The Toy Merchant Who Started in the Wind Capital

Chapter 199 Gentle Township, Tomb of Heroes?

Dr. Maki does feel in love.

The object of his love was Chiseko Shiraishi, the owner of the multinational restaurant Kusukuchi that Takeshi Higashino mentioned to him before.

When he saw Chiseko Shiraishi for the first time, Dr. Maki was completely fascinated.

Chiseko Shiraishi looks so much like his sister.

As a family with lax birth control, Dr. Maki’s parents died shortly after giving birth to Dr. Maki.

He left Dr. Maki in the care of his sister.

But don't think that Dr. Maki's life is very difficult. His family owns a manor, and his villa is built like a castle.

If it weren't for Higashino Takeru's Delanlong Castle, in terms of living conditions, Sonosaki Manor would really not be as luxurious as the doctor's house.

However, because he and his sister grew up dependent on each other, Dr. Maki only liked her sister and could only open his heart to her.

After her sister died, no one could open Dr. Maki's heart.

And the only thing he cares about in this world is Xiao Qing, the doll left by his sister.

When the doctor and Higashino Takeshi were wandering around, they happened to meet Chiseko Shiraishi who was returning home from shopping for groceries.

Chiseko Shiraishi, like Eiji Hino, was a travel enthusiast in his early years.

Therefore, the biggest feature of the multi-national restaurant Kuscuchi she opened is that the staff wear national costumes from all over the world to provide cuisine corresponding to the country.

For example, for Halloween, Hina-chan will dress up as a witch, Eiji will dress up as a priest, and Anku Bird Claw will appear in person and Chieko Shiraishi will praise the COS for its carefulness...

And today, because the cherry blossoms are in full bloom in March, Chiseko Shiraishi also put on a Japanese-style dress full of neon elements.

So, next to the creek outside Kuskuchi's store, in the spring when cherry blossoms are flying all over the sky.

Dr. Maki saw Chiseko Shiraishi who looked exactly like his sister.

Then...he was punched by Takeshi Higashikata.

After punching Higashino Takeshi, he only whispered something in the doctor's ear and turned around to leave.

Chiseko Shiraishi is a kind-hearted girl. Between the two options of chasing the attacker Higashino Takeshi and rescuing Dr. Maki, she chose to rescue Dr. Maki without hesitation.

Take...take me home!

By some mistake, Dr. Maki, who almost had his front teeth knocked out by Higashino Takeshi's punch, made this request to Chiseko Shiraishi.

So the two returned to the doctor's hometown.

Mr. Maki, where is your medicine box? Let me help you treat your wounds first.

It's in the bedroom on the left on the first floor. Thank you.

Found it! Chiseko Shiraishi's voice came, but it immediately turned into a frustrated voice, What a pity, it has expired for many years, forget it, just use the medicine in my car!

After saying this, Chiseko Shiraishi ran out of the villa and went to get medicine from her car.

Looking at the energetic, gentle and virtuous Chiseko Shiraishi, Dr. Maki seemed to see the sister in his memory.

The Doctor is already fantasizing about life afterward with her.

Sunshine, breeze, cherry blossoms, lawn, Chiseko and him.

At this moment, the doctor felt a little cooler on his face.

This man is very ruthless. I'll get you a towel first, and you can apply it. Qian Shizi handed over the medicine and complained, After taking the medicine, see if the swelling can subside. If not, you still have to go. Check it out at the hospital.

Looking at the gentle Qian Shizi in front of him, the doctor... suddenly stopped smiling.

The tenderness in his eyes was gone!

Get out, get out!

Chiseko Shiraishi looked confused and was forcibly driven out of his manor by the doctor.

The reason is also very simple.

Qian Shizi is too gentle.

So gentle that it reminded the doctor of his real childhood experiences!

My sister does look a lot like Chiseko Shiraishi, but she is not gentle at all.

He even regarded his younger brother Maki Kiyoshi as a dragster, with eyes full of disgust!

Qingren, my sister is getting married. From now on, let this doll accompany you instead of my sister.

Don't worry, you are excellent, there will be no problem!

My sister’s disgusting words still ring in my ears!

So, Kiyoto Maki, who was only eight years old, burned his sister alive the day before her wedding.

He also burned off the hair of his doll Xiao Qing (yes, bald Xiao Qing is a female doll) and burned his own heart.

He also kept the most beautiful look of his sister in his heart.

Suddenly, Dr. Maki remembered what Higashino Takeru had just said to him.

Doctor, if you hadn't been addicted to the land of gentleness, our cooperation would have ended.

If the cooperation with Takeshi Higashino ends, then he will lack enough combat power.

However, Dr. Maki has already made a plan. He is going to obtain the power that has been hidden for a long time and has never been unlocked.

At this moment, Dr. Maki couldn't help but glanced at the back of Chiseiko Shiraishi as he left.

Confirmed again, she is not the sister.

Then this world must be destroyed by yourself!

The end is the end of everything!

Dr. Maki, at this moment, completely turned dark.

It is said that Wenwen Township is the Tomb of Heroes.

But the gentle countryside cannot trap the true newborn!

Tokyo Hochu Opera Company.

Sir, you are really not a gentleman!

And you, miss, are not a lady either!

The actors on the stage are performing the classic opera Gone with the Wind.

As the most high-end neon song and dance group, it has toured the world the most. Baozhong Song and Dance Troupe's tours are always sold out.

Its biggest feature is that its members are all beautiful, unmarried women who will leave the song and dance troupe once they get married. Therefore, it is also promoted as a benchmark for the rise of neon women in the industry.

But there are always male roles in an opera, and even in most plays there are more male roles than female ones.

Therefore, Baozhong Song and Dance Troupe gave birth to a special industry: male servants.

To put it bluntly, it is similar to Kunsheng in Peking Opera, where a woman disguises herself as a man.

And because of Baozhong Opera Troupe's high-level policies and neon customs, male actors who dress up as men are even more outstanding and sought after.

For example, the on-stage actress Reiko Takamiya is dignified and handsome, and she also has the rare sexiness of a European and American woman.

But no matter how outstanding her performance was, no matter how beautiful she looked, she would still be overwhelmed by the overwhelming applause after her companion Makoto Beishang appeared on the stage.

After a performance, the exhausted Takamiya Reiko had to wait for her fellow male servants to wash up before dragging her tired figure and preparing to return to her home.

This kind of slave-like life is completely normal for the maiden performers of the Baozhong Song and Dance Troupe.

Baozhong Song and Dance Troupe implements the management method of actors managing actors, and divides the song and dance troupe into six actor groups.

Each group has two managers: male protagonist and female protagonist.

But if male actors are the supreme emperor, female actors are just weeds low in the dust.

Not only are their treatment and status lower than those of male actors, but they also have to help male actors with chores such as cleaning, bathing, and feeding dogs.

We are all women, why are you so noble? Is it because you play a man?

The jealousy in Takamiya Reiko's heart became stronger and stronger, and then a coin was quietly thrown into the back of her head.

In a trance, she returned home holding a huge transparent ball of light.

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