The Third Reich

Chapter 1501: The power of the people

"Citizens of Reykjavik, don't be afraid, we're here to rescue you!" At this moment, a tweeter sounded from a distance. The sound was so loud that it could be heard in almost half of the city.

This was recorded in advance. Otherwise, where can I go to find so many soldiers who understand Icelandic, find an ordinary translator, and I will definitely not dare to go to the front in the tank.

After all, throughout World War II, Iceland played the role of soy sauce. Who would learn their language specifically for a country with only 120,000 people?

Icelandic is definitely an unpopular language.

"More than a year ago, the British invaded Iceland flagrantly, hijacked high-ranking officials of the Icelandic government, used Iceland as a forward position against Europe, and brought disaster to Iceland. Let this peaceful and peaceful land be shrouded in war, if Without the garrisons of the United Kingdom and the United States, there would be no today. All of this was caused by the United Kingdom and the United States!"

This sentence is not wrong. If it weren't for the British occupying here and the Americans stationing here, why did Germany come here to fight, and why bother with Iceland?

There are such propaganda vehicles in every street.

"We in Germany came here with peace and sincerity. We don't want war here. As long as the Americans are driven away, we believe that peace will be here, and at the same time, prosperity will be here."

"We will invest here, carry out infrastructure construction, drive the upgrade of Iceland's infrastructure, and also bring a lot of employment opportunities. Iceland will be richer than before, just like Europe now!"

These were previously entered, and the meaning is very simple. Germany will allow Icelanders to earn money, have food to eat, and use infrastructure construction to increase employment and boost economic growth. This is a solution that has been tried and tested in Europe.

Of course it worked when I got it to Iceland.

This set was originally intended to be broadcast when entering Reykjavik, so that the Icelanders would not resist and watch the Germans annihilate the Americans with cold eyes. Now, it happens that the Icelanders are rebelling against the American atrocities, demonstrating and evolving. Become a **** conflict, this time, it is more meaningful.

They suddenly broke out and roared: "Follow Germany and defeat the Americans!"

"Yes, we want work, we want bread!"

Iceland does not have any heavy industry and almost relies on fisheries. Most Icelanders are poor. Now the Germans have promised to increase employment opportunities, which instantly excites them.

Take a look at what the Americans did when occupying here, and what are the benefits to Iceland? Let’s take another look at Germany, who just came here and will help Iceland develop its economy!

On the street, the tank rumblingly moved up, with banners hanging on the side of the tank. It said Long live Iceland, build a beautiful home with Iceland, drive away Americans and so on.

The tank soldiers drove the tank, carefully avoided the Icelanders who were shot by the machine gun, and drove past them. After the tank drove past, a large number of Icelanders followed.

Don't be afraid now. The Americans will fire up their guns and try, and some German tanks will blow them away.

The machine gun position on the opposite side did not fire at all. After seeing the German tank, the squad leader immediately issued an order to retreat.

How do you fire at this time? Let's not talk about how to fight the tanks, as long as they fire, they will be killed by the German tanks, and the rest will be torn to pieces by the angry Icelanders.

They fled back shamefully, and in order to avoid accidental injury, the German tanks did not open fire. They rumbling forward, following the Americans' rout, kept pushing forward.

The same scene is staged in each block. If you look from a distance, you can find German tanks around, with a large number of Icelandic people, squeezing toward the center of the city. In the center of the city, it is the US Garrison Command. , Nearby is the garrison barracks.

"Commander, the Germans rushed in." In the headquarters, an officer hurried in and said to Lieutenant General Alexander.

"The Germans have come in?" Alexander also looked frustrated: "Where are our troops?"

"They can't fire because the Icelanders are with the Germans. If we fire, it will have terrible consequences."

In fact, the fire has been fired, but only in a small area, sporadic gunfire sounded over the city, and most of it was the retreat of American troops.

Up to now, the situation has been very clear. I originally planned to rely on the Icelandic citizens to hold on for a while, but who knows, it was counterproductive.

"The Germans will come to us soon." Major General Sledge said: "Or, give an order."

Major General Sledge is firm, afraid of anything. If the Icelanders are not acquainted, then even they will be beaten.

Of course, Lieutenant General Alexander knew what Major General Sledge meant. If the order was given, then the entire Reykjavik would be bloody, and the American army would eventually die in battle. At the same time, a large number of innocent Icelandic soldiers would be killed. .

There was a sorrowful smile on Alexander's face. This smile was more ugly than crying.

"General, the White House has called, asking us to continue to resist and not compromise with the Germans." An adjutant said.

News from the White House is finally coming. If you just want your side to resist, then you want your side to die?

They are all politicians, and they can only consider issues from a political point of view, so that all the Icelandic defenders died in battle, and their name goes down to history? Bah, why didn't Roosevelt push his wheelchair to die?

Soldiers are not afraid of death, but that means death is meaningful.

"American, get out!"

At this moment, a terrible sound erupted in the Within two hours, the encirclement was reduced to the headquarters and nearby military camps.

A large number of American soldiers were holding guns and looking outside, and less than fifty meters away from them, there were a large number of Icelanders, and behind the Icelanders were German tanks.

Originally the Icelanders were behind the tanks, but watching the Americans keep retreating, they finally became energetic and continued to move forward, passing the German tanks. In order to avoid crushing the Icelanders, the German tanks could only be Behind.

On this day, Icelanders are proud enough. The usually arrogant American occupying forces, like rabbits, are driven to run constantly.

The few backward American soldiers who were surrounded by Icelanders had a tragic end and were beaten to death.

"American, surrender."

The noise outside was higher than the waves. The Americans either died in battle or surrendered. It seemed that there was no other way to go.

"Or, let's surrender." Lieutenant General Alexander said: "At this time, confrontation is meaningless."

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