The Third Reich

Chapter 1550: Only 1 person left

The huge tracks of the mouse tank were rolling in the mud. Under the rain curtain, the target gradually became clear. Hans shouted: "Fire!"

At the moment he shouted, the gunner had already stepped on the trigger severely, and within such a short distance, there was no possibility of missing the target.

At the muzzle, a flame appeared. In the drizzle, the raindrops near the flame vaporized instantly, and the 128 mm shells whizzed away.

Suddenly, the target seemed to shrink its head suddenly, so that the shell aimed at its turret was hit directly, and flew past its turret.

This makes Sergeant Karpanet very strange, unscientific, unscientific! How could that thing hide from shells?

Schmidt in front was also very strange. He stepped on the accelerator, and the mouse tank continued to move forward, moving closer and closer to the target. At this time, the target was no longer moving.

Schmidt became cautious.

"Captain, there is probably a gully ahead." Schmidt said, "The opponent fell into the ditch."

It could only be because the other party fell into the ditch, so he couldn't see it. Now, Schmidt is also afraid of his own falling and dare not start again.

Hearing what Schmidt said, Hans opened his tank hatch. At this time, the light rain in the sky had actually stopped.

From the tall tank turret, you can see that there is indeed a gully in front of it. Because the tank was reversing, it didn't see it, and it fell into it at once.

The track on one side fell completely and the car body was tilted. At this time, the opponent was trying to turn over the turret and wanted to shoot at one's own side. However, because its car body was already tilted, even if the turret turned, the gun The mouth is also towards the sky.

But here, the mouse tank is taller, and after the opponent drops the ditch, it is relatively low, and the depression angle is not enough, so it can't be reached.

Hans shouted: "Take my submachine gun out!"

The soldiers of the tank unit all have 6.8mm submachine guns with folding butts. Now, hearing Hans's call, the loader below immediately handed the guns out.

Hans was holding his gun, half of his body was exposed from the turret.

Although the front of the tank also has a machine gun, the shooting range is limited and may be blocked by the opponent's car body. Now, Hans stands on a high ground with an extremely good view.

The other party's engine was emitting black smoke. After stunned several times and found that it was unable to get out, the other party's hatch opened and a famous member jumped out from inside.

"Da da da." The submachine gun in Hans's hand fired without hesitation, sweeping down two people in an instant.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other people immediately fell to the side of the tank, trying to escape with the tank's body. Coupled with this trench, it just perfected against the opponent's bullets.

Although they also had guns in their hands, they were all the most common bolt-action rifles. They were suppressed in front of the German submachine guns.

Hidden behind the tank, Yakov knew that the situation was terrible today.

Their chariot stopped moving, and two of their crew members hung up, and the rest were suppressed here and couldn't lift their heads. In this case, what should they do?

Can you get away smoothly? What should I do if I can’t get out?

Suicide, martyred!

Yakov remembered the experience of being captured by Iran last time, and felt the incomparable shame. If he experienced it again, it would make him worse than death.

He would rather die here than surrender. This is the duty of a soldier.

He didn't want to be captured again.

Just as he was thinking, a loader next to him poked his head out and wanted to shoot. At this moment, the opponent's bullets came intensively, opening his head, and his body fell back. The blood stained the muddy land.

There was only one person left beside Yakov.

"Company commander, run along this trench, and I will cover you." The gun commander beside him said.

This trench is very long. If the cat runs along the trench with its waist, it may be able to run away. However, if two people run, they will definitely be found by the German and overtake it. Once the German jumps into the trench, it can Kill them with bullets on their backs.

"No, you go, I will cover." Yakov said.

As a company commander, his self-propelled artillery company is gone. How can he survive alone? What face do you have to see your boss when you go back?

Yakov didn't want to go, and the gunner didn't want to run away alone. They didn't know that in such a stalemate, no one could escape.

"Gurulu." At this moment, suddenly, something fell from the sky, and it fell just right under their feet. The two of them bowed their heads nervously, and when they saw it, their faces suddenly became gray.


They hide in tanks and trenches and are not easy to be shot by bullets, but they are absolutely unaware of grenades!

Now, this grenade suddenly appeared next to them, and their situation was immediately extremely At this moment, the gunner suddenly stood up and kicked it sharply. The grenade was hard. He was kicked alive and kicked under the chariot.

There was a clicking sound from his feet, and the bones must be shattered.

Believe it or not, you can try to kick the stone with your foot?

Just after he kicked the grenade, he turned his head, threw Yakov down, and covered Yakov with his body.

"You fool, what are you doing?" Yakov shouted loudly.

"Boom!" The grenade rang.

Most of the flying shrapnel hit the underside of the tank, but still a part of the shrapnel, under the impact of the airflow, flew out of the gap in the chassis of the tank and flew to Yakov's side.

Yakov felt a piercing pain in his arm, and he must have been hit by the fragments. At this time, the gunner on his body had stopped moving.

Blood flowed out of the gunner's body and stained the ground below. Yakov felt that his eye sockets were completely wet. He knew that the gunner was out of help. In order to save himself, the gunner died.

At this moment, a few people stood beside the trench.

Hans rushed up with his two loader, and just after Hans threw the grenade, they took advantage of the opportunity of the grenade to explode and rushed over.

They are all holding submachine guns and looking at it, it seems that several people have been killed.

Under the blood-covered guy, a Soviet man moved his body, slowly and slowly stood up.

His body turned red, it was the blood of the guy above, and his epaulettes flashed.

He's a lieutenant, and he's not too big or too small, and there is still a living!

"Don't move!" Hans shouted, "If you move again, you will be killed."

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