The Third Reich

Chapter 1557: New Manhattan Project

On the one hand, it is planning to set up positions, just like the experience of many years in the past, on the other hand, it is planning to use new ways to solve problems by relying on air power. Now, Eisenhower's words make everyone present feel a sense of loss. feel.

The Germans have always been eclectic in warfare, leading the trend of the entire era. Although there are various political factors in the failure of Britain and France, in the military, the Germans dominated military technology and promoted military reforms, which is also an important aspect. , The French clung to the Maginot line, and ended up completely defeated before the German blitzkrieg.

If the Germans attacked the United States, they would definitely adopt this new tactic. If they just guard the country in the past, they would definitely die miserably.

The solution proposed by Eisenhower is a low-cost and high-efficiency solution.

Civilians in the United States have been carrying out extensive flying activities for a long time. There are a large number of pilots and various flying clubs in the civilian population. This method of the Americans is to hide soldiers from the people.

It’s like guns in the United States. On the surface, it’s a symbol of freedom and democracy. In fact, it’s a preparation for war. Once it really develops into the war of annihilation, every American people will be a soldier. You can fight with guns, but other countries need training.

This will undoubtedly allow them to have a strong counterattack ability when necessary.

The same is true for aviation.

In this era, the cost of building fighter jets is very low. Building a fighter jet is similar to building a tank. Therefore, the scale of aircraft in various countries is often tens of thousands, and they are as dense as locusts.

Not in later generations. Airplanes are high-tech products with low output and high cost. Moreover, one ups and downs will consume a large amount of money. Even if it is a powerful country, it will maintain a scale of thousands, and a small country will have a few hundred. It's just a shelf.

This is the best way to use airplanes to resist enemy aggression.

When the German fleet arrives, it will be attacked by tens of thousands of American fighter planes. Even if the Germans have a huge aircraft carrier formation, it cannot be compared with the aviation power on land.

Imagine the scene where one's own fighter jets were going to meet the enemy fleet, Roosevelt actually smiled.

During this period of time, the haze has been looming over Roosevelt. The Soviets don’t know how long it can last and how much German force it can consume. When the Germans turn to attack the United States, how much deterrence they have against the United States. In short, the United States will Ushered in a terrible war for the first time.

Roosevelt could not sleep for many times. He felt anxious in his heart when thinking that the United States was about to face the German fleet, but today, it was the first time that he was a little calm.

Fighting aviation ability, maybe we can fight them, this is the only chance for the United States to defeat the Germans!

"Let our staff demonstrate it again." Roosevelt said: "I personally think that it should be better to use the power of the Air Force."

After speaking, Roosevelt said: "Marshall and Groves, you stay, the others, you can go."

Roosevelt’s words did not arouse any suspicion. Since he denied Marshall’s plan, Roosevelt always had to comfort Marshall. Groves, the deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Construction, was responsible for the large-scale construction of the Atlantic Line. Pipeline.

But the two understood that, of course, it had nothing to do with this matter.

When everyone was gone, Roosevelt said slowly, "How is our project progressing?"

Hearing Roosevelt’s words, Groves said: “Our project is progressing slowly. After losing a large number of scientists, we regrouped a small number of experts. Up to now, even the nuclear reactor design has not been completed. "

Groves was anxious.

He is the head of the Manhattan Project.

At first, for some reason, the Germans actually knew about the Oak Ridge base and carried out a terrible bombing, which almost wiped out all the American nuclear physics experts. Even if they were not in the Oak Ridge base, they were assassinated. .

The Manhattan Project suffered a terrible blow and almost stopped. However, Roosevelt, who was determined, decided to continue.

The Germans did not hesitate to send out long-range bombers to destroy their own base in Oak Ridge and assassinate the nuclear physicists. This shows that the Germans are scared. The kind of weapons that can destroy the entire city can be made.

So, driven by Roosevelt, Groves continued to preside over the Manhattan Project, the location was more secretive, and fewer people knew, and the local weather conditions determined that it was not suitable for air raids at all. It was foggy all year round.

However, it seems that progress is not fast.

"We can already be sure that the active German submarines appearing in the Arctic Ocean must be nuclear-powered. They have unlimited endurance and can stay in the ice for a long time. We can even guess that they don't have any. Going elsewhere is to directly cross the sea below the Arctic, from the German port directly to the Bering Sea." Marshall also said: "The Germans have overcome many technical difficulties. In this regard, we have already Far behind."

The United States is behind, and the backward United States means that the Germans will be far behind. Once the Germans detonate a nuclear bomb, the United States has no choice but to surrender obediently.

Unlike cloud bombs, cloud bombs can blow up a city, but hundreds of them must be dropped at the same time. For this terrible nuclear bomb, you only need one bomber to throw one.

We are far behind, because the main nuclear physics scientists have all been killed.

The dark cloud appeared again on Roosevelt's brows, and he silently lit the smoking pot and smoked it. The meeting room was smoky again.

When the smoke pot went out, Roosevelt finally made up his mind: "Since we can't do it by ourselves, it's better to invite more scientists."

Hearing Roosevelt's words, the two people present were embarrassed. In order to reassemble the team, they even recruited the students who had heard the Fermi report once to make up the numbers. Where else would they go to find a nuclear physics scientist? From the Germans?

"From the Soviet Union." Roosevelt said: "I don't believe that there are no nuclear physics experts in the Soviet Union."

Hearing what Roosevelt said, the two were even more shocked. What happened to the president? Is the brain short circuited?

The Manhattan Project is a project that requires extreme confidentiality. The less people know, the better. Now, should the Soviets participate?

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