The Third Reich

Chapter 1508: 442 Infantry Regiment

"We are the 442nd Infantry Regiment of the U.S. Army. I am ordered to support Moscow. I am the commander of the regiment." This lieutenant colonel is also relatively short. He speaks English. Moreover, compared with the American orthodox English, his tone It's weird.

Collit saluted the Soviet staff in front of him.

Kurasov looked at this little guy and remembered the enemies he had encountered in the Battle of Nomonkan. This must be of a race. I really didn't expect the Americans to send them over?

"Boom!" At this moment, suddenly, not far from the train station, there was a deafening sound. This is a large-caliber howitzer. When it exploded, the entire train station's glass was smashed. The sound was broken, and the vibration on the ground came, causing everyone's face to change.

"The German army has approached the outskirts of our Kalinin." Kurasov said: "Now, please join the battle immediately, and I will send someone to take you to the position."

Kurasov looked at these guys and didn't know how effective they were, but they didn't panic and run around after just one shot. They looked pretty good.

"Yes." Lieutenant Colonel Collit shouted to the people behind him: "Come with me, we will fight immediately and kill all the enemies!"

"Kill all enemies!" everyone shouted loudly, raising their weapons high.

They were dressed in American military uniforms, and their weapons were the same as those of American troops. Lee-Enfield rifles occupied the majority, followed by Browning machine guns. At the same time, there were some soldiers carrying cylindrical objects in their crowd.

The U.S. Army’s 442nd Infantry Regiment is almost entirely composed of Japanese Americans. They are mainly composed of the 100th Independent Infantry Battalion, the 522th Artillery Battalion, and the 232nd Combat Engineer Company.

Among them, the main force is the 100th Independent Infantry Battalion. The backbone of this independent infantry battalion is mainly the second generation of Japanese Americans who were originally American troops. They originally served in the 298th and 299th National Guard Infantry Battalions in Hawaii.

When the Pearl Harbor incident broke out, most of these Japanese soldiers were expelled from the military and were classified as 4-F (unfit for service) or 4-C (enemy overseas) personnel.

However, the dismissed soldiers petitioned General Emmons, the commander of the U.S. Army in Hawaii, asking for permission to join the war preparations. In the end, about 1,300 Japanese were trained and named the 100th Independent Infantry Battalion. Later, on the basis of this independent infantry battalion, the 442 Infantry Regiment was formed.

To show determination, the motto of this infantry battalion is "Don't Forget Pearl Harbor".

At that time, their enemy was an island nation, but now Germany is also at war with the United States, especially the recent defeat of Iceland and the elimination of two US Marines, which made them even more angry. Now they are all energized.

A group of soldiers drew toward the front line. At this time, their small stature was unworthy of people.

"Hey, which part of you are you from?" Just after leaving the train station, at the intersection, a sentry called to them, and even the sentry raised his gun and pointed at them.

This is not to blame the sentry, these people are too strange.

At this time, Lieutenant Glevich, who was in charge of leading the way, greeted immediately: "This is our reinforcement unit. They are on the battlefield."

They all knew Lieutenant Glevitch, and looking at Glevitch at this time, they couldn't help but say: "Just this group of groundhogs are still fighting?"

Most of the Soviet soldiers were tall and mammoth, and only a group of tank soldiers recruited from Central Asia were short. And now, seeing these little guys, they are extremely despised.

The title of groundhog spread throughout the Kalinin Military District almost that day.

The groundhogs did not take care of this stubble. For them, they have a more important thing, that is, to use their blood to prove their loyalty!


"Boom!" When they drove to their position along the traffic trench outside Kalinin, there was already a sea of ​​fire in front of them, and the entire position seemed to have been plowed.

"This is the German multi-barreled rocket launcher. Generally speaking, after such a large-scale coverage attack, they began to attack." Lieutenant Glevich said: "Now wait until their artillery is over, we Go up again."

In the traffic trench behind, you can also feel the violent vibration of the ground. The battalion commander of the 100th Independence Infantry Battalion, Hayashi, poked his head out and looked into the distance with his high-powered binoculars. The artillery fire was too violent.

If there is no suitable fortification, this round of artillery fire may wipe out their entire army.

Before going to the battlefield, they were mentally prepared, but seeing this scene, they couldn't help but sigh. The German artillery fire was too fierce. How did the Soviets sustain it?

"You don't need to look, you can't see anything." Glevich lit a cigarette silently, "This level of shelling, we can encounter every day, this is not the most terrible, the terrible thing is Germany Human tanks, once their tank troops initiate a charge, with the cooperation of the infantry, we have no choice but to die on the battlefield."

Can't take a step back, this is a dead order.

They really have nowhere to go, because behind is Moscow, their capital, and they must fight to the death here.

These days, their line of defense has been shrinking. Every time a position is conquered, it means that all the defenders on the position are killed. In order to hit the German tanks, they even tied explosives to their bodies and rushed towards the tanks.

Unfortunately, it's useless. The infantry next to the tank will use dense bullets to protect the surroundings of the tank. These days, almost everyone has no confidence in the war, and they have no choice but to die.

These reinforcements from the United States, likewise, will be consumed on the battlefield.

Thinking of this, he actually felt a little sympathetic to the group of After all, this is not their country, but they are all going to die here.

"German's tank? Well, we must kill the German tank!" Hayasi said: "We immediately organized a death squad, stepped forward, ambushed the German tank on the way, and then killed them! Shelling one It's over, we start right away."

Kill the German tank? Hearing these groundhogs, Glevich couldn't help asking: "What are you going to use to kill the German tank?"

To deal with tanks, either your own tank or anti-tank gun.

Due to the extreme lack of fuel, the number of tanks they can move is very small. Most of them have to be used as fixed bunkers. On the contrary, they are more likely to be destroyed by the Germans. As for the anti-tank guns, they must first survive the coverage of the Germans. There is a chance for one to fire, and then it will be killed by a German tank.

In short, they consume a lot.

Now, what are the means for these new reinforcements?

"We have this." Hayashi patted the cylindrical object he had brought.

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