The Third Reich

Chapter 1564: Magnificent launch scene

The first German computer, and also the first in the world, still used paper belts to input and output data. This method led to inefficiency. As a result, Cyric proposed a new method, design A solidified compiler uses mnemonics to replace machine instructions. In this way, the operating efficiency is greatly increased.

The input device is also replaced by a keyboard, allowing quick input.

At the same time, after the first one was manufactured, with the first one as a model, Germany began the peak of building the first computer. It was needed in many places. Braun research rockets were used, Dr. Messerschmidt Research jets need to be used, nuclear weapons agencies need to use.

The missile launch base here can be assigned to one, which is also after Cyric’s special instructions.

At this time, the operator's hand quickly pressed on the keyboard, input one by one instructions, the huge computer began to enter high-speed operation, counting the shooting elements.

The firing of short-range missiles is only a few hundred kilometers, and the Earth is the coordinate system. However, the launching of medium-range missiles is different. It is a thousand miles away. It is necessary to consider the rotation of the earth and the wind speed at the launch site. Happening. When launching from high latitudes to low latitudes, the difference in linear velocity at different latitudes must also be considered.

At this time, a mechanical calculator is definitely not enough, only this kind of electronic computer will do.

While the electronic computer is calculating the firing elements, the pre-launch preparations are being carried out intensively and effectively on the launch position.

After the fuel has been refilled, the seal test is performed, the various parts of the system on the missile enter the self-test, the gyro is ready to start, and the fuel pump begins to exhaust air. Everything is going on normally. The rigorous Germans are doing these experiments. Serious.

"The computer has completed the trajectory calculation." At this moment, the hum of the huge computer system disappeared, and instructions appeared on the terminal screen.

"Assign to various silos and bind them to the missile system."

Time was passing by little by little. At this time, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening in Iceland, and the night in Iceland was slowly coming.

The sun slipped to the sea level to the west, but soon, it will rise again from the east. Although it is not as good as the absolute polar day in the Arctic Circle, the real night will not exceed two hours, and it is not completely dark. It's just a gray feeling.

All preparations have been completed.

"Silo 1 is ready."

"Silo 2 is ready."

When Silo No. 20 finished the report, Colonel Dornberg looked at the clock on the wall at 11:15.

"The launch begins!" Colonel Dornberg said, "Let the Americans tremble, and let them know that in front of our No. 14 unit, no city is fortified!"

The launch begins!

Following Colonel Dornberg's order, a famous launcher slammed his hand to the launch button on the console.

Silo No. 1.

There was a burst of white gas from the three cone-shaped engine nozzles. This was the rapid gasification of nitric acid. Then, in the sound of the turbine of the fuel pump, unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine was sprayed into the combustion chamber of the rocket engine. It burns quickly.

The hot air flow emerged from the nozzle at the tail, followed the diversion groove, and quickly drained to the outside. The entire silo was enveloped by a plume of white smoke.

In the white smoke, the silo began to sway regularly, becoming more and more violent. Just like a dragon escaping water, a milky white V-4 improved missile jumped out of the silo.

When it left the silo, the speed was not fast enough, and it could not even get out of the white smoke, rising slowly in the white smoke, just like a fairy.

Then, its speed began to get faster and faster. It pushed away the white smoke and flew upwards. Its tail, emitting a fiery fire, and outside the fire, it was gray smoke and dust, which quickly spread outwards. The more lenient it comes, it is like a column of air, rising as it rises.

It is like the big chimneys after the earth entered the industrial age.

There is more than just one plume of smoke.

Twenty silos were launched almost together, one missile after another, dragging a plume of gray smoke to rise, the plume of smoke spread rapidly, wide underneath, and narrow on the top. As the rocket climbed, the plume of smoke continued to rise. Elongated.

This scene looks extremely magnificent.

At this time, the setting sun was shining the last rays of sunlight on the horizon. Due to the blocking of the surrounding mountains, the launch site was darkened. In everyone's eyes, all they saw were the huge plumes of smoke.

"What a nice view!"

If the warhead carries nuclear weapons, the launch of this kind of missile would be the end of the world. Now, all warheads carry conventional no one has witnessed all this. Only the officers and soldiers of Unit 14 who are serving here are extremely happy when they watch the missiles they release fly out.

"Clean the silo. Eight hours later, the next missile will be loaded." Colonel Dornberg continued to give orders, and they had no time to delay.

At this time, the missiles that were launched had already climbed quickly, soon exceeded the speed of sound, and continued to climb.

A large radar on the top of the base was closely monitored. One missile after another was thrown away from the lower stage that had been burned. After separation, the upper stage continued to ignite and accelerate.

When it came out of the atmosphere, the speed had exceeded Mach 10. Then, it drew a beautiful arc in the sky and began to turn to the southwest.

When the rocket's engine stops running, it is in full trajectory flight, no different from a projectile that flies out, and it flies entirely by accurately calculating the trajectory in advance.

The missile-borne gyroscope monitors the flight status of the missile warhead, and the half-ton warhead travels in outer space.

At this time, the target is still ignorant and has no defense.

Newport News Shipyard.

When the war came, the isolationism that had prevailed in the United States since the First World War had disappeared. Americans already knew that the ultimate goal of the Germans would be the United States. If they fail, freedom and democracy will leave this land.

They are all preparing for war.

In the shipyards day and night, the workers are working overtime, and many of them work more than 12 hours. At this time, the union is silent.

At this time, on the outfitting pier on the side, the lights are shining, and the new-generation USS Essex aircraft carrier, which is fully loaded with a displacement of more than 30,000 tons, is undergoing final finishing works.

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