The Third Reich

Chapter 1569: Bomb Berlin?

"Perhaps you are right." Roosevelt turned to look at Nimitz. Nimitz could think of it. How could Roosevelt not think of it? He is wiser than Nimitz.

"But now, do we have any choice? If there is a chance to die with the Germans, maybe it would be better for the Soviets?"

Using the Soviets to consume the vital power of the Germans, if the German army is also killed in large numbers, then maybe the Germans will not be able to fight the United States, and the United States will win a precious breathing opportunity.

After all, the United States is the most important. Only by preserving the United States can we think about the next step. No matter what method is used, even if it is to benefit the Soviets from the war, there is no way. If you have a headache, let your successors have a headache.

Roosevelt thought of this and his attitude became firm. Since the Soviets wanted to change it, then change it. With the Soviets’ industrial base, even if they were given bombers, they might not be able to imitate them. Even if they could imitate them, they would not. With enough fuel, there is no need to worry too much now.

As for the B-29, the most advanced in the United States is the Norton bombing sight. This thing is simply removed and the Soviets are installed with the most common ones. This thing is definitely not to be given to the Soviets. Anyway, the Soviets. If you throw this big bomb, the accuracy is almost fine.

Roosevelt’s choice was respected by others. At this time, Roosevelt had a lot of power.


The army looking all the way is moving towards Moscow, and the whole Moscow is in danger of being surrounded, especially the German Northern Army Corps, actually going directly north, wanting to go around the back of Moscow, everyone knows what this means.

The defense of Moscow will be the most important battle related to the Soviet national movement!

What makes all the Soviet people feel at ease is that at this time, their great leader Stalin did not leave Moscow. Comrade Stalin is still in the basement of the Kremlin, directing the battle. As long as Comrade Stalin is present, the Soviets will not perish. .

The Soviets will no longer retreat. Moscow will be the place where the Germans will suffer major setbacks. The Soviets will resist the Germans' attack in Moscow, drag it until the arrival of the cold winter, and finally counterattack.

At this time, Comrade Stalin was still strategizing, he must have formulated his strategy to counterattack Berlin, and with him, the Soviets would be the beacon.

At this time, in the underground fortifications of the Kremlin, Stalin was indeed strategizing. For the first time in this period of time, a smile appeared on his face.

"Now, our Tula city is still insisting. Before the fall, Tula’s light weapons design bureau had been successfully transferred to the Ural Mountains. Right in the Ural Mountains, they have begun re-production. Now, the father of the first batch of bombs , Has been produced."

Beria's report did not carry any emotional color, but everyone who heard his words felt the chill behind it.

The father of the bomb is the name Stalin himself gave to this big bomb. It is more powerful than all bombs. It is the most terrible Soviet weapon for destroying the entire city!

When Soviet experts witnessed the explosion of the German thermobaric bomb, they imagined the principle of this kind of bomb and then handed it to the Tula Design Bureau. They first made small bombs and explored the principle of the explosion. After success, he began to make this kind of real weapon that would destroy the entire city.

Now, it is finally produced, everything is ready, only owes east wind.

"The U.S. has agreed to provide us with B-29 bombers, but it needs to be painted with the logo of our Soviet Air Force. Now, the first batch of bombers are being produced in American factories, and our pilots are also receiving training. I will fly back soon." Lieutenant General Pavel Vasilyevich Rechagov Aviation said: "When the first batch of aircraft arrives, there will be one for Comrade Tupolev. I hope he can do it as soon as possible. Imitate it."

In the beginning, the Soviets had such a plan to ask for planes from the Americans. If this huge strategic bomber is not enough to rely on the Americans, it must be produced by itself, and Tupolev, as the designer of the Soviet plane It is most suitable for him.

Stalin nodded: "The German invasion will be crushed by us. When the first batch of planes arrive, the bombing of the Germans will begin."

"Comrade Stalin, where do we choose as our goal?" Lieutenant General Pavel asked.

Now, Moscow is surrounded by German troops. This kind of big bomb will be a large area at once. As long as you throw it over, the Germans will definitely retreat temporarily, and Moscow will be temporarily safe.

In Pavel's vision, the goal was to bomb the main German forces around Moscow.

However, Stalin did not think so "Stalin said: "Now, the flames of war are burning on our country, and the German iron hoof has reached the front of our capital. We must let the Germans know that if we want to oppose our Soviets, we must always be prepared to receive the baptism of war. , Let the whole Berlin burn! "

Attacking the morale of the enemy is of course the best way to bomb the enemy’s capital, and at the same time it can boost your own morale.

Stalin suddenly thought of bombing Berlin, but after hearing what Stalin said, everyone present was petrified. How could this be possible?

Berlin, it's impossible.

As the capital of the Third Reich, Berlin’s defense is quite tight. Even at night, there will be German radar units searching the sky. Coupled with terrible night fighters, they can easily find bomber units at night and shoot them down.

Even the B-29 is not enough to fly at a safe altitude to bomb Berlin, it is simply to die.

Moreover, there is a more terrible chain reaction. Up to now, the Germans have only used this weapon to blow up Petersburg, and have never used it against Moscow. If they go to bomb Berlin, there is no doubt that Moscow will also Will suffer from this kind of bomb attack.

The Germans may be able to guard against it, but they are absolutely unable to guard against it, and they are simply unable to completely seize air supremacy.

Going to bomb Berlin now will bring a disastrous ending to Moscow.

"It's better to change to Munich." At this moment, Zhukov spoke, and only Zhukov dared to defy Stalin's will: "Munich is the birthplace of the German government, just like our Petersburg. At the same time, Munich is also the birthplace of the German government. An important industrial city. By bombing Munich, we let the Germans see our powerful capabilities, and then forced the Germans to sit at the negotiating table."

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