The Third Reich

Chapter 1572: Make a circle closer


The harsh sea breeze of the Arctic Ocean blows along the coast to the land, and the air smells of tide.

Although the western part of the Soviets has fallen for most of the time, in the Far East, it has always been peaceful. Since the Battle of Nomonkan, the islanders have accepted the terrible results of the battle, knowing that their strength cannot compete with the Soviets, so they gave up. Since then, he has never thought about the Soviet Union again.

This fully demonstrates the truth that the fist is the boss in the world of hooligans, teach the other party once, and fear the other party, and be honest in the future.

In Sokolovka, a small town not far from the east of Tiksi, there is a newly-built Soviet Far East Air Force Base. At this time, in the sunset, a silver bomber is moving from Flying over the eastern sea.

When the wheels touched the earthy runway, the huge warplane continued to slid forward and slid for more than a thousand meters before slowly stopping.

The cabin door of the cabin opened, and a famous pilot jumped out of it. Although it was summer, the temperature here was less than 10 degrees. As a port city on the Arctic Ocean, it was here most of the time. In a frozen state.

"Captain, after we refuel, should we continue flying?" When we got off the plane, the pilot NS-Liberg turned towards his captain, who was also the commander of the entire flight regiment AG-Vaslzjege. Asked.

No one knew where to fly, only to fly to the Far East. Who could have imagined that they did not land in Kamchatka or Vladivostok. Instead, they flew to the Arctic Circle, a place here. Landed in a base near a port city on the Arctic Ocean.

This is at best as a temporary stop. When the gas is filled, it is time to fly to the destination. In Lieber's consciousness, although they will not be deployed to Moscow, they will definitely be 500 kilometers behind Moscow. A city within, from there, can fly to the German mainland.

It's too far here.

"No, this will be our base from now on." He breathed out a breath, Vassilzjege said.

Use this as a base? In an instant, Liebo's eyes widened: "Head, are you kidding me?"

This place is in the Arctic Circle. It is cold all year round. At the same time, the supply is not smooth. How to take off and bomb? The most terrible thing is that, according to the B-29's voyage, if you take off from here, at most, you can reach Belarus, and you can't hit the German homeland.

Tiksi, the eastern part of the Soviet Union, the mouth of the Lena River, is at the mouth of the Laptev Sea. The geographical position here is not good in any case. There is no railway, and it can only rely on inland water transportation. It is quite slow and needs to be supplied. A bomber force seems unlikely.

For these newly received Tu-4 bombers, they deliberately established the 890th bomber regiment, and Lieber looked at the current regiment commander and felt like he was joking.

"Of course it's not a joke." Vassilzje said: "Now, all pilots, go to the meeting room immediately. Our bombing mission will begin within 24 hours."

The meeting room is newly built, and the existing woods are cut down and made directly from round logs. The whole meeting room looks very new, with a smell of pine wood.

"Our first bombing mission was Munich." When Vassilzje said these words, everyone present looked at him as if looking at him like an idiot.

"Commander, do you know the range of our current bomber?" A pilot couldn't help but shouted: "Are we going to fly in one direction? We can execute orders. We are not afraid of death, but we are I think it’s inappropriate for the plane that I finally got to invest in such suicide operations.”

From here, fly to Munich? It is definitely a one-way route to death.

"Of course not." Wassertzje said: "I didn't expect that my subordinates are actually a bunch of rice buckets. You can't even figure out such a simple truth. Why do we have to take this straight voyage? Why can't we go around? ring?"

After speaking, Wassertzje made a gesture on the map: "That's it."

Make a circle, but get closer!

If you look at it on a plane, this is absolutely impossible. On a plane, the straight line between two points is the shortest. This is too simple axiom. It doesn’t need to be proved, it is directly correct.

In the three-dimensional world, that's not the case. There is a shortcut, which is to make a circle, for the northern hemisphere, to go north.

If you look at the map, it seems to be farther, but if you put it on a globe, you can clearly see that when you go to a high latitude area, the distance will be closer due to the small latitude loop.

(To give a simple example, take a plane to the United States. From the map, it seems to fly directly across the Pacific Ocean. But in fact, no flight flies like this. They all detour around the North Pole, which is Alaska, and then fly over. On the contrary, it will be closer. Readers who don’t understand greatly suggest to take a look at the globe.)

Flying in a straight line is not reachable, but if you go in a circle and pass from the North Pole, you will get closer. At the same time, there is another advantage that you can use the high-latitude circulation over the North Pole to achieve the most economical flight method.

Why choose to be here as your base?

The German reconnaissance aircraft can fly freely over Soviet territory, and their flying altitude can even exceed 15,000 kilometers. At this altitude, no Soviet aircraft can reach it, so it is undefended. In other words, most of the Soviet territory will be clearly seen by the Germans. If the airport is arranged in those places, it is easy to be discovered by the Germans, and then it will attract terrible bombing.

On the contrary, no one will notice here.

Secondly, in addition to being a safe base here, Germans would never expect to fly from here to the North Pole route. They would fly over a kilometer over the North Pole, then fly over Finland, via Poland, and go straight into Munich.

Munich is an inland city in Germany. The defensive force is originally weak, and the focus is on the east, and there is no defense against aircraft coming down from the north. In this way, the possibility of a successful surprise attack is quite high.

"Everyone, our first battle must be victorious. This is related to the survival of our Soviets." Wassilzjego continued: "This time, we will use a special bomb to destroy the entire Munich! The Germans are right. What we did in Petersburg, now we have to return!"

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