The Third Reich

Chapter 1529: Turn enemies into skeletons

The advancement of a huge army must be uneven. Some run fast and some run slow. The first attack of the German army was almost alone. This is more in line with the blitzkrieg action plan. Run fast, beat hard, let the enemy run away in embarrassment, and then destroy the opponent in the pursuit.

But if you encounter tenacious ones, things will happen.

After several days of repairs, they finally waited for the arrival of the army from behind, and at the same time, they acted more boldly and quickly, and cooperated in tacit understanding.

A HS129 swooped down from the sky, and fired frantically into the crater. Soldiers lying in the crater were punched out of several holes, and blood filled the crater.

Fighting has always been systematic, and it is impossible to achieve victory by only pursuing the advantages of a certain weapon.

After spotting the plane in the sky, Kochakin immediately covered a piece of cloth he had brought onto his body. This piece of cloth was very special. There were some grass-green rags on it. From a distance, it looked like It's like a bush, even from the sky, there is nothing unusual.

Kochajin left the crater, right next to the crater. He was disguised as a bush, which was also very dangerous. The bullets did not have long eyes. Those stray bullets would hit him at any time, but Kochajin had no choice. Hiding in the crater to camouflage the bushes is even more nonsense. The bushes grow too fast, right?

The ground is shaking more and more fiercely, the sound of the diesel engine's peculiar high-pressure oil pump is getting louder and louder, and the German tank troops are getting closer.

Kochakin quietly stretched out his arm and took out the lighter. He wanted to light his Molotov cocktail at any time and greet the German tank with a Molotov cocktail.

At this time, those terrifying planes have begun to continue flying toward the depths of the Soviet position. The front of this position is full of blood, death, and screams of dying soldiers.

Kochakin slowly moved his body, returned to the crater, stuck his head out, and saw the German tank, only less than a hundred meters away from him.

Approaching, then approaching, Kochakin's hand quickly pressed the lighter, and then, the Molotov cocktail in his hand burned fiercely.

He raised his hand and threw the Molotov cocktail hard.

This is similar to throwing a grenade. If the level is high, it can be thrown 50 meters away. Now, the German tank is only 20 meters away from him. At this distance, he is absolutely fine.

The Molotov cocktail drew a graceful arc in the air and flew towards the German tank rushing over.

"Pop!" At the moment of contact with the tank, the combustion flask broke, and the viscous liquid inside was contaminated on the tank and started to burn.

Okay, it's hit!

Kochajin almost wanted to cheer, but when he saw the distant scene clearly, he couldn't be happy anymore.

Damn it, it's useless.

His Molotov cocktail hit the outer grille armor. The grille armor was several tens of centimeters away from the car body. Now, the flame was burning on the outer grille, and the tanker inside was not afraid at all.

The hatch on the turret was opened, and the loader didn't stick out his head. He directly exposed his arms and held a fire extinguisher. In a burst of foam, the fire on the outside grille went out.

The grille armor is mainly used to deal with the shaped energy warhead, but it also has a good protective effect on the Molotov cocktail.

The Molotov cocktail did not have any effect on the Tiger Tank, and at the same time, just after Kochagin threw the Molotov cocktail, the tank formation here had already spotted him.

Under the attack of our own attack aircraft, there are still fish that slip through the net, and the fire-breathing tank is activated!

In addition to the fire-breathing tanks modified by the Panther 3 tanks, in the formation of the Tiger tanks, there are also modified fire-breathing tanks, which will follow along. In urban street battles, this kind of thickly armored tanks will use fire-breathing devices. Doing twice the result with half the effort was originally a big killer when it was scheduled to play Moscow.

Now, a fire dragon shot out of the fire-breathing tank and shot into the crater where Kochagin was hiding. A fire immediately surrounded him.

Kochajin felt that every part of his body was being roasted by the fire, and he could hear the sound of his flesh being roasted with smoke and oil. He yelled in pain, rolling around in the crater.

"Treat our enemies ruthlessly, so as to live up to our skull badge." On the radio, a cold command from the teacher came.


The fire-breathing tank continued to spray out waves of fire dragons, and used it to clear the roads of the tanks in front. Behind the triangular formation, a famous armored grenadier jumped from the infantry fighting vehicle, accompanied by The troops advance together, their eyes are like torches, and their eyes are sharp. Anything that hides from the enemy can't escape.

It is simply using the flame tank to open the Some of the anti-tank fighters who are hiding are immediately scared.

They are not afraid of death, but under the current circumstances, they have no chance of combat at all. When the German tanks approached, the terrible fire had already hit.

"Chichichichi." The machine gun on the tank fired, bullets flew, flooding the battlefield. Some of the retreating soldiers, some running too fast, showed their heads from the traffic trench, and were immediately swept down. Because of the bombardment that caused the traffic trenches to be buried, they had to jump out and run. The whole scene was very miserable. It almost became the German tank troops chasing them away, just like wolves chasing rabbits.

Suddenly, a Nissi stood up, carrying Bazuka on his shoulders, and fired at the German tank.

Bazuka’s tail sprayed out a flame. Just after he finished shooting, he was hit by a machine gun bullet. There were five or six holes in his chest and fell. Before he fell, he tried his best. Shouted: "Justice will prevail!"

The Nissi would not retreat. After they signed up for the army, they had made up their minds and were willing to die. They were dead soldiers.

The rocket flew forward slowly and flew five or six meters away from the German tank, and its accuracy was quite poor.

The tanker stepped on the accelerator, and the Tiger tank continued to rumbling forward, crushing over the Nissi, leaving behind a vague pool of blood.

Fight, fight, and turn every enemy into a skeleton. For the Skeleton Division, there is no position that cannot be overcome.

"Captain Collit, your superiors have ordered you to retreat immediately and enter the Kalinin city." At this time, the tanks in Germany had crushed the bodies of the anti-tank fighters who had stepped out of the position. The tanks in Germany were about to As he broke through the main position, Glevich shouted to Collit.

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