The Third Reich

Chapter 1419: Incredible turn

The torpedo was discovered just like that, and the bubbles that popped up were rushing towards one's own side at a very high speed, and it was so fast that everyone was overwhelmed.

Just as the sailor below reported, Otto had also caught it with a telescope on the bridge. When he saw the bubbles floating on the water, his brain was running at high speed, in less than a second. In the clock's time, he came to his own judgment.

The opponent's shooting is quite accurate. If you maintain the current course and speed, your aircraft carrier will definitely be hit!

"Quick, Zuo Man Ruo!" Otto gave another order, an order that ruined countless people.

The order was issued too quickly. Under the stimulation of the torpedo, they had no time to react. The helmsman had already placed his hand on the steering gear and turned it three times in accordance with the command.

The hull began to pry up. At this time, the sailors on the deck had nothing to grasp. There was a thin layer of ice under their feet. After the deck tilted, their bodies fell down in an instant. Up.

Fortunately, Zuo Man Ruo.

The sailors all watched from the starboard side. Now the starboard side is high and the port side is low, so instead of sliding to the sea, they slid to the middle of the deck and slid to the left!

However, there is another carrier-based bomber taking off!

Takeoff is actually a matter of ten seconds. If it is a catapult takeoff, it can even be completed in a few seconds. Taking off on a small aircraft carrier deck is definitely the crystallization of courage and technology.

Now, at the moment Oaks took off in a hurry, when his plane flew to the middle of the deck, he saw countless sailors rolling over, and at the same time, his plane began to tilt.

Suddenly, he secretly yelled in his heart that it was the most dangerous when he took off, and now, on his take-off line, there were countless obstacles!

It is impossible to stop, the only way is to pull it up! Moreover, the deck of the aircraft carrier below is also tilted. If you don't fly, you might be thrown into the sea, just like an airplane that has just full deck!

Thinking of this, Oaks no longer cared about looking down at the speed. He could only pull the joystick back vigorously, hoping that his plane could fly!

The wheels remained motionless, and after continuing to fly a few meters forward, the front landing gear pulled up and left the deck!

A sailor just rolled down here. He almost felt the wheel rubbing his body and leaving. He could only hold his head, hoping that his body would not be damaged by the plane.

Fortunately, the plane was pulled up, and as long as it flew half a meter high, it would be able to get away from all the rolling people on the deck.

Oakes just relaxed a bit, and suddenly he realized something was wrong.

Oops, the plane is tilting to the left involuntarily!

For the propeller aircraft, the operation is very cumbersome, especially during the take-off and landing phase.

After playing the flight simulation, if the simulation is fully open, you can deeply feel the problem of the reverse torque of the propeller.

Generally speaking, the propellers are all right-handed and the motion is relative. Therefore, the propeller airplanes are subject to the reverse moment of left-turning.

When the speed is fast, the lift and gravity of the aircraft have an absolute advantage. You don't need to consider it at this time, but you must be extra careful when taking off and landing.

The plane will roll unbelievably. At this time, the pilot needs to adjust it himself!

Why is it incredible? Because if you only consider the problem of the propeller, the airplane should turn left. The pilot can overcome it by pressing the control stick to the right when taking off.

However, the airflow is changing. When the airflow circles the fuselage and flies all the way to the back, it may bring a reverse torque to the tail. Therefore, it is reflected that sometimes it will turn left, and sometimes it will Turn right.

Inexperienced pilots simply cannot cope with this problem.

Now, Oaks discovered that his bomber was turning to the left suddenly and involuntarily, he hurriedly pushed the lever, trying to balance this moment, but at this moment, suddenly, the tail was induced by the airflow on the deck and produced a strong reverse. Moment.

The plane turned to the right, there was no time to react, and it fell down all at once!

The one-meter-high bomber just pulled up, thumped, and fell again!

If it hadn’t been forcibly pulled up, he would have been able to control it. If it hadn’t been for the sudden inclination of the deck that caused the turbulence of the airflow on the deck, he would be able to cope with it. However, there are not so many if, in short, after the bomber flew up, Fell down.

Should it be okay if it falls over a meter?

If the posture is correct and the landing gear touches the ground again, it shouldn't be a big deal, but now, the nose touches the ground first.

The propeller in front of the nose first touched the wooden deck. At this time, a few unlucky people rolled over to the deck. When the metal propeller rotated past, the deck was blood-red, even on the windshield of the cockpit. Countless red things splashed up, and there was a long section, like intestines.

In the cabin, Oaks didn't have time to appreciate all this, for him, his life had entered the countdown, including the people in the cockpit behind him.

None of the bombers were single-player, and there was a tail gunner behind his cockpit.

"Boom!" The nose of the aircraft slid on the deck for a few meters. After opening a **** path, it finally made close contact with the deck. At the moment of contact, a huge flame of fire emerged from the R-1820-52 engine and the engine caught fire. Up!

The fire spread quickly, and Oaks didn't have time to leave his cab.

At the same time the fire also ignited several bombs carried on the belly of the plane. In an instant, the entire deck was burning!

For the aircraft carrier, the operation is very strict. When an accident occurs on the aircraft carrier's deck, it is quite terrible.

Just a big fire on the deck and improper operation may bring the entire aircraft carrier into hell, and now, let alone the roaring Arctic sea breeze, the fire spread immediately.

"Did off!" On the bridge, Ralph looked at the trajectory of bubbles on the surface of the sea and swept across from his side, successfully dodge the torpedo!

At this time, the hull was already balanced, and only at this time did he notice the fire spreading on the deck.

too frightening!

"Quick, put out the fire immediately!" Ralph shouted loudly, "Damage the pipe, what about the damage?"

"Boom!" At this moment, a terrible explosion sounded from the bottom of the aircraft carrier. After they avoided the first oxygen torpedo, they were hit by the second electric torpedo!

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