The Toy Merchant Who Started in the Wind Capital

Chapter 133 Higashino Pictures Co., Ltd. (810)

Ahem, Zero refers to the Zero Dopant that uses Zero Memory to transform.

The zero-doping body can be said to be a memory that the old man pushed out specifically to prevent civil strife from happening. He was driven by a loving father and a filial daughter.

Its ability is very simple, weakening or even invalidating energy attacks around it.

Not only is this ability generally ineffective when facing Kentaro's body-strengthened zoo memory, it can only be said to be useless.

But when it comes to taboo dopants and clay doll dopants, which rely on energy control to eat, they can be restrained to death.

The person who is most restrained by the zero-doping body is actually Dr. Iba.

Thunder, storm, fire, these powers all have some energy attributes.

This also leads to the fact that many of Dr. Iba's methods are extremely ineffective when dealing with zero-doping substances.

Therefore, even if these zero-doping bodies are not high-level doping bodies and do not have much power, they are still sure of victory when facing Dr. Iba.

It can also be seen that memories also interact with each other.

As strong as a nightmare hybrid, it is absolutely invincible in dreams, but it cannot escape the weakness of the physical body in reality.

There is no strongest memory, only the strongest user.

What's even more amazing is that the old man sent Mick to help Wakana.

Mick's saber-toothed tiger memory also has the ability to accelerate. Even because Mick is a cat, it can take advantage of saber-toothed tiger's speed advantage, so fast that it even surpasses Terui Ryu in trial mode.

As for Dr. Iba, what he fears most is speed players.

It makes sense for mages to be afraid of assassins.

This combination is a sure win against Dr. Iba.

At the critical moment, Dr. Inaba could only use the lightning whip on his back to parry. But in terms of physical skills, how could Dr. Inaba resist Mick, who had double A in strength and speed?

With just a few simple strikes, Mick knocked Dr. Inaba's weather memory out of his body, and Dr. Inaba fell to the ground and turned into a human form.

However, unlike W, which crushes the memory, the museum's Gaia drive can also peel the memory out of the user's body, but it will not harm the memory. The damage is transferred to the user.

When it came to protecting the child and the child, the museum chose to protect the memory.

Just when Dr. Iba and Saeko Sonosaki, the bitter couple, were about to die, a faint blue sword light forced Wakana and Mick back and saved them both.

The person who came was holding a long knife, wearing a lost drive on his waist, and was wearing blue armor, with an orange scarf flying behind him.

Sudou Kirihiko immediately appeared in front of the museum pursuers.

Although Kirihiko uses the Lost Drive to transform into a Kamen Rider.

However, the Kamen Rider form and Nazca's hybrid form are almost the same, so Saeko recognized Kirihiko, her ex-husband, at a glance.

The aloof man at the beginning has fallen into the quagmire, but the humble man at the beginning has become a knight guarding Fengdu.

What an irony, fate!


Kirihiko waved the Nazca sword in his hand and opened a way for Dr. Inaba and Saeko to escape.

But other than the word go, Kirihiko didn't say a word. He looked at Dr. Iba and left in a hurry.

But without the taboo memory and weather memory, their road to survival will be even more difficult.

Brother-in-law Kirihiko, I didn't expect you to come to save them. Wakana put away the clay doll memory and said with a smile, Who sent you here? What a loss.

Kirihiko was in a bad mood and said bluntly: A bad guy named Higashino Takeshi!

Kirihiko didn't cancel the transformation, not because he didn't believe Wakana, but because he didn't want Wakana to see the sad look on his face.

Saeko saw that it was Kirihiko under the mask, but how could Kirihiko not know that Saeko recognized him.

At this time, as long as Saeko can choose herself, even if Wakana really kills her, Kirihiko will fight to save her.

But Saeko chose to go on the run with Isaka Akiro without any hesitation, and left without looking back.

Facing Kirihiko, she said nothing, but she said everything.

It wasn't until today that Kirihiko really stopped thinking about Saeko.

My world, you are not in it.

My fingertips have popped out of cocoons.

Still can't stay with me.

Kirihiko emoticons here to learn Jay Chou.

Wakana didn't care whether her ex-brother-in-law was overly emo, but she urgently wanted to know one thing.

Have you ever had your home robbed?

Kirihiko looked speechlessly at Wakana, who was insinuating himself and wanted to torture him for information. He didn't even want to talk to her 10% or 90% of the time.

But he had to eat and earn money. This time he was not only here to save his ex-wife, but also to spread a message.

Consortium X has successfully developed the ultimate power and will send it to Fengdu soon.

Toru Kawaboshi is currently filming a movie at Toei. When the time comes, you can use him to fuse the ultimate power.

Wakana asked in confusion: Toei?

Toei Pictures Co., Ltd., referred to as Toei.

Wakana nodded, and then secretly determined that she must integrate the ultimate power, become the true queen of Fengdu, and regain Higashino Takeshi!

Wakana's view on love is not the same as Kirihiko's: give up if you don't get it.

If it’s mine, you must give it to me!

Where's Touya?

He's playing tricks.

Wakana's eyes widened? I've only been here for two days, and my sexual orientation has changed.

Build robots.

Higashino Takeshi: I said I was full, but you said I ran away with someone?

Takeshi Higashino, who is obsessed with taking advantage of others, did hold back a big move.

If the child is quiet, he must be acting like a monster.

The power of encountering demons can be said to be the most powerful power that Takeshi Higashino has seen besides the Black God.

The little master of committing suicide, Higashino Takeshi, coveted the power of encountering demons. After sending away the electric train, Higashino Takeshi began to use the Yamadam spirit stone to absorb the power of encountering demons.

It's just that this kind of operation is too difficult for the Adamheim Spiritual Stone.

The demonic power sucked into Higashino Takeshi's body was as stubborn as the stones in the toilet.

Higashino Takeshi: The power to meet demons is a stone, so wouldn’t I be one? ? ?

The system was right, it was indeed extremely difficult to absorb.

Because of this, Higashino Takeshi conducted an in-depth analysis of the power of encountering demons.

You don’t know if you don’t analyze it, but you will be shocked when you analyze it.

The power contained here includes the powers that Higashino Takeru is very familiar with, such as Kuuga, Yajituo, Hibiki, King of Armor, Imperial Cavalry, W, and Oz.

There are also powers such as Dragon Rider, Faiz, Exide, and Sou Kyi that Higashino Takeshi is unfamiliar with.

Although this incomplete power against demons is very weak, it does gather the power of all the knights in the Heisei era.

In addition to the power of the other knights, there is also the power of the King of Demons himself.

This most powerful, supreme and evil demon king has extremely complex and powerful powers, and has the ability to create everything and destroy everything.

It is this core power that prevents Higashikata from swallowing the power of encountering demons.

But... the power to meet demons is still the power of the King of Time.

Since it is the power of the King of Time, the foundation of this power is time!

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