The Third Reich

Chapter 1483: German arrangement

In ancient times, fighting was quite cruel.

If the siege fails and cannot be defeated, then the offensive commander will make a promise that when the city is captured, he can condone the soldiers to slaughter the city for three days. At this time, the soldiers will suddenly increase their combat effectiveness. Lay down the city.

The day of the massacre is when the soldiers vent. In the past few days, the offensive has caused a lot of losses and the distortion of human nature. You can vent in the city through massacres, looting property, and **** of women. Only through venting will the soldiers return to normal. .

And now, Cyric has also made this promise, anyway, the Turks have always looked upon the Armenians as unpleasant.

During the First World War, they killed 1.5 million Armenians.

And now, Cyric's promise is bloody.

The new order was formulated by Germany. As long as Germany does not speak, the Turks will not be condemned. They will not be condemned when they do it. Soon, there will be no living Armenian in the land of Armenia. The Turks will also obtain a large amount of land and wealth here to make up for the loss of the troops.

Numan finally shut up.

Cyric was satisfied with one of his conditions. If he could not occupy the Baku oil field and kill all the Armenians, it would be a good way.

Weak nations are sad, and if they fail to choose the right object of allegiance, it will be even more sad.

If the Armenians were smart enough to immediately declare their separation from the Soviet Union and embrace Germany when the war came, then Germany could consider leaving them behind, and they, together with the Soviet Red Army, resolutely resisted the Turkish attack.

This made Cyric made up his mind to kill the chicken and show it to the monkey. In this world, it is destined to be the saddest fate against Germany!

Numan stopped talking, and Cyric continued to talk about his arrangements: "In the Soviet Union, there are nearly 20 million Turkish brothers and sisters. If Turkey is willing to continue to attack north, take down Stalin’s home. , You can arrange these Turkish flesh and blood brothers in Georgia."

In the Soviet Union, there are also Turkish-speaking msl. The Anatolians in Turkey, especially the pan-Turkish intellectuals, regard them as brothers and sisters, and they are always planning to make them independent or to form with Turkey. extended family.

Cyric took the initiative to propose that they can be moved to Georgia, just to be next to Turkey!

Numan can't refuse such a condition.

Turkey had fought an Armenian war, and was a little scared. When this battle started, the consumption of soldiers, material consumption, and military expenditures were all quite huge, and Turkey could not support it.

And now, with such excellent conditions, they must overcome all difficulties and continue to fight!

Of course they didn't know that this was actually a pit that Cyric dug for them.

Is Georgia so easy to conquer?

During the Soviet period, many party and government leaders were born in Georgia, including a large number of people including Prince Bagration, a fierce general in the Patriotic War of 1812, Soviet leader Stalin, and Marshal Beria. In the Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, a total of 300,000 Georgian soldiers were killed and 90 Georgian soldiers won the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

However, even Stalin, who was born in Georgia, did not want to emigrate all Georgians all the time, because they were too difficult to control! Even Stalin was incapable.

In later generations, Georgia has frequently attracted the attention of the world. The little Georgia dares to fight Russia. The people here are definitely the best, even surpassing the old Maozi.

If it benefits the Turks, they will follow obediently. Through the war with Georgia, they will consume a large amount of the Turks' military strength and at the same time consume Georgia's strength, saving them trouble.

The trick of borrowing a knife to kill is also fun to play.

After comforting Turkey, Cyric continued to give benefits to other parties. A large number of servant nations have each received their own benefits, and no one dared to raise objections.

The whole meeting was just like a spoil-sharing meeting hosted by Germany.

During the meeting here, the Kiev military parade, Cyrek was shot, has become the headlines of major newspapers, the news is very wicked, Cyrek actually grabbed it with one hand after discovering the bullet hit The bullet!

Yes, Cyric grabbed the bullet, just digging it out of the bulletproof vest. The reporters carefully ignored this step. In their writing, Cyric became the incarnation of God, invulnerable.

Yes, Cyric was sent by God to save this dark world, the light he brought us!

When he got the newspaper, even Goebbels couldn't help but say something, he really can talk!

This is to deify Cyric, but it doesn't seem to be bad. This can increase the admiration of the people and is good for maintaining German rule.

"Damn it, I didn't expect this assassination to fail again." At this time, in a manor in South Africa, the fat Churchill said coldly while smoking a cigar.

Yes, it was Churchill and his party. After they left India helplessly, they did not go to Canada, but to South Africa.

Like Stalin, Churchill is also a strong-willed person. If he goes to the United States, then the entire British Empire will no longer hope to be independent. He must completely rely on the United for the taste of being under the fence, he does not want to To taste.

After looking at the world, in addition to the United States, Canada, he suddenly discovered that South Africa is also good.

There are many white people in South Africa. Although they have merged into Boers over the long years, they are all white people and have a common language. The situation is now clear. Germany will rule the world. Once this happens, South Africa will also It is not immune to being ruled by Germany as an abominable free man.

They reached a deal with South Africa. South Africa supports the British government in exile, while staying in South Africa is also the most secretive. The German intelligence agencies have never found them.

In Central Africa, there is the French government in exile organized by Leclerc, which happens to be one piece, and finally from Africa, relying on the colony, counterattack back!

When it was learned that Cyric was going to Kiev, MI5 carried out the assassination. Their actions were much better than the Soviets, but they still failed in the end!

"General Leclerc, don't act yet. If he attacks aggressively now, he will definitely be crushed by Rommel, and the strength we have accumulated is gone." Churchill said while smoking a cigar.

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