The Third Reich

Chapter 1580: The blood debt must be paid with blood

The forest fire is quite serious, and once it burns, it is difficult to extinguish it.

So, on this evening, the people nearby saw rescue vehicles heading towards the Alps. They must put out the fire as soon as possible. The trees that have been thousands of years old were burning in the fire. With.

The fire illuminates the night sky and the darkness before dawn. For Germany, this is a huge shame. Dare to move my back garden?

When the sky was still dark, a large group of reporters came to the scene. At this time, the German Minister of Propaganda, Goebbels, was standing indifferently at the foot of the Alps, this small town called Innbrusco. on.

"Yes, exactly as you might have guessed, our country has suffered a barbaric bombardment by the Soviets." Goebbels looked at the reporters present and said in a low voice: "Our town has been attacked by the Soviets. Destroyed, hundreds of our ordinary citizens lost their precious lives. At the same time, they set fire on the mountains, causing great damage to our thousand-year old trees. Now, the fire is still burning, maybe we It takes a great price and a long time wasted to put out the fire."

For a long time, only Germany beat the Soviets, and only Germany bullied others. When did Germany suffer such a loss?

"As our army, guided by the Juncker spirit, we have never attacked civilians. We have always believed that war is a matter of soldiers and has nothing to do with civilians. But now, the Soviets have challenged our moral bottom line. These lives are peaceful and peaceful. All the people in the village have gone to heaven, and we need to send all the enemies to hell!"

When Goebbels said this, his face was full of murderous aura: "The blood debt must be paid in blood. We will absolutely not tolerate enemies who have broken the bottom line of the war. Now, here, I represent The government of the Third Reich officially announced to the Soviet Union that Germany's revenge is about to begin!"

"Since the Soviets challenged our bottom line, then we don't have to hold on to the absurd notion of not harming civilians. Here, I solemnly declare that within one day, all citizens of Moscow will immediately walk out of Moscow and go inside the encirclement outside. The German army surrendered in front of us, and we are still taking care of them as civilians. One day later, Moscow will disappear from the earth!"

When Goebbels uttered these words, the scene was icy cold, as if the long-lasting snow on the top of the Alps in the distance was floating down. His words had already sentenced Moscow to death.

Germany has this strength.

In the UK, a city was wiped out, and in the northern part of the Soviet Union, Petersburg was wiped out, but Germany has never used it on a large scale on the battlefield.

Germany is still using conventional styles of play, blitzkriegs, and armored forces to encircle and wipe out opponents. Everything is the most normal style of play, and there is no gas war of the First World War.

Germany has a big killer, but it is very gentlemanly reserved, and there is no unlimited use.

If Germany had used this kind of big killer to blow up all the cities along the way from the beginning of its attack on the Soviet Union, then the war would have ended long ago.

And now, Germany finally gave up this restraint and began to have no scruples.

"Not only Moscow, but now, to every city in the Soviet Union, we will issue such a threat. As long as the city is blocking our progress, we will give a day to come, and after a day, we will smooth out this Cities! The Soviet Union, just wait to bear the anger of our German revenge!"

When Goebbels had stepped off the stage and left here, the people present were still in shock. The Soviet Union completely angered Germany. Germany had already given up the bottom line and was ready to start using the big killer, pushing it one by one. Pingcheng!

Wolf den.

Cyric stood in the stands, facing the fresh mountain air, listening to the report of Richthofen by his side.

"That's it. The Soviets penetrated directly into the South from the Arctic Circle, and happened to intersect from where our air defenses were weak. In order to protect Munich, I had to sacrifice Innbrusko, but the citizens have retreated and died there. There is only one of our second-line anti-aircraft artillery, with about a hundred soldiers."

When Richthofen was speaking, he hardly dared to look at Cyrek’s eyes: “However, our high artillery also successfully shot down two enemy aircraft and one crashed into a mountain. The bomber behind was returning. During this period, we were ambushed by our night fighter force and shot down eight of them. Less than half of them fled back."

"In short, I have to bear great responsibility for this heavy loss." Richthofen said: "Führer, please punish me, because of my mistakes, we have suffered a great loss this time."

"Punish you for fifty push-ups," Cyric said lightly.

Is this punishment? Richthofen couldn't believe his ears, and at the same time, he also knew how deep the trust of Führer Cyric was in him, and he regretted his mistakes.

"There must be a problem internally. Someone has leaked our air defense deployment and night fighter base. I will definitely find out about knows that the Führer Cyrik still treats himself Trusted, so punishment is secondary, and the important thing is how to do it in the future.

"At the same time, we will deploy night fighter forces in Finland and deploy air defense radars to block the vacancies here and prevent such things from happening again."

"Also, we have already analyzed that since the Soviets chose this route, their base is definitely not in the east, but in the north, maybe in the Arctic Circle. We will expand the search range, find it, and then explode. Destroy it!"

Cyric nodded: "War is cruel. We can't deal with it every time. Learning from failure is more important to us. Now, the first task of the Air Force is to concentrate all the strategic bombing forces in Moscow. Smooth from the earth!"

The Soviets will not succumb. Therefore, the end of Moscow is already doomed. Now, Cyrek is actually a little grateful for the bombing by the Soviets. This makes Cyrek completely determined to go all the way. Push it over with a thermobaric bomb!

In the past, Cyrek did not make such a plan. It was because the time was not ripe. Unless every Soviet was killed, Cyrek would give the living Soviets a reason. If I beat you, it’s all you. Deserve it!

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