The Third Reich

Chapter 1548: Encounter again

Tanks are only useful if they are lined up. Maintaining a certain formation allows their firepower and protection to be superimposed. Even if it is a mouse tank, it is basically not fighting alone, but mixed with Tiger and Panther tanks.

These peripheral tanks help the mouse tank to withstand various risks. After all, the large size of the mouse tank makes it more deadly. At the same time, the mouse tank is in the center and can use its own artillery to remove more risks. The two sides are close Cooperate.

And now, there is only one, still dare to continue to trouble yourself?

"Attention, go ahead at full speed, we will chase the German tank!" Yakov is also excited.

Yakov had heard of this tank. This tank that appeared briefly in Odessa put tremendous pressure on the defenders.

If you can destroy a tank of this kind, it can be said that it will greatly increase your confidence in victory. Under the current circumstances, such good news is too much needed.

Yakov’s heart contains the entire country. Although Yakov’s relationship with his father is not very good, his spiritual world is still tall. The Soviets are precarious, and they will fight for the Soviets!

The 600-horsepower diesel engine roared at the tail. Su-152 was also accelerating in the sound of the high-pressure oil pump.

The light rain is still misty.

Yakov did not close the hatch. He still exposed his body so that he could gain a farther vision. He blocked the raindrops in front of him with one hand and looked ahead.

The other party didn't go far, after all, the time is still short, and oneself can definitely catch up!

Just as they were pursuing forward, Yakov heard a huge roar on the road ahead, and he heard clearly.

"The Germans are coming up, ready to fight!" Yakov shouted loudly, and at the same time he went down, closing his cockpit canopy.

Sure enough, in the rain curtain, a huge tank appeared in their field of vision, and they could see very clearly. At the same time, their 152 mm artillery was also loaded.

"Fire, fire!"

One by one, SU-152 got a chance to fire. At close range, they shot at the huge monster in front.

The 48.78 kg armor-piercing projectile flies out at a speed of 655 meters per second. This heavy projectile, as long as it hits the armor of the tank, it will have a terrible impact!

In the test, this projectile can penetrate 110 mm armor vertically at a distance of 2000 meters. If it is at a distance of 500 meters, it can pose a threat to the front armor of the Tiger tank. Now, the distance is only 50 meters. Rice, rat-attack, what will happen?

In their expectant eyes, the warhead has already made close contact with the mouse-style main armor. Under the force of the huge collision, the mouse-style tank can see the shaking visible to the naked eye, and the sound is loud.

However, the mouse tank was not penetrated.

The front main armor of the mouse tank is up to 240 mm thick, and all of it is dense nickel alloy armor, which has excellent protection performance and is comparable to the 280 mm thick armor of the Soviets.

The 152mm armor-piercing bullet is also ineffective against it!

The violent impact spread to the inside of the mouse tank, making everyone filled with righteous indignation. In the bombardment of the opponent, Hans' counterattack also began.

"Boom!" The 128mm tank gun was the first to fire. The flames from the muzzle quickly vaporized the surrounding raindrops. A fireball with a radius of more than one meter looked very dazzling.

"Boom!" At close range, nothing could stop the mouse-type tank gun. As it opened fire, the SU-152 in front was quickly exploded, emitting a huge flame.

"Boom!" The second 75mm artillery shell flew out again, and the second SU-152 next to the target was also destroyed.

Then, there is the third car.

The firing of the rat tank is pleasing to the eye.

The two guns fired intermittently, with an interval of less than ten seconds, the turret turned slowly, and every turn would bring death to a chariot of the other side. The Germans acted extremely fast, for the Soviets , They didn't have time to load the second shell, they had been shot!

Su-152 has only one chance.

If the mouse tank didn't turn around and they jumped from behind the mouse tank, they might still kill the mouse. However, they once again faced the frontal armor of the mouse tank, and faced only the killing of the mouse tank.

In the turret, two loaders panted heavily and constantly stuffed the shells into the barrel. For them, the high-intensity loading also caused their physical strength to be quickly consumed, but they still insisted, one, Another one.

In one minute, they successfully fired six shots and killed six opposing tanks.

At such a short distance, fire can be destroyed. As long as you can fire, you can easily destroy the opponent. Even a 75mm secondary gun can tear the SU after launching the latest tungsten alloy sub-caliber armor-piercing projectile -152 main armor.

The gunfire stopped.

Hans sat in his position, turning the captain's periscope, and he eliminated all the six targets in front of him. Does that mean that all the enemies have been killed?

He was still searching, slowly turning the periscope little by little, looking around.

Among the members of the tank, the duties of the commander and the gunner cannot be unified. When the T-34 was first built, it was a small two-person turret, which resulted in a greatly reduced combat effectiveness.

The commander commanded the entire vehicle, and at the same time carried out reconnaissance around, found the target, and gave the target to the gun commander for instructions.

After receiving the order, the gunner is responsible for aiming and shooting.

The gunner’s sighting device has a very large magnification. While magnifying the target, he will also lose his field of view. The greater the magnification, the less he can see and the ability to perceive the surroundings will be lost.

(This is the same as equipping a sniper with an observer.)

And now, just after the gun commander fired his last shot and the smoke had not cleared, Hans had turned the commander's periscope to the back. Suddenly, he shouted: "At six o'clock, hurry!"

In the first exchange of fire, Yakov's troops were in a marching state, a long snake formation, so they drove down the road, outflanked the side, and proceeded very slowly. The result was left behind by Hans.

But this second time, they have opened a half-arc attack circle. When the opponent's lonely tank attacked them, they were confronting each other, and the two sides had already circled sideways.

No goals will be lost this time!

Yakov took the remaining four Su-152s and walked around behind the opponent. In the drizzle, their high muzzle aimed at the back of the huge turret of the mouse tank.

Kill it!

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