The Third Reich

Chapter 1460: Bomb rain

"Our maritime patrol plane has found the target, and there are about one hundred nautical miles right in front of our route!" Although the reconnaissance plane was found, it completed its mission and passed the target information back. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest novel!

The B-29 bomber flying at high altitude received accurate information. As they expected, the island nation’s aircraft carrier was sailing north of the island. As long as the target was found, it would be easy to attack.

"Attention, attack in order." Major General Ulf shouted over the radio.

Pay attention to the order of attack!

If it is an ordinary bomb, there is no need for any sequence, but for this VB-1 bomb, since there are only five guided channels, if it is thrown too much, it is useless and will interfere. Radio guidance.

The five bombers of the 444th Bombardment Group flew out first, slowed down at the back, and waited for the bombers in front of them to finish throwing bombs before they could follow them and throw new bombs.

Major General Ulf's bomber flew in the front. At this time, in the nose of the nose, bombardier William Omorai concentrated his eyes on the bombing sight.

Their VB-1 bombs are very similar to the Fritz bombs in Germany. They are all guided by radio and operated entirely by humans. Whether they can kill the target depends on the skills of their operators.

At the same time, compared with the German bombs, they are still behind. They can only adjust the azimuth, not the distance!

In other words, the front, back, left, and right movements of the operating lever of the Fritz bomb can only be adjusted left and right. When the bomb falls, it can turn left and right, but it cannot be changed back and forth.

It is named Azon, which means Azon, "AzimuthOnly".

This feature makes it handy for bombing long strips of fixed targets, such as railways and bridges, but it is not easy for warships to bomb the sea.

It was VB-3 that changed everything, and at the same time increased the number of radio channels to 47, so that everyone could bomb together.

At this time, the control of the entire bomber had been handed over to Lieutenant William, and it was all up to him whether he could kill the target.

"Turn left, adjust one degree to the left."

"Stay steady and prepare to enter the bombing route."

When using this kind of bomb to attack the enemy's target, it can only enter directly behind the opponent, so that the bomb can fly along the correct route. At the same time, pray that the opponent's fleet will not accelerate or change its course.

Inside the Norton sight, the vast sea, the fleet is getting closer and closer, and now they are at an altitude of 8,000 meters.

"Attention, the target is found, there is a bomber!" At this time, the pilots of the Zero fighter flying in the sky raised their necks and saw the bombers flying high in the sky. They were not anxious.

"The altitude is over eight thousand, we won't go!" The pilot in the Zero Fighter yelled loudly in a bird-spoken voice, notifying the mothership behind.

Nan Yun Zhongyi looked over from the bridge. At this time, he also saw the bomber formation flying in the air. It was a large bomber, similar to the German Junker-290.

"The Americans are so poor that they actually used this bomber to bomb me. Don't be afraid, speed up, and be ready to escape at any time."

The Germans are leading the development of weapons in this era, and the Germans have made early verification results that when attacking surface ships, dive bombers were the mainstream. At the beginning, almost every battle was led by the roaring Stuka.

Now, the Americans are actually using this large long-range bomber to find trouble for themselves. They want to die and have to dive. If they only bomb on the water surface, the accuracy is almost zero, so don't worry.

At the same time, your own formation speeds up and it will be quite easy to dodge the bomb when the time comes.

The only uncomfortable thing is that they only get beaten and don't fight back. They can't hit that kind of height, but after importing BF109 from Germany, the Americans can't be rampant.

Your own research and development capabilities are really too weak. Up to now, no new fighters have been developed. Now, Zero War is getting weaker and weaker.

The island navy found the bomber flying in, but they had no choice because the altitude was too high for them to reach.

In later generations, the B-29 bombed the island country, which was also easy to do. The people of the island country were only forced to produce anti-sky artillery, and there was no case of war.

"Attention, the bomb is about to be dropped, countdown, ten, nine..." At this moment, William was quite calm, and when he counted to zero, he immediately pressed the bomb button.

The bomb bay door in the belly of the plane opened, and inside, countless bombs rolled out and gathered in the sky, like a group of locusts, rushing towards the island fleet.

Of course it is a group.

A VB-1 bomb weighs only 1,000 pounds and weighs only half a ton, while the B-29's bomb capacity is definitely more than ten tons. In this case, if only one bomb is loaded, it is absolutely a huge waste. And if it is fully loaded, there will not be enough radio channels, so the remaining pylons are loaded with other bombs.

The VB-1 bomb was the last to fall. When it fell, the tracking flash system at the tail began to light up.

This bomb was originally improved from the 1000-pound M-44 bomb. Although it was equipped with a new tail, gyro stabilization system, rudder, etc., when the bomb fell, it was mixed with other bombs. Visible, therefore, there must be a constant flash of light at the tail, just clearly visible from the carrier aircraft.

From this moment, William entered the tense control. His pulse was as high as 140. His eyes were fixed on the sight. There was the flash of his own bomb. His hand kept fine-tuning the joystick, and the bomb was directed towards a ship. Take the aircraft carrier with the big deck and fly away!

Behind this bomber the other four bombers also dropped bombs. Pieces of bomb rain flew towards the target. If the target continues to follow the original route, it will definitely Exactly cover to empty!

This is simply carpet bombing!

If it is to bomb a fixed target, this method has a huge damage ability, but now, on the surface of the sea, it is a mobile warship!

"Attention, the entire fleet immediately becomes full rudder!" Nan Yunzhong shouted.

At this time, the battleships had reached their maximum speed. The chimney on the top emitted billowing black smoke, the bow split the waves, and the propellers at the tail stirred the sea and made a rustling sound.

Suddenly, all the warships and their hulls were tilted to the right side together. When a full right rudder came at full speed, the body could definitely fly up. Now, the tilt angle of the warship is sufficient. Thirty degrees!

Especially for aircraft carriers, seeing the deck tilting, the effect is very exaggerated. Fortunately, the navy soldiers are well-trained. They have long been used to this kind of action. Disdain.

If you want to use dense bombs to blow up high-speed warships, the Americans' minds are definitely pretty funny, right?

For skilled soldiers, almost all of the flying bombs can be seen with the naked eye, but there are also sharp-eyed people who have discovered something.

Behind the bomb rain, there seemed to be a handful of bombs, which actually changed direction in the sky, and followed the direction of the fleet!

Suddenly, the flexible mind remembered something. It is said that the Germans are equipped with guided bombs. It seems that the Americans also have such things in their arsenal!

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