happened.

Combined with the information about Natsume Shika that Higashino Takeshi knew, this matter has been restored.

The cause of this incident still has to start with his apprentice Natsume Shika.

Although in Higashino Takeshi's eyes, his stupid apprentice loves to eat, is stinky and irritable, and has even recently been accused of enslaving his fellow disciples.

The specific details are to let Niuniu help her with her homework, but she will not be paid for the work.

But in Amanokawa High School, Natsume Mika is the well-deserved campus goddess.

Not only is she beautiful, she is also very capable and helpful.

He protected his classmates many times when the school was attacked by star disciples.

Although she has only been in Amagawa High School for half a year, in terms of fame, she is already as famous as Tengao Queen Fucheng Miu.

Some people have even listed her as the winner who can compete with Fengcheng Miyu for the "Queen's Decision Day".

Queen's Decision Day, the annual beauty pageant of Amagawa High School.

The girl who is known as the top of Tianzhi River is selected through voting by all students in the school.

Also known as the Queen of Amagawa.

However, someone suggested that Natsume Mika participate, but Natsume Mika replied: I am the queen, shine with confidence!

The queen does not need to be voted for by others!

The one chosen by voting can only be the princess!

The queen, Fengcheng Miyu, who had won the title for the first two consecutive terms, was severely veiled.

Some people hate this style of work, and naturally some people like it.

Just like Mari Yamamoto, the girl from the Amanokawa Photography Club.

The little girl Mari Yamamoto likes the confident and strong Natsume Mika very much.

It's just a normal appreciation, not the kind that wants to break Natsume Minoru's side.

Because Mari Yamamoto has her own boyfriend, Shunya Miura, a sophomore at Amanokawa High School.

A very handsome but somewhat honest boy from the rugby club.

But the problem arises in the rugby club where Shunya Miura joins.

Because Neon is a country where Chinese and Western cultures blend, rugby culture is not very popular in many Asian countries, but it is very popular in Neon.

Moreover, Neon's rugby culture originated from Keio Private School, and was taught to Neon students by Oiei's lecturers. It later became popular among schools in Waseda and Meiji.

Therefore, if a neon middle-class family wants to attend a prestigious school, playing rugby is one way to do so.

What's more, in order to cater to Europe and the United States, Neon people have many senior officials claiming that their favorite thing is football.

But the head of the American Football Club in Amagawa is a complete fool.

Daimonji Falcon.

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