The Third Reich

Chapter 89: Make up for the regrets of history

  The anti-aircraft artillery with a hand drawn machine is the most funny in the entire World War II, not one of them! It's almost comparable to a bolt-action rifle! I really don’t know what these designers think!

   There are many military fans in later generations. When they bring up the hand puller, they are all speechless for a while. Some even say that the designer’s little JJ should be stuffed into the barrel and shot together.

Why is    single shot? Why is it single shot? It is said that this was modified by a German designer directly with a 37mm anti-tank gun, so there is no need for bursts of anti-tank guns. However, when it comes to the antiaircraft artillery, there is no burst of fire and a fart!

   Moreover, in this era, the Germans clearly have 37 mm automatic guns. For example, the Army has 37 mm, with a rate of fire of 160 rounds per minute, which is a hundred times stronger than a hand drawn machine!

   I really don’t know how the Germans got cramped and didn’t modify it and put it on the ship. Is it what corruption is it?

   Cyric can't manage so much, in short, the pull machine must be changed!

  In this era, there are no anti-aircraft missiles and no Aegis warships. However, it is always possible to add some powerful automated anti-aircraft guns, right?

"I suggest that the German class we are building now, the new aircraft carriers, battleships, etc. that we will build in the future, should pay attention to air defense! In the future, the biggest threat to our warships is from the air!" Cyric said: "At the same time, in addition to the anti-aircraft artillery, our current warship needs to increase the armor of the deck to be able to withstand the attack of larger bombs from the top."

   Cyric presided over the meeting and put forward many insights, which were all recorded one by one.

   "Colonel Cyric, we now attach importance to surface ships, especially aircraft carriers, what do you think, our submarines? Where should they be placed?" Dunnitz asked Cyric.

   submarine! In World War I, the German submarine force was quite outstanding!

   And now, Dunnitz in front of him, although he has not formally taken charge of the submarine, in his heart, he still values ​​the submarine very seriously.

   The strength of the country is limited, and the resources allocated to the navy are also limited. If they are used on aircraft carriers and battleships, then the submarine force will definitely be reduced.

"Submarine can be small and big, a properly used submarine can even destroy the enemy's aircraft carrier." Cyric said: "Our submarine force must also develop, but we must not put all the center of gravity on the submarine. On the other hand, compared with surface ships, especially airplanes, the disadvantages of submarines are obvious. Surface ships, as long as they pay attention to them, can easily hunt down submarines under water."

Thinking of the wolves in the Atlantic during World War II, Cyric was a little sighed. After the sinking of Bismarck, Hitler lost confidence in surface ships and fully supported Dunnitz’s submarines. In the early days, the submarine tactics It played quite well and seriously threatened Britain's maritime transportation lines. However, after the United States took it seriously, within a few months, it strangled the wolves tactics.

  Submarine is just one point in the entire sea battle. Relying on submarines is quite passive.

   "Well, the navy must focus on aircraft carriers and battleships." Hitler set the tone: "From now on, we must vigorously support the navy and train naval aviation."

   Hearing these words, Goring was on the side, stunned. Goring's expression was quite complicated.

   In later generations, Goering was under one person and over ten thousand people, quite arrogant. He strongly opposed the navy's possession of aviation, for fear of distracting his arbitrary power over the air force.

   Goring has repeatedly threatened that everything that can fly belongs to me! He even threatened the Navy that even if the "Earl of Zeppelin" aircraft carrier under construction was completed, it would not be allocated a carrier aircraft.

   This is also one of the reasons why German aircraft carriers could not be built in World War II.

   Even in the 42 years of history, the German Navy had converted two large cruise ships "Europa" and "Potsdam" into auxiliary aircraft carriers, but they also gave up their efforts because they could not get suitable carrier aircraft.

   But now, Goering is no longer the role of the second child. In the Workers’ Party, Cyric’s status is second only to Hitler! Cyric strongly supports the navy's air force, which makes Goring quite depressed.

   But, Goring is not as stupid as the hereafter. Of course he knows the real cause of Roma's death, so Goring can only shut up.

"After talking about the navy, let's talk about the air force." Cyric said: "This exercise also shows one thing. Dive bombing will become the most common method of attack in the future. As we For the restoration of the air force, we must have advanced aircraft."

   "Yes, we need advanced bombers!" Hitler was quite excited on the side and patted his thigh.

   bomber! This is also a weapon that Hitler was obsessed with! To what extent? When the Me262 jet plane was made out, Hitler's order was to use it as a bomber first!

"Biplanes are outdated. Now, the most popular trend in the world is monoplanes. We must build the world's first-class Cyric said: "Among them, the special dive Bombers need thick armor protection. After all, the ground's air defense firepower is also very powerful. This kind of aircraft can deal with warships and tank troops on the ground. "

At this time, Cyric remembered two common aircraft in later generations, HS129, also known as tank opener. It was specially used to fight tanks. It was developed on the basis of the Soviet Iraq-2 attack aircraft, Stuka The bomber, the peculiar howling, is the most obvious sign of World War II!

  Which one is suitable, let history! Take a look at which of these two aircraft can be built first and still meet the technical requirements proposed by me.

   "Yes, we must vigorously develop dive bombers!" Goering recovered at this time. After all, how many aircraft carriers can the Navy have? A large number of aircraft still belong to the Air Force!

"In the future war, our air force will have an arduous task." Cyric said: "We must prepare now. In addition to dive bombers, we also need advanced fighter jets and large bombers. Among them, fighter jets. , The voyage must be far enough, the bomber, a large bomber with four engines."

   As a traverser, of course I have to make up for my regrets! What is the regret of the Luftwaffe in history?

  The range of a fighter jet is not far enough! Therefore, when the British bombed, it was impossible to **** the fighter jets! In the end, the Luftwaffe's bombing operation failed, and the loss was too great!

   At the same time, it is a pity that there are no heavy bombers. Hitler's point of view is that a bomber that cannot dive is not a good bomber!

   Sure enough, when he heard Cyric’s words, Hitler immediately asked: "Large bombers? Can dive bombing?"

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