The Third Reich

Chapter 236: Tukhachevsky Case

Tukhachevsky, born in an old Russian nobleman, later believed in the Bolsheviks. During the Soviet-Russian Civil War, he was appreciated by Lenin for his outstanding performance and became one of the most capable commanders of the army. He is considered to be among the Red Army. One of the most talented senior military generals, has the title of "Napoleon in the Red Army".

After the war, Tukhachevsky single-handedly presided over the modernization of the Red Army. The strategy of great depth was proposed by him. All aspects of the Red Army’s equipment were under his jurisdiction and had great power.

At the same time, in 1935, together with four senior generals including Budjoni and Voroshilov, he first accepted the title of Soviet marshal. It can be said that he was one of the first Soviet marshals.

The position is supreme, it can be said that it has reached the top of the Red Army, and such a marshal, who rebels against the Soviets, will bring a huge shock to the entire army.

Therefore, after receiving this news, Stalin did not immediately make a decision, but listened to Beria's constant narration.

In the past years, the Soviet Union has been cooperating closely with Germany. After the First World War, the Soviet Union and Germany have similar positions. Because of the Bolshevik's coming to power, they were hostile and blocked by the West.

In the past, many things were actually decided by Stalin, such as cooperating with Germany to export ore in exchange for an aircraft carrier.

But now, these projects seem to be unwise. There can only be one reason. Tukhachevsky has betrayed the Soviets and secretly took refuge in Germany. Therefore, he would betray the interests of the Soviets!

Moreover, Tukhachevsky is fully qualified and has winter.

As early as in 1922, after the "Rabbalo Treaty" was signed between the Soviet Union and Germany, the Soviet Union and Germany began to send officers to each other to attend military training courses. Top military strategists like Tukhachevsky were also sent to Germany.

After all, although Germany was defeated, it has many years of background. At the time, Tukhachevsky had a colleague at the Berlin Military Academy. The two were close at the time. Now, this colleague is a German general.

Tukhachevsky has been in contact with this general, trying to overthrow Tukhachevsky!

After all the efforts of Beria, the letter contacting the two sides was finally obtained. Now, the letter is in Stalin's hands.

Evidence is already there, and all the clues over the years are also there, but whether Tukhachevsky really betrayed the Soviets still needs a word from Stalin!

Tukhachevsky, really wants to overthrow Stalin? In fact, even Beria did not believe this. Tukhachevsky has been vigilant against Germany in the past few years. The German army has been expanding in size and has strong mobilization capabilities. Tukhachevsky even Has faintly listed Germany as a threat.

These evidences can be said to be true, or they are not.

However, he knew well that the current eradication of counter-revolutionaries is still not in place, and there are still a large number of people in the army who are not absolutely loyal to Stalin!

This is a good opportunity, a chance to purge the army! Tukhachevsky had fornication with Germany and conspired to overthrow the Soviet power. Therefore, the work of eliminating counter-revolutionaries must be extended to the entire army.

Headed by Tukhachevsky, Yakir, Ubolevich, Kolk, Edman, Feldman, Primakov and Putner can all be counted as Lotsky is going in!

What is it this time to eliminate counter-revolutionaries? Of course it was a group of people who opposed Stalin, the focus of which was Trotskyism!

Trotsky was a revolutionist in the same era as Lenin. In the Soviet Union, the two were closely united and coordinated. Even if Lenin died, he hoped that Trotsky would master state power.

It is a pity that the ambitious Stalin has been fighting for the supreme power of the Soviets and doing everything, but Trotsky, who has insufficient knowledge of the cruelty of struggle, still regards Stalin as a comrade.

Therefore, before 1925, some people from the left-wing opposition proposed to overthrow the Stalin clique by force, but Trotsky opposed it. Lenin's wife Krupskaya even said privately that Stalin would be sent to the gallows. Unfortunately, Stalin had the last laugh.

Trotsky was expelled and exiled abroad, Stalin became the leader of the Soviets, and this vigorous anti-revolutionary campaign, the Great Purge, was of course Stalin's means to seize power with greater confidence.

Now, it depends on Stalin's determination!

After smoking a pot of pipes, Stalin knocked the ashes in the ashtray forcefully, stood up, and he had finished thinking.

"Our Soviets will never tolerate traitors." Stalin said: "Tukhachevsky actually betrayed the Soviets and became a running dog of the Germans. We absolutely cannot tolerate it. Let's do it."

"Yes." Beria said, without any expression on his face, but a joy in his heart.

For a knife, there should be no thoughts, but Beria's thoughts on this knife are very rich. In essence, Beria and Stalin are the same people.

The road to power is destined to be bloody! All stumbling blocks along the way will be killed, stepping on the shoulders of others and climbing up! Beria spotted Stalin because Stalin was ruthless!

Taking this incident as a starting point, the army will be purged, and at the same time, many positions will be vacated, which also gives Beria many opportunities.


Koznamenka Street 19, Ministry of Defense Building.

His face was a little fat, even if he squeezed his face, he couldn't see much seriousness. Marshal Tukhachevsky always seemed so kind.

At this time, he was having a discussion meeting with a group of people, who had just returned from Spain.

"The Germans are completely misleading us. Tanks are not suitable for large-scale centralized use. Tanks will always be vassals of infantry." Pavlov said.

The previous victories made Pavlov a well-known tank warfare expert in Moscow. However, the subsequent defeats left him disgraced. His tanks were lost to Spain. Now, he is almost a polished commander back. , He wants to tell his comrades the lessons learned on the battlefield.

"The Germans hit Barcelona from Madrid in a week, so we couldn't react at all, and we lost Barcelona. How do we explain this?" an officer asked.

"This is not the result of a high-speed tank attack at all." Pavlov said: "You don't even know that our biggest enemy in Spain is not the rebels, but other people! Several factions are fighting each other, such as fighting Barcelona, ​​the original defenders, are fighting in battle! This kind of battle is **** if you don't lose!"

Only people who have been on the front line can know that Spain is really hopeless!

"Furthermore, the Northern Army follows very closely. Tanks must not be used alone. Tanks can be safer only in infantry. I propose that we should strengthen the training of infantry and tank coordination." Pavlov said.

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