The Third Reich

Chapter 1554: Stalin's son

"I think there must be some misunderstanding in all this." Yakov said: "I don't believe Comrade Stalin ordered them to be shot. What if someone below did it secretly? For example, Beria. Please don't insult. Our leader."

Yakov didn't believe all this.

"Really?" Reinhardt said: "It was not ordered by Stalin? Did Naberia dare to go against Stalin's will? We all know that Beria is just a knife of Stalin, and there is no one who holds it. Does this knife move by itself?"

"Now, in the face of so many **** facts, don’t you believe it? The great purge of the Soviets in the past few years was Beria’s own decision. It has nothing to do with your great leader Stalin? Boy, you say so, ask Have you passed your heart?"

As a Soviet fighter, he was full of admiration for Stalin. Now that he heard someone insulting Stalin, of course he had to excuse Stalin as soon as possible.

this is normal.

"Everyone may be wondering why we found here directly." Reinhardt said: "Actually, just yesterday, we still didn't know. Last night, we were holding a sweetheart meeting and complaining. When the atrocities of the Soviet Union were telling the good life now, a citizen of Smolensk suddenly stood up and reported this incident to us. He was a participant in the incident at the time. During the killing mission, he It happens to be the signal soldier of this massacre unit. Now, we invite him out."

Following Reinhardt’s words, a small Russian came in from the outside. He said: “It was a tragedy. I didn’t shoot. I just heard the sound of the machine gun. At that time, my eyes Full of tears, I quietly saved the order at that time. Now, I give this order to everyone."

I saw that he pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, which had already become shreds, and then glued it up. There are only the words Long Fei Feng Wu, kill them all, Stalin.

"The commander of the troops who was performing the task at that time tore up this order and threw it into the wastebasket. When I was emptying the wastebasket, I picked them out again and put them together. I knew that this was dangerous and might even cost me my life. But, I have to do something. This is a kind of confession that a witness could not stop at that time."

Reinhardt took the note in front of Yakov and said to Yakov: "Yakov, look, is it Stalin's autograph?"

When he heard this name, Yakov was stunned for an instant. How did the other party know his name? How did the other party know?

From the beginning, the other party must have known it, otherwise, why would he just come over to himself and ask himself those words? Damn, why did I think of this now? I'm so stupid!

"I am not Yakov, I am not!"

"then who are you?"

"I can't remember."

"Does even Stalin's son learn to lie?" Reinhardt yelled to the reporters: "Everyone, now in front of you is Stalin's eldest son, Yakov, in the battle south of Tula. Our troops defeated his artillery company and captured him at the same time. Now, he saw the tragedy in the Katyn Forest, and he saw Stalin's order again. He actually wanted to deny it. Now, Yakov, I I ask you, are you worthy of your conscience by doing this? You look at the scene and look at these slaughtered corpses. Do you have a face to face them?"

At this time, those Poles who had found their relatives began to cry again. They were all innocent but were slaughtered. They thought of their father Stalin, whom they had never seen before, of their mother, of their miserable childhood, Jacques. The husband felt more chaotic in his mind.

All this was indeed done by the father. It was his father's autograph. He knew it. At the same time, he knew that it was in line with his father's character. He was such a cruel and ruthless person.

Thinking of this, he felt that his head was about to explode, and he slowly squatted down: "I don't know, I don't know, don't ask me!"

Yakov was about to collapse. The so many corpses on the scene gave him a powerful shock, and Reinhardt had a majestic aura and aggressive questioning, which made Yakov almost collapse.

Now, Yakov’s words are even more conclusive.

He is Yakov, the son of Stalin.

Today’s news is explosive.

The first is the crimes committed by the Soviets in the Katyn Forest. This is too much to tell. They dare to massacre soldiers and civilians who lay down their weapons on a large scale. This is not in line with Western values. What kind of country does the Americans support? ?

Even the Germans who conquered all of Europe have never done such a thing!

And second, Stalin's son, Yakov, was captured by the Germans!

Now, Germany has already approached Moscow. At this time, the Soviet Union is already precarious, and Stalin's son was actually captured by the Germans? What would Stalin do?

Reinhardt pushed his own glasses. The play was really good. Now, his mouth blasted toward Moscow to see how they responded!

The tragedy in Katyn Forest was brought up by Führer Cyric. Ask him to find it here, and he will definitely find it. He worships Führer Cyric incomparably, and it is like a god.

And this so-called signal soldier at that time, of course, was the extra he found out. The play performed well. This order was specially forged by someone. Perhaps experts can tell the difference, but in the eyes of ordinary people , Absolutely can't tell.

The Yakov in front of him may not have seen Stalin's autograph several times.

Creating public opinion is one of Reinhardt's tasks.

It now appears that there is no doubt about conquering the Soviet Union. This short-lived government has not existed for more than 40 years and has done so many maddening things. The madman Stalin is even more a murderer.

Anyway, the Soviet Union was also short-lived, and it was simply wiped out. Soon, no one will think of this government anymore, changing dynasties. This is a historical inevitability, and no dynasty can last forever.

The Soviet government has done so many things, and it will even be eliminated. Let all the people of the Soviet Union hate this government and welcome the beginning of a better life.

Under German occupation, this eastern land will burst out with more vitality.

"Mr. Yakov, you should take the initiative to bring justice to these innocent Polish civilians who died!" At this moment, reporter Russell said: "Look, these dead people were caused by your father. Shouldn't you make up for your father?"

"Don't say it, don't say it again!" Yakov was almost dashed.

"Then you agree?"

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