The Third Reich

Chapter 561: Hospital hands-on

Brest, Port Hospital.

There were crowded people everywhere. In the harbor, those who had planned to escape by boat had no choice but to regroup towards the city. When the German bombers appeared, they coincidentally gathered towards the hospital.

In the Geneva Convention, the hospital is a place where destruction by both parties is strictly prohibited. The red cross flag flying high above the hospital is its symbol.

In the war between Germany and France, the two sides have always adhered to the bottom line and will not actively attack buildings such as hospitals and schools, such as now.

No matter how many bombs the bomber dropped, none of them fell in the hospital.

If you want not to be accidentally injured by the bomb, it is safer to hide in the hospital.

As a result, with this mentality, more and more people are flocking to the hospital.

When Peak's convoy arrived at the hospital, there were not many people. Their convoy parked in the open space in front of the hospital and parked with several ambulances, thinking it was safe.

Pique sent three trustworthy henchmen to three places to contact General Darlan, while he himself stayed in the convoy to protect this batch of gold, which is nearly two hundred tons of gold!

Gru was sitting in the back of a truck. At this time, blood had already leaked out of his feet. It had been several hours since the last time he was wrapped. His feet were bumpy all the way. Hospital treatment.

Pique just glanced at him, then looked elsewhere. The injury of a big soldier is not worthy of his attention. Now, what he is most worried about is the way of this batch of gold.

Next, what should I do?

Especially, more and more people come in! Space is always limited. When more and more people come in, they will inevitably rush toward the open space on the parking lot and toward the cars.

"Show the weapon." Pique said, "Don't let them approach our car."

There is gold in the car. Once this situation is known to these people, the consequences will be serious. Everyone is greedy for money, not greedy for money, but the amount is not enough to make the other person tempted.

Once hundreds of tons of gold are discovered, these people will swarm them, and they will simply be unable to resist it.

"This is a hospital and not a military camp. Why don't you let everyone come near?" At this moment, a woman wearing a hat asked a soldier, although the woman looked down and out, she couldn't hide it. That noble temperament must have come here from somewhere, ready to go to sea by boat.

Now, there is not enough space and people are crowded. As a celebrity, she doesn't want to be **** by some lustful men. She naturally aimed here.

"Sorry, we have military affairs." said the guarding soldier.

"Boom!" At this moment, a bomb suddenly exploded in the distance, and thick smoke billowed, and the crowd here was suddenly panicked.

"What military affairs? You are obviously afraid of fighting outside. As our French soldiers, you are simply our shame!" the woman continued to shout.

The soldier was speechless.

It is true that under the current situation, soldiers should be on the front line to fight against German talents, but now, they are actually mixed among civilians and hiding here, it is simply a shame for soldiers!

In an instant, there were a lot of citizens, following the hustle and bustle, there were many people outside, and they couldn't get in. You soldiers, it's too much to not make room!

Pique found that the situation was not good. He stood on the hood of the engine and took out his pistol: "Again, you can't get close, otherwise, don't blame me for ordering the shot."

The gun in his hand shook twice and pointed at these people in a demonstrative manner. Sure enough, wherever he pointed, people would step back, leaving the vehicle for several meters in an instant.

No one will have trouble with a pistol.

Pique was still satisfied. He heard a bang when he was about to retract his gun. Then, a blood hole appeared on the chest of a citizen in front of him.

He screamed and fell backward, his body rolling on the ground.

what happened? Did your gun go off? Pique's mind was blank at this time.

In the small building behind the hospital, the light of the lens flashed through a window.

"Kill, they dare to kill!" The woman just yelled, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

"Quickly, call the doctor over!" Pique shouted loudly.

"No, you can't waste time. With so many people, the doctor is a waste of time. You can quickly send him to the rescue room inside!" the woman continued.

Pique didn't think much about it, and immediately shouted to the men next to him: "Quickly, you guys, send him to the rescue room."

When a person is injured, the first few minutes of rescue is crucial. Now, the fastest time to send the shot person to the rescue room can save the other person's life as much as possible.

A few soldiers hurriedly carried this person and ran towards the rescue room. People along the way dodge a Hope it's okay! In full view, Pique's behavior just now is very dangerous, maybe, his military career is over.

He didn't know, unknowingly, his subordinates were partly diverted again. Now, he has less than fifty subordinates left. Moreover, these subordinates are surrounded by people who are blocking them. .

"Do it!" Suddenly, the celebrity who was still very angry just shouted loudly. With the shout, she had an extra pistol in her hand, which was only half a meter away from Pique, absolutely perfect.

And Pique, just put on a pose, and the gun went off fire, so he hurriedly put the gun back in. When he found the opponent's actions, Pique knew that he was hit, but it was too late!

There were gunshots one after another nearby. With the gunshots, the scene was in chaos, and the crowd ran outside one after another.

"Get in the car and drive away!" the woman shouted loudly, jumped into one of the cars and pressed the start button.

Glu was lying in the back of the car, looking at the blue sky and white clouds. He knew that his mission was over.

Following the chaotic crowd, the convoy drove out of the hospital. After that, they separated one by one and disappeared in the port. The French would never want to find the gold again until their own people arrived.

"Gelu, you have worked hard." The woman said to Gelu when the car stopped in a secret garage.

"It's okay, now, just waiting for our people to come." Glu replied, at this time, the sky was already full of stars.

Pique didn’t look at him. He didn’t even know that the hospital was the headquarters of the German intelligence system in Brest. When the convoy arrived there, the woman immediately worked out a new plan. Although her own troops were coming up soon, It is more reassuring to hold the gold in your own hands in advance.

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