The Toy Merchant Who Started in the Wind Capital

Chapter 106 Anyone who dares to rob me!

The G3 armor is actually a lightweight improved armor, the model is called: Kamen Rider G3 Mild.

However, as the name suggests, Kamen Rider G3 Mild is just a mild. Although it has lighter wearing requirements than the G3 armor, and the defense is not inferior to the G3 armor, its strength and attack power are greatly weakened. If not There are still some supporting weapons of the G series in hand, and it turns into a turtle shell with a battery.

Such optimization is also necessary. After all, if you take into account both attack and defense at the same time, the load on the human body will be too great. It completely fails to meet the standards that allow ordinary people to wear G3 armor. ,

But Higashino Takeshi didn't have this worry. Although his dopant brothers were not very smart, their bodies became more resistant than the others after using memory to transform into dopant bodies.

If after the transformation, he is equipped with G3 armor and matching weapons, then suppressing ordinary dopants will not be a problem at all.

Having said this, we know which military unit Higashino Takeshi's G3 design idea that is about to be improved is borrowed from (chao) and (xi).

Leo Cavalry.

As the mass-produced knights in Kamen Rider 555, although the Leo Cavalry has average combat power, with armor, they are still stronger than ordinary miscellaneous fish like Shuka Combatants, and they have another advantage: After his own armor is destroyed, he can transform into the monster Aoife Enoch and continue fighting, killing two lives for one.

What's more important is that whether it is G3 or Leo Cavalry, they are armored warriors, not biological monsters, which makes them easier to accept from their appearance.

In Higashino Takeshi's plan, after overthrowing the museum, he would not continue to be the underground king of Fengdu, but he would start a serious toy business.

Therefore, the supporting security guards must also be presentable. It is impossible to use doped materials to attack the facade.

What consumers use these toys for is beyond our control.

While Higashino Takeshi and Ozawa Sumiko were working day and night in the laboratory, the bad woman Risa Fukami also started taking action.

Under the guidance of the mail game, Risa Fukami finally found the lost treasure of the superpower research center: Saayaka, a girl with precognitive abilities.

As for Xiao Lei, the boy with telekinesis beside her, he is just an addition, it doesn't matter if you want her or not.

But what Risa Fukami didn't expect was that the always docile Sayaka would dare to resist her.

I don't want to go back to the institute. I want to live a normal life.

When Sayaka said this, Risa Fukami also noticed that the super power bracelet on her hand was gone.

With me, you can have a normal life! Risa Fukami grabbed Sayaka's wrist and asked, Where is the bracelet the research institute gave you?

I've thrown it away!

Hearing Sayaka say these words, Risa Fukami knew that she could only forcefully twist the immature melon off.

Risa Fukami: I am not a delicate queen, I have a lot of strength!

At this time, Feng Guzhenyu found that Sayaka was not in his room, so he chased her out.

Fortunately, Feng Guzhenyu thought the bracelet Saayaka discarded was very beautiful, so she took it with her.

And her ability to predict the future is several times stronger than Saaya's.

When she saw Kazutani Mako walking over with a shining super bracelet, Risa Fukami almost smiled crookedly.

There is a bright future in another village, and it takes no effort at all to get it!

After giving the order, Risa Fukami hijacked the fish and flew away. Sho Tsugami, who arrived late, only rescued Saaya and the two of them, could only watch the fish go away and call to himself. name.

The spicy sauce was hijacked.

But because Kazutani Makoto and Shoichi have a good relationship with the G3 team, and Shoichi also saw Risa Fukami during the previous container war at the dock, they immediately contacted Hikawa Makoto and Ozawa Sumiko.

TMD Deep Sea Risa, whoever dares to rob me!

After completing the research on the G5 system, Ozawa Sumiko felt confident and confident. This time she must teach that perverted woman a lesson!

Let's go and take charge of the Self-Defense Forces!

Under the command of Master Ozawa, Higashino Takeshi, Hikawa Makoto and Tsugami Shoichi, three tough men came to the Self-Defense Forces aggressively.

Ozawa Sumiko was the first to go out and call for the door, and then... she was rejected!

Sorry, the military camp is such an important place that no one can enter. After the guard rejected Sumiko Ozawa, the phone at the door suddenly rang.

After the guard answered the phone, he ran to Ozawa Sumiko and said, Everyone else can leave. Mr. Shiro Mizuki invites Mr. Makoto Hikawa and Mr. Takeshi Higashino to visit the G4 base.

Higashino Takeshi and Hikawa Makoto looked at each other, not knowing what kind of medicine Mizuki Shiro was selling in the gourd.

Ozawa Sumiko said worriedly: Hikawa, do you want to bring the G3 armor?

Hikawa Makoto shook his head and followed Higashino Takeshi into the Self-Defense Army camp.

The place where Higashino Takeshi and Hikawa Makoto met Mizujo Shiro was a huge cold storage.

Two months ago, I was a soldier at the Superpower Research Center.

When the so-called unknown attacked, I was helpless, but in the midst of despair, I saw hope.

This hope is you two, Mr. Higashino who is like a god, and Mr. Hikawa who is as good as a god.

And if you want to gain this kind of power, for a grassroots person like me, you can only gain power by embracing death.

Mr. Higashino, Mr. Hikawa, I invite you here because my time as a G4 driver is running out. After my death, I hope that you two can take over the G4 and become its dresser.

Good guy, this is asking someone to die.

No need to say it! At this moment, Hikawa Makoto interrupted Mizujo Shiro's invitation. Mr. Shirou, I completely understand your experience, but this is not the reason for your strength.

You just embrace death blindly, but forget the meaning of life!

Give up the G4, it will kill you!

Sunshine boy Hikawa Makoto still hopes to save Mizujo Shiro's life at this time.


Following Hikawa Makoto's speech, a burst of sarcastic voices sounded in the corridor.

Ha ha ha ha!

The owner of the voice appeared, it was Risa Fukami.

Human beings are inherently weak. Is there any need to discuss the life and death of the weak?

The weak only need to kneel down and praise the peace and beauty that the G4 system has brought to them.

Speaking of which, Lisa Fukami pressed the remote control button, causing Fugu Manyu, who was restrained in the spherical instrument, to suffer terribly. The superpowers in her body were continuously absorbed by the circular device, and were eventually transmitted to the G4 system.

As long as the G4 system absorbs all the power of this girl, it can gain the power of time.

Risa Fukami became more and more excited as she talked, and the smile on her lips was harder to suppress than an eight-fold mirror.

If nothing else happens, it will become the king of time and the supreme existence that no one can touch!

After hearing what Risa Fukami said, Takeshi Higashino curled his lips.

Who is the king of time if he can predict the future?

Only the king stopped by time is the real king of time.

Moreover, when you say the words no surprise, it is as if a poker player heard your life is like a candle in the wind.

There will definitely be an accident!

After Risa Fukami finished venting her catharsis, countless Ant Lords swarmed into the Self-Defense Forces, with a clear purpose: Feng Gu Zhenyu.

Cavalier Terrier Encyclopedia:

1. Leo Cavalry: The mass-produced knight that appears in Kamen Rider Faiz. Because the Faiz series knights must be monsters of Enoch or humans with Ofenoch factors to transform, so all Leo Cavalry are The one with two lives, in addition to armor, also has a monster form.

2. The King of Time was stopped by time: It refers to Kamen Rider King of Time, who is known as the King of Time, but was stopped several times by the villains Time Robbers...

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