The Toy Merchant Who Started in the Wind Capital

Chapter 217 Kaidou Naoya has turned dark (25)

Chapter 217 Naoya Kaidou·Has become dark (2/5)

However, now Mizuhara is the savior carefully selected by Higashino Takeshi, so naturally he will not be knocked down by Sonoda Mari's punch.

After grabbing Mari Sonoda's fist with one hand, he punched Mari in the abdomen, which hurt so much that Mari lost the desire to curse.

Seeing the truth being beaten, Cao Jiaren did not step forward to save his psychological mother at this time.

The reason is also very simple.

Not to mention that Suwon just said that the Imperial Belt can only be used by Enoch of Enoch, and did not direct the flames of war to KAIXA's transformer Soka, so Soka had good senses about Suwon.

The most important thing is, after the fight between truth and suwon.

Caojia confirmed three things:

1. The truth doesn’t like Suwon,

2. Suwon also doesn’t like the truth,

3. Even if Suwon is bragging, he is still a warrior who wants to save mankind.

When these three conditions are met at the same time, in the eyes of Caojiaya people, you are his best comrade-in-arms.

Of course, Soka has already remembered Suwon's beating of Mari in his heart, and is planning to take a small revenge on him later.

Mizuhara, who punched Mari half-kneeling on the ground, said unhurriedly: Mari Sonoda, you brought everyone together in the name of FAIZ as the savior, but FAIZ will not appear, which just proves that FAIZ Not the savior, but I will save humanity!”

Then how do you save everyone! How do you become the savior? Truth asked the key question.

When faced with Truth's question, Suwon just said, You'll see!

The strong character that Higashino Takeshi had just created for him shattered him to pieces.

While the rebels were still quarreling with each other, the Gaia tour group led by Higashino Tour Guide had already visited the gathering place of the rebels.

As for why they did not visit SB Club, the employees gave Takeshi Higashino their own explanations.

Anyway, it relies on a boss with strong combat power, vast magical powers, and a wide range of friends, as well as a cross-era invention like Gaia memory.

They have reached a consensus that as long as there are no accidents, the company will definitely be stronger than SB Club.

Therefore, except for some R\u0026D personnel who were interested in Enoch, everyone else came to the resistance settlement with the intention of visiting the doomsday wasteland.

Seeing that SB Club hadn't called yet, Takeshi Higashino simply started to relax with Wakana.

Not to mention, the construction of this resistance camp really feels like the end of the world.

Squat down and take the photo. This will make your legs look longer!

But your legs are not short either!

The dog man's rare sweet words put Wakana in a good mood, but little did he know that this was a lie that Higashino didn't want to be photographed.

Just as I was about to take two more sets of photos, I heard a quarrel next to me!

Even if I die here today, I won't sell anything to you Aoife Enoch!

An aunt selling food squirted wildly at two men, one woman, and three Aoife Enoch.

Hey, hey, auntie, a young man in a denim shirt complained, why don't you sell it to us? You're going too far! Auntie!

I can smell the stench of your Aoife Enoch from a long way away! The aunt looked at the three people in front of her angrily, My husband and two children just failed to transform into Ao Fei Enoch. , Shahua died in front of me, and my youngest son was also killed by Zhinao Company, why do you think I should sell things to you Aoife Enoch!

Okay, Haitang! The leading man stopped Haitang's movements, and then apologized to the aunt selling things, Aoife Enoch hurt your family, and I am deeply sorry for that. But please believe it, Aoife Among Enoch, there are those who hope to coexist peacefully with humans.”

Hearing what the man said, the beautiful woman who said nothing next to her also nodded in approval.

As the leading man said, there are bad people in human beings, and naturally among Ofei Enoch, there are not only those like SB Club who want to destroy all human beings.

The three people in front of them, the leader is named Yuji Kiba, the noisy man is named Naoya Kaido, and the woman who has been silent is named Yuka Nagata.

All three of them are Ofei Enoch, and Kiba Yuji and Nagata Yuka are still very rare native Offei Enoch, and their combat capabilities are much stronger than ordinary Ofei Enoch.

However, they have overcome their own desire to kill. Currently, under the leadership of Kiba Yuji, they hope that humans can live in peace with Enoch, but it seems far away now.

The Aoife-Enoch trio who were verbally attacked by their aunt,

Really, Kiba, look at that aunt's attitude, it's really unpleasant! Haitang said angrily, I can't stand it anymore. If I want to live a normal life like Enoch, I'll start with that annoying aunt! I want to kill, I want to be black!

Kiba Yuji and Nagata Yuka watched Haitang leave, not nervous, but slowly followed him.

If another Aoife Enoch had said such words, he would really be not far from becoming a black man.

But if Haitang said this, it was just a sentence!

Whether it is the original species or the reborn Aoife Enoch, after the transformation, an extremely seductive voice will appear in the mind, urging the reborn Aoife Enoch to kill and kill.

Under this situation, most Ofei Enoch will more or less kill a few people to achieve performance. After that, SB Club will try again with temptations and big stick threats, and most Ofei Enoch will end up with them. Humans naturally cut.

This is what happened to Kiba Yuji and Nagata Yuka. After transforming into Enoch, they both killed a lot of humans. Even Nagata Yuka still maintains a small hobby of killing people secretly. Of course, she kills all gangsters and villains.

But in the end, with their inner perseverance, the two of them saw through the nature of SB Club and chose to live in peace with mankind.

But Haitang is different. Before his transformation, Haitang was engaged in music-related work. After his transformation, there was no voice in his mind that tempted him to kill people. Instead, the voice turned into a burst of singing.

Therefore, Haitang has a human character from the beginning, a sunny and cheerful big boy who is also a bit cheerful.

He said he wanted to be black, but he had to give way to pedestrians at traffic lights.

Sure enough, Haitangxiong came back with two big pockets of big cakes from Auntie's stall.

Did you buy it yourself?

Of course! Haitang said with her face raised, I only paid three times the price and hired a human to buy everything on her stall!

Yes, thanks to Mr. Haitang, we made a lot of money this time. Takeshi Higashino appeared with Wakana with a smile, I wonder if we can have a chat? Brother Xiao Ma?

Kiba Yuji was confused the moment he saw Higashino Takeshi. Then he turned to look at Haitang: You call this a human being! What about your extra-sensory abilities?

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