The Third Reich

Chapter 1538: Blow up the headquarters

The Germans came too fast, even if they were not the main armored divisions, they were just ordinary mechanized infantry divisions, and they were quite fast.

When they were found, they were already on the outskirts of the city. They rushed over quickly. Along the way, as long as they encountered resistance, they were quickly wiped out. Although they were mechanized divisions, they were also equipped with tanks and a large number of infantry fighting vehicles. In this way, before it was about to get dark, they rushed to the center of the city, outside the headquarters of the Kalinin Front.

The remaining Soviet soldiers all retreated to the headquarters, relying on the headquarters, intending to stick here.

"Listen to the people inside, you are already surrounded. If you want to survive, please come out and surrender immediately." Outside, the members of the 18th Army were shouting with horns.

Throughout the war, the German Waffen-SS was always the most brilliant. In every battle, they played the blitzkrieg to the fullest. However, the German Wehrmacht was also very good, but it was covered up by the SS. That's it.

Among them, the 18th Group Army is considered to be the best among the national defense forces.

Needless to say, in the history of later generations, they severely damaged the Soviet army in Courland. Only since the Battle of France, the 18th Army has been active at the forefront of cruel wars.

After the capture of Paris, when the 18th Army entered the city, it was welcomed with tears by the French people. (Please don’t make any complaints, it’s true, the French do not have the consciousness of subjugated slaves)

Because the 18th Army is not only strong in combat power, but the quality of its troops is also very high, and it never harass the people.

Historically, the number of opponents the 18th Army annihilated during its career was as many as 600,000. Even when Germany was finally defeated and surrendered, the 18th Army and its allies were surrounded by 1.5 million Soviet troops on three sides (the other side was the sea), but they were still firmly established. He controls his position and effectively kills the Soviet army, and treats Soviet prisoners very kindly, an absolute mighty and civilized division.

Compared with the Skeleton Division who likes to kill innocent people, the 18th Army abides by the honor of soldiers.

This is also true now. They surrounded the opponent's command organization, hoping that the opponent could surrender, so that they would not continue to shed blood and sacrifice, but if the opponent does not accept this kind of goodwill, then the 18th Army is definitely not good.

Everyone in the command post looked very ugly.

"We can't surrender." Chief of Staff Kurasov said: "Behind us is Moscow, people are in positions, and people are dead. Now that we have lost our positions, what face do we have to continue to survive."

When the war just started, a large number of Soviet soldiers surrendered, making the German offensive extremely fast and efficient. However, when the Soviet Union slowed down, no such incident occurred again. They all had the will to fight to death. .

Especially now, when Moscow is behind them, they are mentally prepared.

"Yes, we can't surrender." Admiral Konev said: "Let's play a tragic song of fighting for the Soviets here. We will use our blood and lives to guard this building and shoot as much as possible. Kill the Germans. Now we kill one, and when they attack our Moscow, there will be one missing."

Use your own life to consume the Germans, and to consume the Germans abruptly.

All people are determined.

"Give me a submachine gun, and everyone will go to combat positions." Konev said.

Whether it is a combatant or a civilian, whether he has a gun or not, he is now a soldier!

"At the last minute, please come out immediately and surrender." The shouting soldier raised his horn and continued to shout inside.

It's a pity that it was quiet inside, and there was no movement. It seems that the other party is already planning to be stubborn to the end.

"General, the enemy does not intend to surrender, but wants to resist to the end." Not far from here, in the temporarily set up headquarters, the commander of the 18th Army Georg von Küchler heard reports from his subordinates. .

These guys are diehards, do not surrender now, do you plan to let your side attack?

The encirclement of one's own side is still more than fifty meters away from the building. This distance is quite dangerous, not to mention that after entering the building, layer-by-layer battles and battles will consume a lot of one's own strength.

"Since they are stubborn, then call the bomber to completely blow up this building." General Kuchile said, he had given them a chance, which was their choice.

Want to fight with your own side? no way!

To deal with this kind of building, you don't have to pay the lives of precious imperial soldiers, or you can use the Carl cannon and push it up to kill it, or call the bombers in the air.

Although the current electronic technology is still very primitive and cannot reach the level of information warfare in later generations, the German command system is still relatively flexible, especially air-to-ground support, which is already a regular exercise. Tactics.

Take advantage of the darkness, blow up this building!

Fifteen minutes after calling, HS129, carrying a huge bomb, had arrived from a nearby base.

At this time, on the top of the building, several Soviet soldiers were standing guard there. Their eyes were on the ground. The Germans clamored for a long time, now? Why is there no movement? Do you want to start a night battle?

If it's night, it should be more beneficial to oneself!

At this moment, the roar from a distance caught their attention. A sentry raised his head and saw the plane in the sky. In an instant, his pupils dilated.

"German bombers, they are going to blow up our building!" His voice was extremely tense: "Quickly, notify the commander and go to the basement to hide."

The bombing from the air must first blow up the ground, and the basement should be safer. At this time, they don't worry about their own safety, but only care about the generals who stayed with them to fight.

The original roaring Stuka has entered the second line. Now the main bomber of the Luftwaffe has been replaced by HS129. In addition to using the 40mm cannon under the nose for ground strikes, this aircraft can also be mounted. Big bomb.

For example, now they have mounted a one-ton bomb, and after seeing three flare bombs flying on the ground, they finally confirmed their target.

Start attacking!

The pilot pulls up the control stick, the fighter first pulls up the nose, and then dives down. Stuka, without armor protection, can easily dive down under gunfire. Their professional attack aircraft are even less afraid. Up.

When HS129 was pulled up again, the one-ton bomb had already rushed towards the roof in an almost vertical downward course.

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